OGC notes that the purpose of the proposed GeoSPARQL document is to define a spatial extension to the SPARQL query language for geographic information as defined in OGC. A Special Work Group (SWG) has been set up to coordinate the effort.    (2F2L)

The preliminary work on the candidate standrd has been completed and reported to SOCoP by oracle's Xavier Lopez (slide set called GeoSPARQL - A geographic query language for RDF data). Relevant material can be see in "Linked data query and GeoSPARQL RFC" presented by Xavier Lopez at the 2010 OGC Geosemantics Summit (availavble to people who register with the OGC site). http://www.ogcnetwork.net/system/files/Spatial_SPARQL_Lopez.pdf    (2F2M)

The SWG hopes to "approve a 30 day Request for Comment for the candiadte standard to the OGC Technical Committee and to the public. The resulting comments will guide the GeoSPARQL SWG in the finalization of the implementation standrrd, hopefully to be ready for a final standardization vote by OGC before the end of 2010."    (2F2N)