OntologySummit2013: Panel Session-11 - Thu 2013-03-28    (3NX1)

Summit Theme: "Ontology Evaluation Across the Ontology Lifecycle"    (3O8B)

Summit Track Title: Hackathon-Clinics Activities    (3NX2)

Session Topic: The OntologySummit2013 Hackathon & Clinics Program Launch    (3O8I)

Session Co-chairs: Mr. MikeDean (Raytheon-BBN), Professor KenBaclawski (Northeastern U) and Mr. PeterYim (CIM3; Ontolog) - intro slides    (3NX3)

Panelists / Briefings:    (3PIY)

Archives:    (3PJ8)

Abstract:    (3PLE)

OntologySummit2013 Session-11: "The OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics Launch" - intro slides . process & schedule    (3PLF)

This is our 8th Ontology Summit, a joint initiative by NIST, Ontolog, NCOR, NCBO, IAOA & NCO_NITRD with the support of our co-sponsors. The theme adopted for this Ontology Summit is: "Ontology Evaluation Across the Ontology Lifecycle."    (3PLG)

Currently, there is no agreed methodology for development of ontologies, and there are no universally agreed metrics for ontology evaluation. At the same time, everybody agrees that there are a lot of badly engineered ontologies out there, thus people use -- at least implicitly -- some criteria for the evaluation of ontologies.    (3PLH)

During this OntologySummit, we seek to identify best practices for ontology development and evaluation. We will consider the entire lifecycle of an ontology -- from requirements gathering and analysis, through to design and implementation. In this endeavor, the Summit will seek collaboration with the software engineering and knowledge acquisition communities. Research in these fields has led to several mature models for the software lifecycle and the design of knowledge-based systems, and we expect that fruitful interaction among all participants will lead to a consensus for a methodology within ontological engineering. Following earlier Ontology Summit practice, the synthesized results of this season's discourse will be published as a Communique.    (3PLI)

At the Launch Event on 17 Jan 2013, the organizing team provided an overview of the program, and how we will be framing the discourse around the theme of of this OntologySummit. Today's session is one of the events planned.    (3PLJ)

In this 11th virtual panel session of the Summit, we are launching the OntologySummit2013 Hackathon & Clinics program, a series of activities that will take place over the 3 coming weekends. Seven (7) Hackathon-Clinics projects with particular relevance to the OntologySummit and/or this year's "Ontology Evaluation" theme were identified from among the proposals received, and will be featured virtually on Mar-30, Apr-6 and Apr-13. During this session, we will hear about this Hackathon-Clinics; its objectives, what each featured project will entail, the calendar, schedule, process, facilities and expert consultation support and other relevant details.    (3PLK)

Besides the collaborators who have signed up to participate in these projects, the program is open to all who are interested. Drop-in participants are welcome to participate or observe as these Hackathon-Clinics projects take place. Find out the details today, and come join us when these projects are featured!    (3PLL)

More details about this OntologySummit is available at: OntologySummit2013 (homepage for this summit)    (3PLM)

Agenda:    (3PLN)

OntologySummit2013 Session-11: "The OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics Launch"    (3PLO)

Proceedings:    (3PLV)

Please refer to the above    (3PLW)

IM Chat Transcript captured during the session:    (3PLX)

 see raw transcript here.    (3PLY)
 (for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.)
 Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit.    (3PLZ)
 -- begin in-session chat-transcript --    (3PM0)
	Chat transcript from room: summit_20130328
	2013-03-28 GMT-08:00 [PDT]
	------    (3PTH)
	[9:17] PeterYim: Welcome to the    (3PTI)
	 = OntologySummit2013: Virtual Panel Session-11 - Thu 2013-03-28 =    (3PTJ)
	Summit Theme: Ontology Evaluation Across the Ontology Lifecycle    (3PTK)
	* Summit "Track": Hackathon-Clinics Activities    (3PTL)
	Session Topic: The OntologySummit2013 Hackathon & Clinics Launch    (3PTM)
	* Session Co-chairs: Mr. MikeDean (Raytheon-BBN), Professor KenBaclawski (Northeastern U) and Mr. PeterYim (CIM3; Ontolog)    (3PTN)
	Panelists / Briefings:    (3PTO)
	* Dr. AmandaVizedom (Ind. Consultant)
	 - "HC-05. Hackathon: Ontology of Ontology Evaluation"    (3PTP)
	* Mr. VictorAgroskin / Mr. AnatolyLevenchuk (TechInvestLab)
	 - "HC-06. ISO 15926 Reference Data Validation"    (3PTQ)
	* Professor JoanneLuciano (RPI-TWC)
	 - "HC-02. The General Ontology Evaluation Framework (GOEF) & the I-Choose Use Case"    (3PTR)
	* Dr. MarcelaVegetti (INGAR, Argentina) / Mr. AliHashemi (U of Toronto)
	 - "HC-04. OntologySummit2013 Content Hack: Leveraging Semantics on OntologPSMW - (a) the website"    (3PTS)
	* Professor KenBaclawski (Northeastern U)
	 - "HC-04. OntologySummit2013 Content Hack: Leveraging Semantics on OntologPSMW - (b) the underlying technology"    (3PTT)
	* Mr. JoelBender (Cornell U)
	 - "HC-01. BACnet Ontology Hackathon"    (3PTU)
	* Mr. MikeBennett (EDM Council)
	 - "HC-03. FIBO Ontology Evaluation with OOPS!, OQuaRE and Other Tools"    (3PTV)
	* Professor Dr. TillMossakowski (U of Bremen)
	 - "HC-07. Ontohub-OOR-OOPS! Integration" slides    (3PTW)
	* Professor KenBaclawski, Mr. MikeDean, Mr. PeterYim (program co-champions)
	 - "The OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics Process and Schedule"    (3PTX)
	Logistics:    (3PTY)
	* Refer to details on session page at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_03_28    (3PTZ)
	* (if you haven't already done so) please click on "settings" (top center) and morph from "anonymous" to your RealName (in WikiWord format)    (3PU0)
	* Mute control: *7 to un-mute ... *6 to mute    (3PU1)
	* Can't find Skype Dial pad?
	** for Windows Skype users: it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad"
	** for Linux Skype users: please note that the dial-pad is only available on v4.1 (or later or the earlier Skype versions 2.x,)
	   if the dialpad button is not shown in the call window you need to press the "d" hotkey to enable it.    (3PU2)
	* Note: ... it has come to our attention that our conference bridge provider is running into some 
	problems with the "joinconference" skype connections. In case anyone gets in trouble, please try to 
	call the phone numbers instead (e.g. from your phone, skype-out, google-voice, etc.)    (3PU3)
	Attendees: AliHashemi, AmandaVizedom, AnatolyLevenchuk, ArturoSanchez, AstridDuqueRamos, BobSmith, 
	BobbinTeegarden, DavidWhitten, DennisWisnosky, DjokoSayogo, DougFoxvog, ElisaKendall, EricChan, 
	FrancescaQuattri, FabianNeuhaus, JamesMichaelis, JeffBraswell, JoanneLuciano, JoelBender, 
	KenBaclawski, LeoObrst, MariaPovedaVillalon, MatthewWest, MichaelDenny, MichaelGruninger, 
	MikeBennett, MikeDean, MikeRiben, NicolauDePaula, PeterYim, SamirTartir, SteveRay, TillMossakowski,    (3PU4)
         == Proceedings: ==
	.    (3PU6)
	[9:30] MariaPovedaVillalon morphed into MariaPovedaVillalon    (3PU7)
	[9:34] AmandaVizedom: In case it isn't just me: the slide links accompanying the full 
	Panelist/Briefings descriptions all worked for me, but not all of the links under "Prepared 
	presentation material (slides)" did.    (3PU8)
	[9:35] JoanneLuciano: i lost sound    (3PU9)
	[9:36] PeterYim: @Joanne - can you try calling into the phone line, please    (3PUA)
	[9:37] JoanneLuciano: we're back in (had to dial - skype flaky)    (3PUB)
	[9:41] JoelBender: @Peter - I'm having a hell of a mess getting connected - sorry -    (3PUC)
	[9:42] PeterYim: @Joel - skype has been problematic lately (in the US) can you try calling into the 
	phone line, please    (3PUD)
	[9:42] PeterYim: ... see above note (right above "Proceedings")    (3PUE)
	[9:52] JoelBender: @Peter - I think I'm in    (3PUF)
	[9:57] PeterYim: @Joel - great!    (3PUG)
	[9:35] PeterYim: == MikeDean opens the session on behalf of the co-chairs ... see: the [0-Chair] 
	slides    (3PUH)
	[9:35] anonymous1 morphed into DougFoxvog    (3PUI)
	[9:35] anonymous morphed into BobbinTeegarden    (3PUJ)
	[9:36] anonymous morphed into ElisaKendall    (3PUK)
	[9:38] anonymous1 morphed into DjokoSayogo    (3PUL)
	[9:38] anonymous morphed into JeffBraswell    (3PUM)
	[9:41] PeterYim: == AmandaVizedom presenting ... see: the [ HC-05-Vizedom ] slides    (3PUN)
	[9:41] anonymous1 morphed into NicolauDePaula    (3PUO)
	[9:43] JoanneLuciano: @Amanda - may want to use JamesMichaelis's provenance work (see our GOEF 
	presentation) later or contact him directly    (3PUP)
	[9:56] AmandaVizedom: @Joanne - noted.    (3PUQ)
	[9:47] DougFoxvog: I find this Saturday & Sunday a very awkward time for a Hackathon, as (at least 
	for me) this is a weekend that family gets together. I might be able to handle Sat. morning.    (3PUR)
	[9:49] DougFoxvog: I'll put together a minimal submission, Amanda.    (3PUS)
	[9:51] AmandaVizedom: @doug - understood. Whatever time you can make would be appreciated!    (3PUT)
	[9:49] MatthewWest: @Amanda: I won't have time to participate in real time, but I would be 
	interested to take a look at and review the conceptual ontology you produce.    (3PUU)
	[9:53] AmandaVizedom: Matthew, that's great. We will have it up publicly at the end of day 1.    (3PUV)
	[9:52] DavidWhitten: Amanda, could you clarify again the mechanics of your Hackathon? Is it an 
	in-person one, or by-phone-conference, or ???    (3PUW)
	[9:55] AmandaVizedom: Oh, sorry Dave - it is remote, using a combination of tools - starting with an 
	open webcast using ontolog / summit channels, then moving to some combination of slide share/ chat/ 
	file sharing support that works for all participants (e.g., Google+ Hangout is an option).    (3PUX)
	[9:57] PeterYim: @DavidWhitten - there will be a presentation on process and schedule details later 
	in this session (after all the project intros)    (3PUY)
	[9:43] PeterYim: @MikeDean - we still have about 10 people on the call who are not on the chat ... 
	please prompt them when you have a chance (in between speakers)    (3PUZ)
	[9:48] JoanneLuciano: How much time to i/we have to present (GOEF)?    (3PV0)
	[9:48] MikeDean: @Joanne 8 minutes    (3PV1)
	[9:48] JoanneLuciano: thanks Mike.    (3PV2)
	[10:01] ArturoSanchez: @AmandaVizedom: Sorry if you have discussed this already ... have you decided 
	on formalisms/languages/tools that will be used to express the conceptual models? ... (You just 
	mentioned briefly that ... but if you can elaborate a little that would be great. Thanks!)    (3PV3)
	[10:06] AmandaVizedom: @Arturo - Not yet committed, but here are some considerations: I'd like to be 
	able to confer with all participants re: comfort and access. flexible graphical tools may work best. 
	I don't want to pre-commit to language of formal model, so the graphical OWL viewers are probably 
	not optimal. If we go graphical, we may deal with the difficulty of multidimensional visualization 
	by having multiple graphs, making explicit where/how they connect.    (3PV4)
	[10:07] AliHashemi: @Amanda and Arturo - I think we're also aiming to be able to at least annotate 
	some of the output of the current summit with the vocabulary that is developed as a result of 
	ontology of ontology evaluation hackathon    (3PV5)
	[10:07] AliHashemi: So, I would imagine that some subset of it will be realized on the PSMW    (3PV6)
	[10:08] AmandaVizedom: @Ali - thanks for pointing out, yes. Some of that will, I hope, happen 
	through use our outputs in the summit PSMW    (3PV7)
	[10:13] AliHashemi: @Amanda, but yes, fully on board that we should put off the formal 
	representation until we have a better understanding of what we can model informally.    (3PV8)
	[10:47] AmandaVizedom: Post-note re: something I didn't make clear in the HC-05 presentation -- The 
	requirements gathering is done partly to feed the model building, but also to practice what we 
	preach -- requirements as basis of evaluation. It is my intention to do, and document, evaluation of 
	the resulting ontology. Specific will be based on (a) requirements gathered, and (b) tools available 
	for the KR language we use.    (3PV9)
	[10:50] AmandaVizedom: (what I just described may not fit within hackathon weekend, however)    (3PVA)
	[9:50] PeterYim: == AnatolyLevenchuk presenting ... see: the [ HC-06-Levenchuk-Agroskin ] slides    (3PVB)
	[10:00] PeterYim: @anonymous - please click on "settings" (top center) and morph from "anonymous" to 
	your RealName (in WikiWord format) ... many thanks    (3PVC)
	[10:04] PeterYim: == JoanneLuciano presenting ... see: the [ HC-02-Luciano ] slides    (3PVD)
	[10:13] PeterYim: == AliHashemi presenting ... see: the [ HC-04a-Hashemi-Vegetti ] slides    (3PVE)
	[10:15] PeterYim: ICOM : Integrated Collaboration Object Model (correction - ref. slide#2) ... 
	[slides already updated. --ppy]    (3PVF)
	[10:20] DavidWhitten: I assume aTrackCommunitInput Space on slide 9 should be aTrackCommunityInput 
	Space ... [slides already updated. --ppy]    (3PVG)
	[10:29] AliHashemi: @David, yes, thanks for catching the typo    (3PVH)
	[10:21] anonymous1 morphed into FrancescaQuattri    (3PVI)
	[10:23] ArturoSanchez: @AliHashemi: If I understand what you are saying correctly: the OntologPSMW 
	is an application of PSMW ... so which ontology will your project evaluate the application ontology 
	(associated with OntologPSMW) or the "foundational ontology" (the one associated with PSMW)? Thanks!    (3PVJ)
	[10:27] AliHashemi: @Arturo - I'm participating on two distinct projects, with one (the website) 
	hoping to use the results of the other (Ontology of Ontology Evaluation). What I just presented was 
	with the website hat on. They're distinct projects. Does this answer your question?    (3PVK)
	[10:24] PeterYim: @Arturo - some answers to your question coming up in the next (KenBaclawski's) 
	presentation    (3PVL)
	[10:25] PeterYim: == KenBaclawski presenting ... see: the [ HC-04b-Baclawski ] slides    (3PVM)
	[10:25] ArturoSanchez: @Peter: Thanks!    (3PVN)
	[10:41] ArturoSanchez: @KenBaclawski: the web pages that are generated, are they static pages only? 
	(I was wondering if the translator will play a role akin to that of JSP, ASP, etc.)    (3PVO)
	[10:55] KenBaclawski: @Arturo: The generated web pages have behavior associated with them. The form 
	pages, for example, have input boxes and checklists. The template pages define semantic properties 
	that are used by other pages, such as the forms that use the template.    (3PVP)
	[10:58] ArturoSanchez: @KenBaclawski: Thanks! ... I was wondering if the ontology and associated 
	translator represent an alternative to more complex frameworks such as JEE or ASP.NET ...    (3PVQ)
	[10:59] ArturoSanchez: @KenBaclawski: (based on just HTML5 ... for instance)    (3PVR)
	[11:05] KenBaclawski: @Arturo: Wikis in general are an alternative to the more complex frameworks. 
	Of course, PSMW does not support all of the features of the other frameworks, but it is a lot 
	simpler and has support for RDF triples.    (3PVS)
	[11:11] ArturoSanchez: @KenBaclawski: Yes, I agree ... Thanks    (3PVT)
	[10:54] DavidWhitten: As I understand it Purple Numbers provide a fine-grain reference down to a 
	paragraph level rather than just to a page level. Does that mean that URLs on PSMW include a purple 
	number as a part of the URL reference?    (3PVU)
	[added-later] PeterYim: @DavidWhitten: you are correct, PSMW supports PurpleNumbers and will feature 
	that as a part of the URL reference    (3PVV)
	[10:31] PeterYim: == JoelBender presenting ... see: the [ HC-01-Bender ] slides    (3PVW)
	[10:40] ArturoSanchez: @JoelBender: slide 7 you said you are mapping to .NET types?    (3PVX)
	[10:51] JoelBender: @Arturo - no, these are not .NET types, they have similar characteristics, and 
	there are BACnet stack implementations that use .NET, but there is nothing in the standard that 
	describes its components using .NET terminology.    (3PVY)
	[10:42] JeffBraswell: Joel -- side note: doesn't IPV6 address some of the component/device 
	addressing issue ?    (3PVZ)
	[10:48] JoelBender: @Jeff - not really, there is very little expectation that very small, power and 
	bandwidth constrained devices will be able to implement an IPv6 stack. It does help with scale, in 
	theory there could be a lot more devices that are considered "peers" and and communicate directly to 
	each other, but in practice there isn't enough experience with it to know.    (3PW0)
	[10:43] AmandaVizedom: @Joel: re: Network of things issues - Indeed, ontologized BACnet could, 
	possibly, enable such folks to take advantage of the substantial work on semantic sensor networks, 
	etc.    (3PW1)
	[10:55] ArturoSanchez: @JoelBender: thanks ... so, have you defined a formalism that defines these 
	types, using which mappings can be built to various platforms? (For instance, this would enable the 
	development of applications that read information generated by sensors in the building, which target 
	specific operating systems)    (3PW2)
	[11:01] JoelBender: @Arturo - it is up to the library developer to understand how to present BACnet 
	stuff (objects, properties and services) to the application developer which is going to be platform 
	specific. For example, there are libraries in C for embedded systems development, I have authored an 
	open-source library in Python, there is another in Java (someplace), and there are commercial 
	libraries for Windows developers.    (3PW3)
	[11:05] DougFoxvog: @Arturo: SUMO has an ontology for features and functions of web pages .    (3PW4)
	[11:05] ArturoSanchez: @DougFoxvog: thanks ...    (3PW5)
	[11:06] JoelBender: @Arturo - there is a portion of the standard called "web services" which is 
	SOAP, which is as close to an API that is in the standard. Believe it or not, that web services API 
	is only loosely bound to the objects and properties in the rest of the standard, for political 
	reasons - there was pressure to get something published because the committee was battling the 
	noosphere with other organizations.    (3PW6)
	[11:08] ArturoSanchez: @JoelBender: Yes, I can imagine that ... anyway, the problem of 
	interconnecting heterogeneous representations of data types is of course well known (e.g., XDR 
	from--the then--Sun Microsystems, and more recently JVM and CLI). So, I was wondering if some of 
	this knowledge was reused in your ptoject.    (3PW7)
	[11:10] JoelBender: @ArturoSanchez: That is compounded by the problem that BACnet defines data types 
	that don't map well into anything - specifically Date and Time which can contain wildcard values 
	used for scheduling.    (3PW8)
	[11:12] ArturoSanchez: @JoelBender: Thanks ...    (3PW9)
	[10:43] PeterYim: == MikeBennett presenting ... see: the [ HC-03-Bennett ] slides    (3PWA)
	[10:44] DavidWhitten: What does FIBO stand for?    (3PWB)
	[10:45] JeffBraswell: Financial Industry Business Ontology    (3PWC)
	[10:49] MichaelGruninger: I need to leave now -- all of these projects are fantastic! I'm really 
	looking forward to the results.    (3PWD)
	[10:50] DougFoxvog: Re OOPS! Pitfall #13 (Slide 7). Depending on one's model, one may want inverse 
	relations -- or wish not to have inverse relationships because they provide two different ways to 
	make the same statement.    (3PWE)
	[10:54] MariaPovedaVillalon: @DougFoxvog, yes, that's is why we do not call the pitfalls "errors" 
	they are not always. It is just meant to "remind" developers that they might have forgotten to 
	include an inverse, if they want to, otherwise, they can just ignore some output items. Indeed in 
	the RESTful WebService one can choose which pitfalls you want to check    (3PWF)
	[10:54] MariaPovedaVillalon: also we are working in that selection in the online application    (3PWG)
	[11:01] DougFoxvog: @Maria: In the case that your policy is NOT to have inverse relationships, 
	having them would be a pitfall which could be added to OOPS!. Perhaps the user could inform the tool 
	of such choices.    (3PWH)
	[11:04] MariaPovedaVillalon: @doug thanks for the idea, for my To-Do list...    (3PWI)
	[11:05] MikeBennett: @Doug that sounds like a good area for us to explore.    (3PWJ)
	[11:04] PeterYim: == TillMossakowski presenting ... see: the [ HC-07-Mossakowski ] slides    (3PWK)
	[11:12] PeterYim: TillMossakowski: errata on slide#4 - "github.com" (not "github.org") ... [link 
	will automatically redirect, though. --ppy]    (3PWL)
	[11:10] MatthewWest: Sorry, I have to go now.    (3PWM)
	[11:10] PeterYim: thanks, Matthew    (3PWN)
	[11:13] PeterYim: == KenBaclawski presenting on behalf of the H-C co-champions ... see: the [ 
	1-Chair ] slides    (3PWO)
	[11:12] JoanneLuciano: do we have a sense about whether our proposed hackathons will be viable? i 
	see only a few people signed up to help and many many of us looking for help.    (3PWP)
	[11:14] JoanneLuciano: BTW, I just posted info about the hackathon on the public-sem-hclsig mailing 
	list    (3PWQ)
	[11:15] JeffBraswell: @Joanne I'm liking 'hackathon' :)    (3PWR)
	[11:16] JeffBraswell: But I'm thinking "ontothon"    (3PWS)
	[11:19] JoanneLuciano: @Jeff LOL -- one can only hope! It's actually a pretty good term now that you 
	bring my attention to it.    (3PWT)
	[11:16] ArturoSanchez: @AllWhoKnow: sorry to ask ... will the Hackathon-Clinics take place this 
	Saturday and Sunday (3/30/2013 and 3/31/13)?    (3PWU)
	[11:19] AliHashemi: @Arturo, I believe these slides just answered you question    (3PWV)
	[11:20] ArturoSanchez: @AliHashemi: Thanks, you just beat me to my "I stand corrected" statement!    (3PWW)
	[11:19] AmandaVizedom: @Arturo - schedule here: 
	http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics#nid3PG4    (3PWX)
	[11:21] ArturoSanchez: @Amanda: thank you, Amanda ...    (3PWY)
	[11:19] AliHashemi: @Ken, I believe, "Saturday 11 April 2013 (Day-3)" should read "Saturday 13 April 
	2013 (Day-3)"    (3PWZ)
	[11:19] PeterYim: KenBaclawski: errata - slide#7 - Day-3 is 13-Apr-2013 (not Apr-11) ... [slides 
	already updated. --ppy]    (3PX0)
	[11:20] PeterYim: == Q&A and Open Discussion ...    (3PX1)
	[11:22] DennisWisnosky: The FIBO project is to eval the potential of the tools, not to eval FIBO. 
	Pls change your slide.    (3PX2)
	[11:23] DavidWhitten: Joanne, where will you have cookies? GRIN    (3PX3)
	[11:24] DougFoxvog: Everyone gets cookies! ... just look inside your web browser. 8)#    (3PX4)
	[11:24] ArturoSanchez: @DougFoxvog: Ha! (good one!)    (3PX5)
	[11:24] JoelBender: lol @ doug    (3PX6)
	[11:30] DougFoxvog: This system does not correctly create my smiley: 8 )# -- it shows my beard.    (3PX7)
	[11:24] DavidWhitten: They're just binary encoded, not chocolate chip encoded...    (3PX8)
	[11:25] JoanneLuciano: Come to Rensselaer!!!! Troy, NY. I'll have beer afterwards too!    (3PX9)
	[11:27] JoanneLuciano: @Doug -- I had made that comment to JamesMichaelis- for the online 
	participants. For the local ones, cookies like the ones that can be measured in Kcal.    (3PXA)
	[11:29] LeoObrst: Great planned efforts, folks! Good luck to all.    (3PXB)
	[11:29] JoanneLuciano: WOO HOO!!!! (who was is that speaking?) ... [that was JoelBender saying that 
	he plans to join in at the Ontology-of-Ontology-Evaluation and the GOEF-iChoose projects during the 
	hackathon --ppy]    (3PXC)
	[11:30] JoanneLuciano: Joel! What kind of cookies do you like?    (3PXD)
	[11:30] JoelBender: me    (3PXE)
	[11:30] AmandaVizedom: @Joel - we'd be happy to have you    (3PXF)
	[11:30] JoelBender: heh - Ithaca isn't that far from Troy    (3PXG)
	[11:30] MikeDean: Registration (either onsite or remote) is now open for the 
	OntologySummit2013_Symposium at NIST - Thu & Fri May 2~3, 2013 (Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA) - see 
	details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2013/WorkshopRegistration 
	(registration for onsite attendance is mandatory ... so note the Apr-22 registration deadline!)    (3PXH)
	[11:31] PeterYim: Again, soliciting help from everyone here: -- for software environment stewards 
	and tool developers, please make sure you participate in the upcoming survey ---and help us get 
	these colleagues of yours to respond to the survey too: 
	http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/OntologySummit2013_Survey -- ... or provide us with pointers to 
	stewards of relevant software tools/systems/environments so we can reach out to them    (3PXI)
	[11:31] AliHashemi: thank you all.    (3PXJ)
	[11:31] SamirTartir: Thank you all.    (3PXK)
	[11:31] FrancescaQuattri: remote participation great idea, thank you all    (3PXL)
	[11:31] NicolauDePaula: Thank you all.    (3PXM)
	[11:32] PeterYim: great session!    (3PXN)
	[11:31] PeterYim: -- session ended: 11:31 am PDT --    (3PXO)
 -- end of in-session chat-transcript --    (3PM1)

Additional Resources:    (3PM8)

For the record ...    (3PMG)

How To Join (while the session is in progress)    (3PMH)

Attention: Please take special note on the start time of the event, as the US will be on daylight saving (summer) time on this day, while the EU is still on standard (winter) time!    (3O8C)

Conference Call Details    (3O8D)

Attendees    (3PK9)