OntologyBasedStandards Mini-series Session-2 - Thu 2012-11-08 (3E5X)
This is a Joint Initiative of OASIS, OMG, various ISO working groups, IAOA, OOR and ONTOLOG. (3E5Y)
- Topic: OntologyBasedStandards mini-series session-2 - "Moving Forward with Ontology-based Standards: Sharing Experiences-II - Exemplars from OMG" (3EWT)
- Session Co-chairs: Professor MichaelGruninger (IAOA; U of Toronto) & Mr. Eric S. Chan (OASIS ICOM TC; Oracle) ... [ opening slides ] (3HI8)
- Panelists / Briefings: (3HI9)
- Ms. ElisaKendall (OMG; Thematix) - "Semantics and Standards Interoperability at OMG" ... [ slides ] (3HIA)
- Mr. MarkLinehan (OMG; IBM Research) - "The Date-Time Vocabulary, and Mapping SBVR to OWL" ... [ slides ] (3HIB)
- Dr. DavideSottara (OMG; Arizona State U) - "API for Complex Knowledge Bases : proposals and challenges" ... [ slides ] (3HIC)
- Archives: (3HID)
- Abstract (3HIE)
- Agenda (3HIF)
- Prepared presentation material (slides) can be accessed by clicking on each of the title links below: (3HIG)
- Audio recording of the session ... [ 1:57:33 ; mp3 ; 13.46 MB ] (3HII)
- transcript of the online chat during the session (3HIJ)
- Additional Resources (3HIK)
Abstract: (3HJD)
OntologyBasedStandards mini-series session-2: "Moving Forward with Ontology-based Standards: Sharing Experiences-II - Exemplars from OMG" ... [ intro slides ] (3HJE)
This is the 2nd session for the OntologyBasedStandards mini-series, a joint initiative by OASIS, OMG, various ISO working groups, IAOA, OOR and ONTOLOG. (3HJF)
This joint initiative is a collaborative effort by the co-organizers to drive the Ontology-based Standards agenda among the Standards Development community, the Ontology community and the Systems community. Moving "Toward Ontology-based Standards" was adopted as the theme for the OntologySummit in 2009. Some of the projects started back then, plus others that have emerged since, have produced encouraging results. We believe that sharing the experiences gained from some of those projects with the aforementioned communities will go a long way towards helping move the Ontology-based Standards agenda forward and grounding the arguments for the adoption of the "Ontology-based Standards" approach. (3HJG)
We kicked-off this mini-series on 25-Oct-2012 and showcased efforts from the OASIS ICOM TC. At this 2nd session in the mini-series, we will be featuring exemplary work from OMG that is advancing the state-of-the-art of this very important topic of Ontology-based Standards. (3HJH)
... see also, the OntologySummit2009_Communique and developing details at: OntologyBasedStandards (homepage for this initiative) (3HJI)
Invited Talks: (3HJJ)
- Ms. ElisaKendall (OMG; Thematix) - "Semantics and Standards Interoperability at OMG" ... [ slides ] (3HJK)
Abstract: (3HJL)
Understanding of the benefits of using ontologies to support interoperability has become increasingly widespread over the last several years, especially in communities attempting to address complex problem spaces that span organizations, systems, and domains. At the Object Management Group (OMG), now that a number of basic technology standards are in place and are maturing -- the metamodel for Ontology Development (ODM), for Production Rule Representation (PRR), for Semantics for Business Vocabularies and Rules (SBVR), and others -- the need for interoperation among the applications, processes, services, and knowledge bases that implement these standards has become more pressing. In this brief overview I will summarize a few lesser known initiatives underway and motivate the talks we will hear in this session. (3HL3)
- Mr. MarkLinehan (OMG; IBM Research) - "The Date-Time Vocabulary, and Mapping SBVR to OWL" ... [ slides ] (3HJM)
Abstract: (3HJN)
The Date-Time Vocabulary is a new Object Management Group (OMG) specification that describes a business vocabulary for date and time concepts. This sophisticated vocabulary models many aspects of dates and times, including continuous time, discrete time, the relationship of events and situations to time, language tense and aspect, time indexicals, timetables, and schedules. The Vocabulary is defined in the OMG's Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) standard and is mapped to UML + OCL and partially to Common Logic. (3HKQ)
The Vocabulary will be employed in the upcoming Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) from the OMG and the EDMC (Enterprise Data Management Council). FIBO requires sophisticated date concepts such as business calendars, schedules, and "roll-over" dates where an event scheduled for a weekend or holiday automatically moves to the next or previous business day. Examples include representation of maturity dates and interest rate schedules. (3HKR)
A general-purpose mapping of SBVR to OWL is being defined by ElisaKendall and the speaker. This mapping will be used to produce an OWL version of the Date-Time Vocabulary. The speaker will summarize this ongoing effort. (3HKS)
- Dr. DavideSottara (OMG; Arizona State U) - "API for Complex Knowledge Bases : proposals and challenges" ... [ ] (3HJO)
Abstract: (3HJP)
The need for knowledge intensive systems is growing in different fields, including but not limited to the legal, financial, environmental and clinical domains. (3HKT)
Given their complexity, applications may need complex knowledge bases combining a number of models (declarative, operational, predictive, decisional...) and the relative data and meta-data. (3HKU)
The goal of the API4KB initiative is to define a standardized set of APIs, decoupling the access and management of knowledge from its particular nature and format. This presentation will focus on the challenges and potential benefits, outlining some relevant use cases and the architectural approaches which are currently being discussed in the API4KB working group. (3HKV)
Agenda: (3HJQ)
OntologyBasedStandards mini-series session-2 (3HJR)
- Session Format: this is a virtual session conducted over an augmented conference call (3HJS)
- 1. Opening (co-chairs) - MichaelGruninger [2 min.] ... (slides) (3HJT)
- 2. Overview of the OMG work (particularly those to be presented today) - ElisaKendall [10 min.] (3HJU)
- 3. Invited Talks: MarkLinehan, DavideSottara [38 min. each] (3HJV)
- 6. Q & A and open discussion [All: ~20 min.] -- please refer to process above (3HJW)
- 7. Conclusion / Follow-up (co-chairs) - MichaelGruninger / EricChan [12 min.] (3HJX)
Proceedings: (3HJY)
Please refer to the above (3HJZ)
IM Chat Transcript captured during the session: (3HK0)
see raw transcript here. (3HK1)
(for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (3HK2)
-- begin in-session chat-transcript -- (3HK3)
[08:38] PeterYim: Welcome to the (3HWY)
= OntologyBasedStandards Mini-series Session-2 - Thu 2012-11-08 = (3HWZ)
This is a Joint Initiative of OASIS, OMG, various ISO working groups, IAOA, OOR and ONTOLOG. (3HX0)
* Topic: OntologyBasedStandards mini-series session-2 - "Moving Forward with Ontology-based Standards: Sharing Experiences-II - Exemplars from OMG" (3HX1)
* Session Co-chairs: Professor MichaelGruninger (IAOA; U of Toronto) & Mr. Eric S. Chan (OASIS ICOM TC; Oracle) (3HX2)
* Panelists / Briefings: ** Ms. ElisaKendall (OMG; Thematix) - "Semantics and Standards Interoperability at OMG" ** Mr. MarkLinehan (OMG; IBM Research) - "The Date-Time Vocabulary, and Mapping SBVR to OWL" ** Dr. DavideSottara (OMG; Arizona State U) - "API for Complex Knowledge Bases : proposals and challenges" (3HX3)
Logistics: (3HX4)
* Refer to details on session page at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_11_08 (3HX5)
* (if you haven't already done so) please click on "settings" (top center) and morph from "anonymous" to your RealName (3HX6)
* Mute control: *7 to un-mute ... *6 to mute (3HX7)
* Can't find Skype Dial pad? ** for Windows Skype users: Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" ** for Linux Skype users: please stay with (or downgrade to) Skype version 2.x for now (as a Dial pad seems to be missing on Linux-based Skype v4.x for skype-calls.) (3HX8)
== Proceedings: == (3HX9)
[09:21] PeterYim: Hi Eric, hi Ken! (3HXA)
[09:24] anonymous morphed into FranLightsom (3HXB)
[09:26] anonymous morphed into ElisaKendall (3HXC)
[09:26] anonymous1 morphed into JuliaBermejo (3HXD)
[09:27] anonymous2 morphed into SeanBarker (3HXE)
[09:29] anonymous morphed into JimOdell (3HXF)
[09:31] anonymous morphed into PeteRivett (3HXG)
[09:31] anonymous morphed into TomTinsley (3HXH)
[09:31] anonymous1 morphed into BaharehHeravi (3HXI)
[09:32] PeterYim: == Michael Gruninger opens the session ... (3HXJ)
[09:35] anonymous morphed into DavidWhitten (3HXK)
[09:35] anonymous2 morphed into DougFoxvog (3HXL)
[09:36] PeterYim: == ElisaKendall presenting ... (3HXM)
[09:37] anonymous morphed into MalcolmLoveday (3HXN)
[09:38] anonymous1 morphed into KenAllgood (3HXO)
[09:41] anonymous morphed into ManfredKoethe (3HXP)
[09:42] List of members: AlexShkotin, AnatolyLevenchuk, BaharehHeravi, BobbinTeegarden, BobSmith, BrunoEmond, DaliaVaranka, DavidWhitten, DougFoxvog, ElieAbiLahoud, EricChan, FranLightsom, JimOdell, JuliaBermejo, KenAllgood, KenBaclawski, MalcolmLoveday, ManfredKoethe, MarkLinehan, MichaelGruninger, PeteRivett, PeterYim, Richard Martin, RosarioUcedaSosa, SeanBarker, SteveRay, TerryLongstreth, TomTinsley, VictorAgroskin, vnc2 (3HXQ)
[09:42] DavidWhitten: Is the VNC shared screen working ? (3HXR)
[09:42] PeterYim: @DavidWhitten - yes (3HXS)
[09:44] DavidWhitten: I used http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ but only have a TightVNC link in the page. (3HXT)
[09:45] ElieAbiLahoud: Me too, it seems the case when you are behind a firewall? ... (3HXU)
[09:45] PeterYim: @DavidWhitten - don't worry about it, just try to download slides and run them on your own desktop, the speaker(s) will prompt everyone to advance slides so people can stay in sync (3HXV)
[09:45] PeterYim: slides are accessible at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_11_08#nid3HIG (3HXW)
[09:54] AnatolyLevenchuk: TightVNC not working with FireFox but works with MS IE for me. (3HXX)
[09:48] DougFoxvog: I'm behind a firewall, but the javascript window popped up. [I'm using Firefox.] I suppose you have to enable JavaScript. (3HXY)
[09:57] DavidWhitten: Ah. I am using Firefox 16.0.2 - worked fine in Chrome. Maybe Firefox Java is having problems. (3HXZ)
[10:01] PeterYim: @DavidWhitten (& All) ... I just tested the vnc access with FireFox 16.0.2 too, and it worked properly ... one will have to wait a bit (mine took about 12 seconds) for the viewer to download ... if that wasn't it, then it's probably related to whether java/javascript has been enabled for your browser (3HY0)
[09:56] anonymous morphed into BillNadal (3HY1)
[10:07] PeterYim: @BillNadal - welcome ... could you drop me an email with your affiliation please, so we can get your registered, and keep you apprised on continuing activities of this group - mailto: peter.yim [at] cim3.com (3HY2)
[09:53] DavidWhitten: When Elisa finishes it would be nice to see a link to some of the government metamodels she mentioned. I think (US) DoD has a good Metamodel work as well. http://metadata.ces.mil/dse/irs/DDMS/ (3HY3)
[10:08] ElisaKendall: @DavidWhitten -- there are two specifications already available at OMG that we've been working on with respect to information exchange standards to meet government information sharing needs. These include the SOPES specification I mentioned, which stands for Shared Operational Picture Exchange Services, available at http://www.omg.org/spec/SOPES/, and the UPDM specification, which stands for UML profile for DoDAF and MoDAF, available at http://www.omg.org/spec/UPDM/. The latter is quite mature, and the 2.0 version is available on the OMG site. (3HY4)
[09:56] RosarioUcedaSosa: My question to Elisa was, are there any guiding principles (for design or evaluation) with respect to the content or lexically (grammar/language/format) on all of these standards that OMG is currently developing? (3HY5)
[10:04] ElisaKendall: @Rosario -- with respect to grammar/language/format, I mentioned that our work is based on the language standards already available from the OMG -- the Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) is available at http://www.omg.org/spec/ODM/ and SBVR is available at http://www.omg.org/spec/SBVR/. With respect to methodology, we have some community rules of thumb, but nothing aside from general OMG methods from a model driven architecture perspective published to date for vocabulary or ontology design/development/evaluation, etc. Having said that, DeborahMcGuinness and I are working on an eBook on methodology based on our SemTech tutorial, which I anticipate will be available from Morgan Claypool sometime next year. Once the basic starting point is done, we're hoping to extend that with a companion eBook focused on the OMG work we're doing, and that can be used as guidance for folks developing standard vocabularies at OMG. The first "! ;piece" of methodology we're working on at OMG is a standard set of annotations for ontology metadata, some of which Mark will talk about as part of what we're doing with the mapping from SBVR to OWL. We should have that available publicly in the next several weeks as an architecture board recommendation. (3HY6)
[09:57] PeterYim: == MarkLinehan presenting ... (3HY7)
[10:00] AnatolyLevenchuk: Relatively fresh OMG drafts of Information Exchange Framework (IEF) and Information Exchange Policy Vocabulary (IEPV) -- http://www.asmg-ltd.com/ief/12-08-01.pdf (3HY8)
[10:05] PeteRivett: XML Schema is not Platform Independent (3HY9)
[10:12] SteveRay: QUDT (http://www.qudt.org ) is also a pretty complete model of quantities (3HYA)
[10:42] MarkLinehan: @SteveRay we are aware of qudt and also qudv; both overlapped our work in time; we minimized what we addressed in this area with the idea that someday there should be a much more complete quantities vocabulary. (3HYB)
[10:13] PeterYim: @MarkLinehan - ref. your slides#9 - when we (PatHayes, myself and others) are resuming work on the OASIS QUOMOS TC (happening soon), we will definitely look forward to collaborating with you on your ongoing related work (3HYC)
[10:43] MarkLinehan: @PeterYim we are glad to contribute any insights from the Date-Time Vocabulary to QUOMOS or other such efforts (3HYD)
[10:43] PeterYim: Thanks, Mark! (3HYE)
[10:18] ElisaKendall: @Steve and @Peter, we are hoping that the work that's being done at OMG for units from this Date Time Vocabulary and from SysML will feed into the QUOMOS activity. Recent OMG work includes aligning what was done in SysML with the Date Time effort, which we think will also resolve some of the representational issues that originally split the QUDV (ESA/NASA/JPL/OMG) and QUDT (NASA/TQ) communities. (3HYF)
[10:15] DavidWhitten: Question for MarkLinehan, does this handle time as identified in a book, where the exact beginning or end of a time interval is identified by "the time a particular line in the story occurs" ? (3HYG)
[10:45] MarkLinehan: @DavidWhitten the start and/or end of a time interval can be identified by situation kinds' or 'occurrences' - I think that does what you want (3HYH)
[10:16] DougFoxvog: I don't see time zones mentioned in the Date-Time slides. Are time zones included in this ontology? (3HYI)
[10:46] MarkLinehan: @DougFoxvog yes, there is support for time zones in the Date-Time Vocabulary (3HYJ)
[10:18] MatthewWest: How do you identify the boundaries of a time interval? (3HYK)
[10:25] ElisaKendall: @Matthew -- in the specification, there is some discussion of this in under 8.3.2, when you map a time interval to a specific situation or occurrence, see http://www.omg.org/spec/DTV/ for the current version, although there will be a better one out after the first of the year based on the revision Mark just mentioned. (3HYL)
[10:49] MarkLinehan: @MatthewWest - there are 3 ways to identify the "boundaries of a time interval": (1) by events (situation kinds, occurrences); (2) by time coordinates (i.e. literals such as '2pm'); (3) by what SBVR calls 'definite descriptions' (i.e. formulations) such as "2 hours after the close of business" (3HYM)
[11:00] MatthewWest: @Mark I was concerned about things like the boundary between two days. You said that you had no such thing as an instance in time, so I was wondering how you handled such practical things as this. (3HYN)
[11:17] MarkLinehan: @MatthewWest Date-Time defines the idea of 'time points', which are concepts of time intervals that are distinguished by being defined according to a time scale. Time points are aligned (e.g. to midnight) and have a specific duration (3HYO)
[11:23] MarkLinehan: @MatthewWest (continuing...) the 'boundaries' between two days are the start and end of the time intervals that instantiate the 'calendar day' time points (3HYP)
[10:19] PeteRivett: is it really one to many from Occurrence to Kind? A real occurrence such as a Fire could be an instance of many kinds e.g. Fire, Disaster, High Temperature Event, Insurance Claim Event (3HYQ)
[10:50] MarkLinehan: @PeteRivett: one situation kind may have zero to n occurrences. An occurrence may exemplify multiple situation kinds. (3HYR)
[10:22] PeterYim: Mark start presenting the work on Mapping SBVR Vocabularies to OWL2, a joint work of MarkLinehan, ElisaKendall et al. (3HYS)
[10:30] anonymous morphed into TaraAthan (3HYT)
[10:31] RosarioUcedaSosa: @Elisa, is it possible to have a copy of the SemTech tutorial materials? (I won't divulge it and use it as 'under work' materials) (3HYU)
[10:34] ElieAbiLahoud: @rosario: A copy of Elisa's ontology 101 on slideshare : http://www.slideshare.net/thematixpartners/ontology101-20110604-kendallmcguinness?ref=http://themati x.com/ontology-101-a-primer-on-semantic-web-technology/ (3HYV)
[10:36] ElisaKendall: @Rosario -- we've posted it on our Thematix site, with the latest version at http://thematix.com/ontology-101-an-introduction-to-semantic-technology/ (thanks Elie!). The eBook is more comprehensive with respect to methodology, but doesn't cover the languages so much -- there are lots of other books that do, including "Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist" by JimHendler and DeanAllemang, which we use when teaching, along with JohnSowa's Knowledge Representation book for some of the more basic KR background. (3HYW)
[10:59] RosarioUcedaSosa: @Elisa Yes, I'm aware of Jim's work... I'm just trying to collect effective ways to measure the effectiveness of an ontology (or semantic model in general) so any other references that come to mind will be really useful. (3HYX)
[10:36] PeterYim: == DavideSottara presenting ... (3HYY)
[10:58] RamSriram: @Davide. I probably missed the beginning, but which organization are you targeting. About ten years ago, we had OMG put out an RFP on Knowledge-based Interoperability, but there was no interest from the industry. (3HYZ)
[11:10] ElisaKendall: @Ram -- the API4KBs RFP was more recent, and was specific to Semantic Web technologies originally, but we've expanded the scope to enable richer interoperability. The original RFP is available at http://www.omg.org/techprocess/meetings/schedule/API4KB.html, and came out in 2010. Thales was the main author, but several folks in the Ontology PSIG reviewed it at several points along the way. We will be working on the architecture for two days just before the Burlingame meeting (12/8-9), and then there will be follow-up discussions in Reston in March. I had hoped Evan would be able to work on this with us, but that doesn't appear possible, aside from possibly by phone, depending on his availability. EvanWallace, RoyBell, Hugues Vincent, and several others including me did look at the original RFP that you all developed, but really wanted to bring it forward to address the ontology and classification / rules / predictive analytics / NLP interoperability challenges we've been running into. I'd be happy to share more history, etc. offline -- feel free to drop me a note at ekendall [at] thematix.com. (3HZ0)
[11:16] RamSriram: @ElisaKendall: Thanks for the clarification. I will follow up with you later. (3HZ1)
[11:00] anonymous morphed into FranLightsom (3HZ2)
[11:03] AlexShkotin: CNL4KB should be fruitful. (3HZ3)
[11:10] JuliaBermejo: Need to go. Thank you for a very interesting session. See you in next one. (3HZ4)
[11:14] PeterYim: @Julia - thank you for joining us today ... and, again, welcome back! (3HZ5)
[11:15] PeterYim: == Q&A and open discussion now ... (3HZ6)
[11:16] PeterYim: * Mute control: *7 to un-mute ... *6 to get back to mute again (after speaking) (3HZ7)
[11:15] ElisaKendall: @Rosario -- Deb (DeborahMcGuinness) and I have been talking about criteria for evaluation, and what we might include in the eBook, but it's a fairly broad topic that probably deserves it's own effort. Criteria really depend on the use case(s) for developing the ontology in the first place, and while the degree to which one can answer competency questions, precision, and recall are the primary metrics from a historical perspective, there may be additional metrics you could consider in the context of some of these more complex applications. If I think of anything else, I'll be happy to drop you a note, or if you find things you'd like to point me to, please do! (3HZ8)
[11:16] RosarioUcedaSosa: @Elisa, pls, let's start an informal conversation on this. Feel free to drop me a note at rosariou [at] us.ibm.com (3HZ9)
[11:17] ElisaKendall: @Rosario -- will do. (3HZA)
[11:14] AlexShkotin: @Elisa your url asks login+password:-( (3HZB)
[11:17] ElisaKendall: @Alex -- if you can't get to it directly, please drop my partner, Larry Smith, a note, and I'm sure he will provide access. Larry's email is lsmith [at] thematix.com (3HZC)
[11:17] AlexShkotin: @Elisa, thank you. (3HZD)
[11:18] RosarioUcedaSosa: @Elisa thanks! (3HZE)
[11:18] RosarioUcedaSosa: @All, gotta go, but thanks for a great discussion! This was really helpful (3HZF)
[11:19] PeterYim: @Rosario - Thanks for joining us and for the contribution today (3HZG)
[11:22] EricChan: On behalf of the speakers (of 10/25 and 11/08 sessions), I would like to highlight the call for participation in ontology-based standards activities in OASIS and OMG TCs. Ken, Peter, and I have the following call to action message: ICOM domain is an amalgamation of the data object models (hidden pearls) in disparate standards that address different aspects (such as protocol, operation, encoding, interface) of interoperability between applications. Ontology-based standardization of ICOM harmonizes the data object model for representation and transformation among ontology/programming languages. This work can be further formalized with SBVR and ODM. Further ontology-based standardization of ICOM domain can provide a semantic model of collaborative interactions that permeate through all human activities. We welcome participants to contribute to extend ICOM as a showcase for a community of practice in ontology-based standards. Join us at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=icom. (3HZH)
[11:25] PeterYim: @ALL: would love to get input from everyone here on how we could move the Ontology-based Standards agenda forward (3HZI)
[11:26] PeterYim: specifically ... do YOU have recommendations on people and work that we might feature in upcoming mini-series sessions? (3HZJ)
[11:26] DavidWhitten: (a follow-up on earlier discussions and verbal remarks address to MarkLinehan) An example of this kind of time ontology, you have a document that states something occurs but doesn't have an actual time stamp, such as it occurs 1500 time-units (un-specified) after the beginning, and then the document states that the next thing that happens an unspecified number of iterations, and then the third thing that happens is known to happen during a particular unstated iteration after the start of the second thing. One of the known things is that the events are mentioned in the document in a particular order, but not that the events occur in that order. (3HZK)
[11:28] MarkLinehan: You can certainly say things like one situation kind occurs after another one (3HZL)
[11:29] ElieAbiLahoud: @All, I have to go - thank you very much! (3HZN)
[11:29] MatthewWest: I have to go. thanks. (3HZO)
[11:28] PeterYim: Question to All: who else (working groups) should we be engaging? ... especially those who are working on a similar (OntologyBasedStandards) agenda (3HZM)
[11:28] AlexShkotin: @Peter, what about ISO 15926 overview? (3HZP)
[11:30] PeterYim: @AlexShkotin - we have had several ISO 15926 presentation before, and those are on archive already (MatthewWest can probably chime in here) ... is there something specific that you are looking for? (3HZQ)
[11:31] AlexShkotin: @Peter, just how they use OWL:-) (3HZR)
[11:31] PeterYim: @AlexShkotin - I totally agree with you that we should (continue to) engage the ISO 15926 working group, given the great work they have been doing all along (3HZS)
[11:34] PeterYim: @AlexShkotin - thanks, Alex ... we'll try to follow-up with them (unfortunately, Matthew has signed off already, otherwise he could probably give a real time response now) (3HZT)
[11:34] PeterYim: @AlexShkotin - are you on that (ISO 15926) working group? (3HZU)
[11:36] AlexShkotin: @Peter, no. (3HZV)
[11:36] AnatolyLevenchuk: @Peter -- we (TechInvestLab) are members of POSC Caesar Association (ISO 15926). (3HZW)
[11:38] PeterYim: @AnatolyLevenchuk - yes, please help relay this community request to the WG - would love to have members of your group join us in planning how we could move forward with the Ontology-based Standards agenda ... plus also, find a time when we could hear about work in OWL from you guys (as requested by AlexShkotin earlier) (3HZX)
[11:40] AnatolyLevenchuk: @Peter -- OK (3HZZ)
[11:37] AnatolyLevenchuk: ISO 15926 actively developing, there are many news about it. (3HZY)
[11:30] ElisaKendall: @MichaelGruninger -- I'd be happy to talk with you about other ontologies in some of our standards. The only one that's been published to date is the Date Time Vocabulary, but the Information Exchange Policy Vocabulary will be published early next year and is an ODM/OWL ontology. FIBO will also have multiple ontologies as part of the standard, which I think will be out sometime next year. (3I00)
[11:31] ElisaKendall: @Michael -- I'll have to check with Craig Stancl and HaroldSolbrig on whether or not there are ontologies embedded in CTS2 (3I01)
[11:34] MarkLinehan: One of the motivation for the Date-Time Vocabulary work is the idea that the ontology world needs cross-industry 'foundation' vocabularies/ontologies. (3I02)
[11:35] MarkLinehan: It would make a lot of sense to restart the work on QUOMOS or to address similar cross-industry needs such as currency (3I03)
[11:36] PeterYim: @MarkLinehan - agree ... "currency?" that's a real challenge! ... we'll try (3I04)
[11:36] MarkLinehan: FIBO either has currency or would be a good ally in defining it (3I05)
[11:37] BillNadal: thanks to all, useful and valuable information (3I06)
[11:39] ElisaKendall: Thanks everyone -- we really appreciate the attention and any of your thoughts/feedback would be most welcome. We also look forward to having any of you jump in to help with either initiative. (3I07)
[11:40] PeterYim: great session ... thank you all for the participation and contribution! Stay in touch - on the [ontology-based-standards] mailing list - http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_11_08#nid3HK5 (3I08)
[11:40] PeterYim: bye! (3I09)
[11:40] AlexShkotin: Goodbye all. Thanks! (3I0A)
[11:40] PeterYim: -- session ended: 11:36am PST -- (3I0B)
[11:40] List of attendees: AlexShkotin, AnatolyLevenchuk, BaharehHeravi, BillFreeman, BillNadal, BobSmith, BobbinTeegarden, BrunoEmond, DaliaVaranka, DavidWhitten, DougFoxvog, ElieAbiLahoud, ElisaKendall, EricChan, FranLightsom, FrankOlken, JimOdell, JuliaBermejo, KenAllgood, KenBaclawski, MalcolmLoveday, ManfredKoethe, MarkLinehan, MatthewWest, MichaelGruninger, PaulCourtney, PeteRivett, PeterYim, RamSriram, Richard Martin, RosarioUcedaSosa, SeanBarker, SteveRay, TaraAthan, TerryLongstreth, TomTinsley, VictorAgroskin, anonymous, anonymous1, anonymous2, vnc2 (3I0C)
-- end of in-session chat-transcript -- (3HK4)
- Further Question & Remarks (3HK5)
- please post them to the [ ontology-based-standards ] listserv (3HK6)
- members of the Ontolog community may subscribe themselves to the [ontology-based-standards] list at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/ontology-based-standards/ (3HK7)
- if you are not a member of the Ontolog community (meaning to say that you are not subscribed to the [ ontolog-forum ] discussion list) yet), we cordially invite you to join us. See our "Membership" details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid1J (3HK8)
- this is distinct from [ ontolog-invitation ], our announcement list, where anyone who has participated in our activities or requested to be kept apprised, are automatically subscribed to. (3HK9)
- we will generally subscribe people who respond-to/participate-in the activities of this initiative to this mailing list so they are kept posted on developments of this effort. (3HKA)
- please email <peter.yim@cim3.com> if you have any question. (3HKB)
Additional Resources: (3HKC)
- Homepage of this OntologyBasedStandards Initiative - http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologyBasedStandards (3HKD)
- Proceedings from the 25-Oct-2012 OntologyBasedStandards mini-series kickoff session - http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_10_25 (3HL2)
- Homepage of OntologySummit2009 - "Toward Ontology-based Standards" - http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2009 (3HKE)
- Discussion Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-based-standards/ (3HKG)
- To Subscribe: send a blank email from your subscribing address to: ontology-based-standards-join [at] ontolog.cim3.net (3HKH)
- To Configure or Unsubscribe: http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/ontology-based-standards/ (3HKI)
- Shared-File Workspace: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologyBasedStandards/ (3HKJ)
For the record ... (3HKK)
How To Join (while the session is in progress) (3HKL)
- 1. Call in from a phone or from skype: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_11_08#nid3HIL (3HKM)
- 2. Open chat in a new browser window: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/ontolog_20121108 ... (it is important that all participants should log into the chat-room, as that is an integral part of the live event.) (3HKN)
- 3. Download presentations for each speaker here: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_11_08#nid3HIG (3HKO)
- or, 3.1 (optionally, access our shared-screen vnc server, if you are not behind a corporate firewall) (3HKP)
Conference Call Details (3GKG)
- Date: Thursday, 8-Nov-2012 (3GKH)
- Start Time: 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 17:30 GMT/UTC (3GKI)
- ref: World Clock (3GKJ)
- Expected Call Duration: ~2.0 hours (3GKK)
- Dial-in: (3HIL)
- Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... (long distance cost may apply) (3HIM)
- Skype: joinconference (i.e. make a skype call to the contact with skypeID="joinconference") ... (generally free-of-charge, when connecting from your computer) (3HIP)
- when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# (3HIQ)
- Unfamiliar with how to do this on Skype? ... (3HIR)
- Add the contact "joinconference" to your skype contact list first. To participate in the teleconference, make a skype call to "joinconference", then open the dial pad (see platform-specific instructions below) and enter the Conference ID: 141184# when prompted. (3HIS)
- Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... (3HIT)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ (3HIW)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (3HIX)
- if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts. (3HIY)
- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides above (where applicable) and running them locally. The speaker(s) will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. (3HIZ)
- In-session chat-room url: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/ontolog_20121108 (3HJ0)
- instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field from "anonymous" to your real name, like "JaneDoe"). (3HJ1)
- You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen. (3HJ2)
- thanks to the soaphub.org folks, one can now use a jabber/xmpp client (e.g. gtalk) to join this chatroom. Just add the room as a buddy - (in our case here) ontolog_20121108@soaphub.org ... Handy for mobile devices! (3HJ3)
- Discussions and Q & A: (3HJ4)
- Nominally, when a presentation is in progress, the moderator will mute everyone, except for the speaker. (3HJ5)
- To un-mute, press "*7" ... To mute, press "*6" (please mute your phone, especially if you are in a noisy surrounding, or if you are introducing noise, echoes, etc. into the conference line.) (3HJ6)
- we will usually save all questions and discussions till after all presentations are through. You are encouraged to jot down questions onto the chat-area in the mean time (that way, they get documented; and you might even get some answers in the interim, through the chat.) (3HJ7)
- During the Q&A / discussion segment (when everyone is muted), If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please raise your hand (virtually) by clicking on the "hand button" (lower right) on the chat session page. You may speak when acknowledged by the session moderator (again, press "*7" on your phone to un-mute). Test your voice and introduce yourself first before proceeding with your remarks, please. (Please remember to click on the "hand button" again (to lower your hand) and press "*6" on your phone to mute yourself after you are done speaking.) (3HJ8)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (3HJ9)
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com appreciated, ... or simply just by adding yourself to the "Expected Attendee" list below (if you are a member of the team.) (3HJA)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_11_08 (3HJB)
- Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (3HJC)
Attendees (3GKL)
- Attended: (3GKM)
- MichaelGruninger (co-chair) (3GKP)
- EricChan (co-chair) (3GKQ)
- ElisaKendall (3GKT)
- MarkLinehan (3GKR)
- DavideSottara (3GKS)
- PeterYim (3GKU)
- AlexShkotin (3HWM)
- AnatolyLevenchuk (3HWN)
- BaharehHeravi (3HT7)
- BillFreeman (3HWO)
- BillNadal (3HWI)
- BobbinTeegarden (3HT2)
- BobSmith (3HT6)
- BrunoEmond (3HSY)
- DaliaVaranka (3HWP)
- DavidWhitten (3GKW)
- DougFoxvog (3HT2)
- ElieAbiLahoud (3HWK)
- FrankOlken (3HWQ)
- FranLightsom (3HTA)
- HaroldSolbrig (3HT1)
- JamesOdell (3HSZ)
- JayGanguli (3HT0)
- JuliaBermejo (3HTQ)
- KenAllgood (3HW6)
- KenBaclawski (3HWR)
- KevinTyson (3HTB)
- MalcolmLoveday (3HTR)
- ManfredKoethe (3HWS)
- MatthewWest (3HW5)
- PaulCourtney (3HWG)
- PavithraKenjige (3GKX)
- PeteRivett (3HW9)
- RamSriram (3HWT)
- RichardMartin (3HWA)
- RobertRovetto (3HTE)
- RosarioUcedaSosa (3HWU)
- SeanBarker (3HW2)
- SteveRay (3HWV)
- TaraAthan (3HWW)
- TerryLongstreth (3HWF)
- TimAustin (3HW4)
- TomTinsley (3HTD)
- VictorAgroskin (3HWX)