Virtual Workshop on Semantics in Geospatial and Other Architectures: Design and Implementation - Tue 2013-05-07 (3QY4)
This is a virtual workshop organized under an NSF INTEROP Grant by the Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) (3QY5)
Session Topic: Semantics in Geospatial and Other Architectures: Design and Implementation (3QY6)
Abstract: This is a virtual workshop focused on the design, use, and software development of semantic technology in geospatial and other architectures. Semantic technology can encompass ontologies, repositories, mappings, reasoners, and other components as well as linked data. A purpose of the workshop is to identify current systems using semantic technologies, learn why semantics were needed, describe and analyze how those systems are built (i.e., what technologies are being used both conceptually and in software development), identify commonalities in concept and software to possibly develop re-usable software templates, and identify unmet needs for future architectures, both for functionality and then software. The use of semantics can be for searching, data integration, question answering, or other needs, considering both research and implementation. One of the purposes is to gain examples of how to include semantic technology in, for example, geospatial portals, statewide information systems, spatial data infrastructures (e.g., NSDIs) database systems, and so on. Because the use of semantics in the geospatial area is still relatively new, other domains and applications are of interest. (3R01)
Panelists / Briefings: (approximate times) (3QY8)
Session Chair: Dr. NancyWiegand (U of Wisconsin, Madison) - 12:30 Eastern time slides (3QY7)
- 12:40 DouglasFils (Ocean Leadership) - "Data Discovery and Integration An exploration of concepts for IODP" slides (3QY9)
- 1:00 DamianGessler (iPlant Collaborative) - "Semantics for Cyberinfrastructure: The iPlant Collaboratives Semantic Web Platform" slides (3QYA)
- 1:20 DaveKolas (Raytheon BBN Technologies) - "Getting Started with GeoSPARQL" slides (3QYB)
- 1:40 VeronikaMegler (Portland State University) - "The Problem of Semantics in the Metadata Mess" slides (3S1F)
- 2:00 NaicongLi and PhilipMurphy (Redlands Institute & SDS Consortium) - "An Ontology-Driven Web Portal for Spatial Decision Support" slides (3RRJ)
- 2:20 break (3RT7)
- 2:30 WenwenLi (Arizona State University) - "Knowledge Mining for Intelligent Geospatial Data Discovery" slides (3RRK)
- 2:50 ToddPehle (Orbis Technologies) - "Data and Service Discovery in Linked SDI and Linked VGI" slides (3RRL)
- 3:10 ChaoweiYang (George Mason University) - "Using Semantic Web to Optimize the Discovery, Access, and Utilization of Big Geospatial Data" slides (3RRM)
- 3:30 further comments or questions (3S1G)
- (3S1H)
- Thank you to GaryBergCross for helping with this workshop and to PeterYim for hosting. (3S0W)
- Prepared presentation material (slides) for each speaker by clicking on the "slides" link associated with each presenation above : (3QYG)
- transcript of the online chat during the session (3QYI)
- Audio recording of the session ... [ 3:04:04 ; mp3 ; 21.07 MB ] (3QYJ)
- its best that you listen to the session while having the respective presentations (linked above) opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker. (3QYK)
- Additional Resources (3QYL)
Abstract: (3QZZ)
Virtual Workshop on Semantics in Geospatial and Other Architectures: Design and Implementation - [ intro slides] (3R00)
This is a virtual workshop focused on the design, use, and software development of semantic technology in various geospatial architectures. One of the purposes is to gain examples of how to include semantic technology in, for example, geospatial portals, statewide information systems, spatial data infrastructures (e.g., NSDIs) database systems, etc. Because the use of semantics in the geospatial area is still relatively new, other domains and applications are also of interest. Semantic technology can encompass ontologies, repositories, mappings, reasoners, and other components as well as linked data. (3R01)
In particular, the purpose of the workshop is to identify current systems using semantic technologies, learn why semantics were needed, describe and analyze how those systems are built (i.e., what technologies are being used both conceptually and in software development), identify commonalities in concept and software to possibly develop re-usable software templates, and identify unmet needs for future architectures, both for functionality and then software. The use of semantics can be for searching, data integration, question answering, or other needs, considering both research and implementation. (3R02)
This virtual workshop may lead to a 2 day in-person workshop in the fall, with possible publication opportunities. (3R03)
Proceedings: (3R0K)
Please refer to the above (3R0L)
IM Chat Transcript captured during the session: (3R0M)
see raw transcript here. (3R0N)
(for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (3R0O)
-- begin in-session chat-transcript -- (3R0P)
------- Chat transcript from room: socop_20130507 2013-05-07 GMT-08:00 [PDT] ------- (3S3L)
[9:09] PeterYim: This is the chat-workspace for the ... (3S3M)
= virtual workshop on semantics in geospatial and other architectures: design and implementation = (3S3N)
Date / Time: Tue 2013-05-07 ; 3-Hr session, starting 12:30pm EDT / 9:30am PDT / 16:30 UTC (3S3O)
Session Chair: Dr. NancyWiegand (U of Wisconsin, Madison) (3S3P)
Agenda: [pm EDT] (3S3Q)
* 12:30 NancyWiegand (U of Wisconsin, Madison) - Chair: Opening (3S3R)
* 12:40 DouglasFils (Ocean Leadership) - "Data Discovery and Integration An exploration of concepts for IODP" (3S3S)
* 1:00 DamianGessler (iPlant Collaborative) - "Semantics for Cyberinfrastructure: The iPlant Collaboratives Semantic Web Platform" (3S3T)
* 1:20 DaveKolas (Raytheon BBN Technologies) - "Getting Started with GeoSPARQL" (3S3U)
* 1:40 VeronikaMegler (Portland State University) - "The Problem of Semantics in the Metadata Mess" (3S3V)
* 2:00 NaicongLi and PhilipMurphy (Redlands Institute & SDS Consortium) - "An Ontology-Driven Web Portal for Spatial Decision Support" (3S3W)
* 2:20 break (3S3X)
* 2:30 WenwenLi (Arizona State University) - "Knowledge Mining for Intelligent Geospatial Data Discovery" (3S3Y)
* 2:50 ToddPehle (Orbis Technologies) - "Data and Service Discovery in Linked SDI and Linked VGI" (3S3Z)
* 3:10 ChaoweiYang (George Mason University) - "Using Semantic Web to Optimize the Discovery, Access, and Utilization of Big Geospatial Data" (3S40)
* 3:30 further comments or questions (3S41)
Logistics: (3S42)
* Refer to details on session page at: (3S43)
* (if you haven't already done so) please click on "settings" (top center) and morph from "anonymous" to your RealName (in WikiWord format) (3S44)
* Mute control: *7 to un-mute ... *6 to mute (3S45)
* Can't find Skype Dial pad? ** for Windows Skype users: it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" ** for Linux Skype users: please note that the dial-pad is only available on v4.1 or later (or the earlier Skype versions 2.x,) if the dialpad button is not shown in the call window you need to press the "d" hotkey to enable it. (3S46)
Attendees: NancyWiegand (chair), AlberSanchez, AlexMirzaoff, AlexShkotin, AnneThessen, DaliaVaranka, DamianGessler, DanCerys, DaveKolas, DouglasFils, FranLightsom, FrancescaQuattri, GaryBergCross, JimJacobs, JimKirby, JoelBender, JohnGraybeal, MarshallXMa, MikeDean, NaicongLi, NaijunZhou, NicholasDelRio, OlaAhlqvist, PatrickWest, PaulKoch, PeterYim, PhilipMurphy, RalphGrove, RobertRovetto, TalesPaivaNogueira, ToddPehle, TomTinsley, VeronikaMegler, WenwenLi, ... WilliamMiller, DouglasNebert, SergeyKrikov, SongGao, AhmadAssaf, BernardValentin, DavidGovoni, ... (3S47)
== proceedings: == (3S48)
[8:55] anonymous morphed into NaijunZhou (3S49)
[9:15] anonymous morphed into DouglasFils (3S4A)
[9:23] anonymous morphed into NaicongLi (3S4B)
[9:26] anonymous morphed into VeronikaMegler (3S4C)
[9:26] anonymous morphed into DamianGessler (3S4D)
[9:28] anonymous morphed into AnneThessen (3S4E)
[9:28] anonymous2 morphed into PhilipMurphy (3S4F)
[9:28] anonymous morphed into NancyWiegand (3S4G)
[9:29] anonymous morphed into JimJacobs (3S4H)
[9:29] anonymous2 morphed into WenwenLi (3S4I)
[9:30] anonymous morphed into RalphGrove (3S4J)
[9:30] anonymous2 morphed into OlaAhlqvist (3S4K)
[9:33] anonymous2 morphed into AlexShkotin (3S4L)
[9:35] anonymous2 morphed into PatrickWest (3S4M)
[9:35] anonymous2 morphed into DaveKolas (3S4N)
[9:36] anonymous2 morphed into MarshallXMa (3S4O)
[9:37] anonymous4 morphed into WenwenLi (3S4P)
[9:29] GaryBergCross: Hello all. (3S4Q)
[9:36] AnneThessen: Hello everyone! (3S4R)
[9:37] GaryBergCross: I guess all but Chaowei and Todd are on the call so far...unless they are anon (3S4S)
[9:37] PeterYim: == NancyWiegand opens the session ... (3S4T)
[9:38] anonymous7 morphed into NicholasDelRio (3S4U)
[9:38] anonymous5 morphed into RobertRovetto (3S4V)
[9:39] anonymous1 morphed into JohnGraybeal (3S4W)
[9:39] GaryBergCross: The slide has Veronika as last speaker but she will be speaking at 1:40. There are new slides on the site. (3S4X)
[9:41] anonymous1 morphed into AlberSanchez (3S4Y)
[9:42] anonymous1 morphed into anonymous123 (3S4Z)
[9:46] anonymous1 morphed into TalesPaivaNogueira (3S50)
[9:42] JohnGraybeal: skype isn't actually connecting me to the conference... (3S51)
[9:44] JohnGraybeal: yeah, the joinconference on skype is a fail for me, will see if I can make something else work. Sorry! (3S52)
[9:46] PeterYim: @John - try using your phone or skype-out and call (206) 402-0100 ... PIN=141184# (3S53)
[9:51] GaryBergCross: @johnG did you toggle in the PIN on Skype??? (3S54)
[9:42] List of members: AlberSanchez, AlexShkotin, Anne Thessen, anonymous, anonymous123, DaliaVaranka, DamianGessler, Dave Kolas, Douglas Fils, Fran Lightsom, Gary Berg-Cross, Jim Jacobs, Jim Kirby, JoelBender, JohnGraybeal, Marshall X Ma, MikeDean, Naicong Li, Naijun Zhou, NancyWiegand, Nick Del Rio, OlaAhlqvist, Patrick West, PeterYim, Philip Murphy, Ralph Grove, RobRovetto, TomTinsley, Veronika Megler, vnc2, Wenwen Li (3S55)
[9:50] GaryBergCross: 30 people on the Chat... (3S56)
[9:58] GaryBergCross: Schedule 1:00 Damian Gessler, iPlant Collaborative 1:20 DaveKolas, Raytheon BBN Technologies 1:40 VeronikaMegler, Portland State University 2:00 NaicongLi, Redlands Institute 2:20 BREAK 2:30 WenwenLi, Arizona State University 2:50 ToddPehle, Orbis Technologies 3:10 Chaowei (Phil) Yang, George Mason University 3:30 Any further questions (3S57)
[9:42] PeterYim: == DouglasFils presenting now ... (3S58)
[10:00] GaryBergCross: Good architecture representation in slide 11 (3S59)
[10:07] MarshallXMa: @DouglasFils: Can you list a few example vocabularies used in your works. You mentioned vocabularies are important on slides 4 and 10 of your presentation. thx. (3S5A)
[10:20] DouglasFils: @MarshallXMa: I am working to get our current vocabularies update into the web service.. some of the older versions are at We will try and use the w3c patterns for sharing the current vocabularies soon.. (3S5B)
[10:21] DouglasFils: these are just simple SKOS files.. we would really like to leverage off NERC (3S5C)
[10:43] MarshallXMa: @DouglasFils: Thanks. (3S5D)
[10:02] PeterYim: == DamianGessler presenting ... (3S5E)
[10:13] anonymous1 morphed into DanCerys (3S5F)
[10:21] PeterYim: @DamianGessler - does enabling a site to serve the data need to be done on the server side by the website provider, or will an enabled client be able to do it on any website? (3S5G)
[10:22] PeterYim: if the former, do you have a list of your "partners"? (3S5H)
[10:25] DamianGessler: @PeterYim - data providers host a SSWAP OWL RDF/XML graph for each service they offer. This "graph" describes their service semantically, allowing for discovery and (automated) engagement. (3S5I)
[10:29] PeterYim: @DamianGessler - since your technology is quite domain independent, do you have plans to apply that to other domains beyond "plants" (if so, what domains are being worked on or considered? (3S5J)
[10:32] DamianGessler: @PeterYim - geo would be natural (esp. because the of the scientific overlap between bio/geo/plant research). But no firm plans yet; open to follow-up. You are correct that the core technology is domain independent. (3S5K)
[10:33] PeterYim: Thank you, Damian (3S5L)
[10:22] anonymous2 morphed into PaulKoch (3S5M)
[10:23] anonymous1 morphed into ToddPehle (3S5N)
[10:23] PeterYim: == DaveKolas presenting ... (3S5O)
[10:38] FranLightsom: Can anybody else hear? (3S5P)
[10:39] PeterYim: @Fran - yes, I can still hear DaveKolas speaking (3S5Q)
[10:41] anonymous1 morphed into FrancescaQuattri (3S5R)
[10:42] FranLightsom: Thanks. I needed to redial. (3S5S)
[10:45] DaveKolas: Sorry, apparently my sickness resulted in me talking more slowly than usual. Please let me know if you have any questions about GeoSPARQL. (3S5T)
[10:47] JohnGraybeal: @Dave: It was a very nicely put together summary of the technology, very neat to follow. What are the implications on the inference engine of having to satisfy geospatial relation queries? (How many support it, are they very much optimized (yet)?) (3S5U)
[10:50] DaveKolas: The implementations that exist so far use geospatial indices to improve the processing of the queries, much like rdbms with geospatial extensions (3S5V)
[10:50] DaveKolas: So query planning gets a little bit more complicated (3S5W)
[10:51] DaveKolas: There are currently 3 implementations of which I am aware (Oracle, Parliament, and Strabon) (3S5X)
[10:52] DaveKolas: Our hope is that other triple store vendors who currently have some proprietary spatial extensions (ex, Virtuoso) will eventually support GeoSPARQL (3S5Y)
[10:45] PeterYim: == VeronikaMegler presenting ... (3S5Z)
[10:53] anonymous1 morphed into AlexMirzaoff (3S60)
[11:07] PeterYim: == NaicongLi presenting ... (3S61)
[11:13] PeterYim: relay an anonymous post - URL to SDS Portal (3S62)
[11:17] GaryBergCross: Break coming up after Naicong (3S63)
[11:17] PeterYim: @NaicongLi & PhilipMurphy - for the "collected" tools and models, are you working with those from your collaborators/partners or are they "discovered" from publications and the web? (3S64)
[12:37] NaicongLi: Peter -- I just saw your question earlier - "for the "collected" tools and models, are you working with your collaborators/partners or are they "discovered" from publications and the web?" The answer is "both". (3S65)
[11:21] GaryBergCross: Naicong's updated slides are on the Wiki (with "export" properly labeled now on slide#15). (3S66)
[11:24] PeterYim: @PhilipMurphy - possible typo on your email address on slide#28 (3S67)
[11:35] PhilipMurphy: Peter well spotted! -- should be (3S68)
[11:36] PeterYim: @Philip ... you might want to send an update of the slides to Gary so he can swap it in for the archives (3S69)
[12:04] GaryBergCross: Updated slides for NaicongLi linked to the wiki session page now. (3S6A)
[11:31] PeterYim: == [2:31pm EDT] NancyWiegand: we are having break now; resuming in 1 min. ... (3S6B)
[11:35] PeterYim: == WenwenLi presenting ... (3S6C)
[11:41] GaryBergCross: @WenwenLi - the attribute level looks like a values level. (3S6D)
[11:52] anonymous2 morphed into Alex (3S6E)
[11:54] PeterYim: == ToddPehle presenting ... (3S6F)
[12:10] GaryBergCross: @Todd - Is subset the right way to partition some space? (3S6G)
[12:21] ToddPehle: Hi Gary, VoID subsets are generic ways to partition a dataset (not so much a space); One obvious use for this is finding the download URL of an RDF file by "Country" (say in Geonames dataset) (3S6H)
[12:22] ToddPehle: You could also specify these feature types have data in that particular "Country" (3S6I)
[12:15] GaryBergCross: @Dave @Todd You 2 need to have a Hackathon on these ideas.. (3S6J)
[12:17] DaveKolas: @Todd... can you repeat the question you asked about representing CRS's in RDF? (3S6K)
[12:24] ToddPehle: Dave, I wanted to use geosparql:asWKT to describe BBOX; as I understand it, CRS is specified inside the geometry this correct? I was hoping I could directly assert CRS in RDF with geosparql vocab. (3S6L)
[12:25] DaveKolas: The CRS only lives in the literal in GeoSPARQL, but you could potentially reference its uri with a different property... I'm not sure what you mean about using asWKT to describe BBOX? Do you mean an instance of a bounding box, or the concept of bounding boxes? (3S6M)
[12:29] ToddPehle: @Dave Ok. Will check out the CRS URI...I was referencing an instance of a bounding box (encoded as wkt). (3S6N)
[12:31] DaveKolas: So wouldn't a bounding box representation require a crs, and go in there in the normal way? (3S6O)
[12:32] DaveKolas: Why do you want it *not* in the literal? (3S6P)
[12:32] ToddPehle: Sorry, should have explained better. I was looking for a way to ask "What feature types are in dataset ABC that use EPSG:4326?". (3S6Q)
[12:32] DaveKolas: Ah! (3S6R)
[12:32] ToddPehle: ...without having to scan every WKT literal to detect. (3S6S)
[12:33] DaveKolas: Got it. If there isn't one already, there should be a filter function for getting the crs out of a literal (3S6T)
[12:33] DaveKolas: and that could be optimized on the kb side (3S6U)
[12:34] ToddPehle: Great. Thanks! (3S6V)
[12:24] PeterYim: == ChaoweiYang (Phil) presenting ... (3S6W)
[12:25] GaryBergCross: Should slides be advancing? (3S6X)
[12:29] PeterYim: @Phil - ref. your slide#7 ... are your planning to stand up your own ontology repository; if not, what/who are the ontology repository people you are planning to work with? (3S6Y)
[12:43] PeterYim: @Chaowei - please look at what we are doing in the OOR Initiative - see: ... and in particular the SOCoP instance at: (3S6Z)
[12:39] GaryBergCross: @Chaowei This use of social science methods for developing ontologies / ODPs is a good topic for a future SOCoP workshop. (3S70)
[12:40] PeterYim: == NancyWiegand: open Q&A ... (3S71)
[12:36] GaryBergCross: BTW Follow on questions and discussion is possible later using the SOCoP Forum (3S72)
[12:38] GaryBergCross: Any thoughts out there on the value and interest in a workshop on this in the Fall? Who would be interested in coming? (3S73)
[12:43] JimJacobs: Many thanks to all the speakers and organizers. Cheers! (3S74)
[12:47] GaryBergCross: @Jim - One step in that direction is the deepening modeling of Roles which are social in nature... NicolaGuarino is one source of these ideas.. (3S75)
[12:48] PeterYim: == NancyWiegand: -- session adjourned - 3:47 pm EDT -- (3S76)
-- end of in-session chat-transcript -- (3R0Q)
- Further Question & Remarks - If you would like to be on the Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) listserve, please contact Gary Berg-Cross, <gbergcross AT> or go to (3R17)
Additional Resources: (3R0W)
- Homepage of SOCoP - (3R0X)
For the record ... (3R10)
How To Join (while the session is in progress) (3R11)
- 1. Dial in with a phone or from skype: (3R12)
- 2. Open chat-workspace in a new browser window: (3R13)
- 3. Download presentations for each speaker by clicking on the "slides" link associated with each presenation under: (3R14)
- or, 3.1 optionally, access our shared-screen vnc server, if you are not behind a corporate firewall (3R15)
Conference Call Details (3QYM)
- Date: Tuesday, 7-May-2013 (3QYN)
- Start Time: 9:30am PDT / 12:30pm EDT / 16:30 UTC (3QYO)
- ref: World Clock (3QYP)
- Expected Call Duration: 3.0 hours (3QYQ)
- Dial-in: (3QYR)
- Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... (long distance cost may apply) (3QYS)
- Skype: joinconference (i.e. make a skype call to the contact with skypeID="joinconference") ... (generally free-of-charge, when connecting from your computer ... ref.) (3QYV)
- when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# (3QYW)
- Unfamiliar with how to do this on Skype? ... (3QYX)
- Add the contact "joinconference" to your skype contact list first. To participate in the teleconference, make a skype call to "joinconference", then open the dial pad (see platform-specific instructions below) and enter the Conference ID: 141184# when prompted. (3QYY)
- Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... (3QYZ)
- for Windows Skype users: Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" (3QZ0)
- for Linux Skype users: please note that the dial-pad is only available on v4.1 (or later; or on the earlier Skype versions 2.x,) if the dialpad button is not shown in the call window you need to press the "d" hotkey to enable it. ... (ref.) (3QZ1)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at: (3QZ2)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (3QZ3)
- if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts. (3QZ4)
- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides above (where applicable) and running them locally. The speaker(s) will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. (3QZ5)
- In-session chat-room url: (3QZ6)
- instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field from "anonymous" to your real name, like "JaneDoe"). (3QZ7)
- You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen. (3QZ8)
- thanks to the folks, one can now use a jabber/xmpp client (e.g. gtalk) to join this chatroom. Just add the room as a buddy - (in our case here) ... Handy for mobile devices! (3QZ9)
- Discussions and Q & A: (3QZA)
- Nominally, when a presentation is in progress, the moderator will mute everyone, except for the speaker. (3QZB)
- To un-mute, press "*7" ... To mute, press "*6" (please mute your phone, especially if you are in a noisy surrounding, or if you are introducing noise, echoes, etc. into the conference line.) (3QZC)
- Questions can be asked after each presentation with further discussion possible after all presentations are through. You are encouraged to jot down questions onto the chat-area (that way, they get documented; and you might even get some answers in the interim, through the chat.) (3QZD)
- During the Q&A / discussion segment (when everyone is muted), If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please raise your hand (virtually) by clicking on the "hand button" (lower right) on the chat session page. You may speak when acknowledged by the session moderator (again, press "*7" on your phone to un-mute). Test your voice and introduce yourself first before proceeding with your remarks, please. (Please remember to click on the "hand button" again (to lower your hand) and press "*6" on your phone to mute yourself after you are done speaking.) (3QZE)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (3QZF)
- RSVP appreciated, Nancy Wiegand, wiegand AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu , ... or simply add yourself to the "Expected Attendee" list below (if you are a member of the community already.) (3QZG)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: (3QZH)
- Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (3QZI)
Attendees (3QZJ)
- Attended: (3QZK)
- NancyWiegand (chair) (3QZN)
- DouglasFils (3RM4)
- DamianGessler (3QZQ)
- DaveKolas (3RM6)
- VeronikaMegler (3RTA)
- NaicongLi (3QZU)
- PhilipMurphy (3R7Y)
- WenwenLi (3RM3)
- ToddPehle (3RM5)
- ChaoweiYang (PhilYang) (3QZO)
- GaryBergCross (3QZR)
- PeterYim (3QZT)
- AlberSanchez (3S31)
- AlexMirzaoff (3S32)
- AlexShkotin (3S17)
- AnneThessen (3RM7)
- DaliaVaranka (3S33)
- DanCerys (3S34)
- FranLightsom (3S12)
- FrancescaQuattri (3S24)
- JimJacobs (3S23)
- JimKirby (3S16)
- JoelBender (3S35)
- JohnGraybeal (3S1T)
- MarshallXMa (3S36)
- MikeDean (3R16)
- NaijunZhou (3S37)
- NicholasDelRio (3S38)
- OlaAhlqvist (3RM2)
- PatrickWest (3S39)
- PaulKoch (3S3A)
- RalphGrove (3S3B)
- RobertRovetto (3QZV)
- TalesPaivaNogueira (3S3C)
- TomTinsley (3S3D)
- WilliamMiller (3S3E)
- DouglasNebert (3S3F)
- SergeyKrikov (3S3G)
- SongGao (3S3H)
- AhmadAssaf (3S3I)
- BernardValentin (3S3J)
- DavidGovoni (3S1X)
- ... (3QZL)
- Regrets: (3QZX)