EarthScienceOntolog: Panel Session-03 - Thu 2012-10-11 (3E5U)
Mini-Series Theme: An Earth Science Ontology Dialog ("EarthScienceOntolog") (3E5V)
Session Topic: Heterogeneity-preserving Data Interoperability: Methods and Challenges (3E5W)
Session Co-chairs: Professor KrzysztofJanowicz (UC Santa Barbara) and Professor PascalHitzler (Wright State University) - intro slides (3EWN)
Panelists / Briefings: (3EWO)
- Dr. SimonScheider (University of Muenster, Germany) - "What does it take to interoperate? Semantic interoperability revisited in terms of human digital communication" slides (3FK9)
- Dr. PrateekJain (IBM TJ Watson Research Center) - "Ontology matching and Data Interoperability using community generate data" slides (3FKA)
- Mr. BenjaminAdams (UC Santa Barbara) - "Semantic Similarity Measurement for Geo-Ontologies" slides (3FKB)
- Professor GiancarloGuizzardi (Federal U of Espírito Santo, Brazil) - "Formal Ontology, Ontological (Anti-)Patterns and Model Simulation" slides (3FKC)
- Abstract (3FKE)
- Agenda (3FKF)
- Prepared presentation material (slides) can be accessed by clicking on each of the title links below: (3FKG)
- [ 0-Chair ] . [ 1-Scheider ] . [ 2-Jain ] . [ 3-Adams ] . [ 4-Guizzardi ] (3FKH)
- Audio recording of the session [ 1:52:47 ; mp3 ; 12.91 MB ] (3FKI)
- its best that you listen to the session while having the respective presentations (linked above) opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker. (3FKJ)
- transcript of the online chat during the session (3FKK)
- Additional Resources (3FKL)
Abstract: (3FLS)
Heterogeneity-preserving Data Interoperability: Methods and Challenges - intro slides (3FLT)
This is the 3rd session of the Joint EarthCube-Ontolog Mini-series on "Ontology and Semantic Technology for the Earth Science Community" - a series of panel sessions dubbed: "EarthScienceOntolog" - an Earth Science Ontology Dialog. (3FLU)
This mini-series of events are co-organized/supported by members of the EarthCube community, Ontolog community, SOCoP community, IAOA community. (3FLV)
The Earth Science Ontolog mini-series is designed to explore the current status and application of multi-level ontologies towards developing a semantically enabled cyberinfrastructure for the Earth Science Community. In addition, one key mission of the mini-series is to bring together members of both communities (Earth Science and ontology/semantics) into a meaningful dialog. We anticipate that the sharing of requirements and use cases, geo-science problems and issues, ontological engineering architectures and approaches, and prospective tools, will enable collaborative understanding of the challenges and potential value in the application of ontology and semantics in Earth Science. (3FLW)
Session abstract: Data integration and data-model intercomparison are very work intensive tasks that require the semi-automatic or manual retrieval and interpretation of metadata. In interdisciplinary settings and data-intensive science, such a manual approach is not feasible anymore. Instead machines should support scientists in retrieving data and models and analyzing whether they are fit for a certain purpose. This requires semantic annotations and ontologies that reflect the conceptualizations underlying the shared data and models. Research on semantic interoperability is concerned with using such ontologies to enable a meaningful reuse and integration. However, most existing approaches try to foster interoperability by standardization or alignment to foundational ontologies, thus enforcing a potentially huge set of abstract ontological commitments. Consequently, such methods typically restrict semantic heterogeneity or even actively try to 'resolve' it. While this may be desirable in certain settings, in many other cases it restricts the acceptance of ontologies and semantic technologies and even contradicts the evolving and diverse nature of interdisciplinary science. Thus, this session presents work that has the potential to foster interoperability without necessarily restricting heterogeneity too much. (3FLX)
More details about this mini-series at: EarthScienceOntolog (home page for this mini-series) (3FLY)
Briefings: (3FLZ)
- Dr. SimonScheider (University of Muenster, Germany) - "What does it take to interoperate? Semantic interoperability revisited in terms of human digital communication" slides (3FM0)
- Abstract: The ontology and semantic web community has undergone several strategic shifts in terms of paradigms, from holistic ontology standardization, over ontology alignment with top-level ontologies, to a pluralist translation and similarity paradigm. Ontology engineering is currently changing from top-down engineering to bottom construction, e.g., in the form of design patterns. Interestingly, all of these paradigms were motivated by the goal of semantic interoperability. However, the role of semantic heterogeneity differs considerably among them: The more recent paradigms face the challenge of heterogeneity preservation rather than heterogeneity resolution. In this talk, I argue that semantic interoperability should accordingly be reconceived, too. Namely, as a human-machine-human communication problem, in which differences in semantic interpretation of data need to be successfully communicated instead of resolved. I also discuss existing notions of interoperability in this context. This helps rethink semantic tools according to their role in supporting the communication process.'' (3FM1)
- Dr. PrateekJain (Knoesis, Wright State University) - "Ontology matching and Data Interoperability using community generate data" slides (3FM2)
- Abstract: Identifying relationships between entities is a natural behavior of human mind. Humans have been doing it since our existence on this planet. The same human behavior has been replicated in various fields such as databases and semantic web. In this talk I will present a work called BLOOMS for the identification of relationships between ontology schemas. BLOOMS relies on the utilization of a bootstrapping based approach. The system computes alignments with the help of noisy community-generated data available on the Web. Currently, BLOOMS uses Wikipedia and the Wikipedia category hierarchy for this purpose. I will also discuss some results which show that BLOOMS outperforms state-of-the-art ontology alignment systems on LOD datasets. At the same time, BLOOMS is also competitive compared with these other systems on the Ontology Evaluation Alignment Initiative Benchmark datasets.'' (3FM3)
- Mr. BenAdams (UC Santa Barbara) - "Semantic Similarity Measurement for Geo-Ontologies" slides (3FM4)
- Abstract: As ontologies become more mainstream in the Earth sciences and related research areas there is interest in measuring the semantic similarity of entities and entity classes described in those ontologies. Application areas for semantic similarity measurement range from semantic interoperability and ontology matching to understanding uncertainty in geographic feature types and land-use classes to semantics-enabled geographic information retrieval. In this talk I will present an introduction to some main semantic similarity measurement techniques. I will follow with a short discussion of recent work on using unstructured observation data to calculate semantic similarities between geographic feature types.'' (3FM5)
- Professor GiancarloGuizzardi (Federal U of Espírito Santo, Brazil) - "Formal Ontology, Ontological (Anti-)Patterns and Model Simulation" slides (3FM6)
- Abstract: The quality of an Ontology as a Reference Model of Consensus depends not only on its suitability to capture relevant notions describing that domain, but also on how truthful it is to the underlying domain in reality. Looking at the Ontology as a logical theory, it should be axiomatized in a way that it will have as possible models exactly the intended ones, i.e., exactly those models which represent state of affairs deemed acceptable by the underlying conceptualization. Under this view, one fundamental methodological issue is: how can we help ontology engineers identify the exact formalization that will produce such a result? In this talk, I will discuss a number of tools that can play a significant role in modelers in achieving that task. Firstly, I will discuss Ontological Patterns as Modeling Building Blocks capturing well-founded and reusable formal micro-theories. Secondly, I will discuss the role of Formal Ontology (in the original sense of the word) in supporting the identification and construction of such Patterns. In a complementary direction, I will discuss the role of Model Validation via Visual Simulation to help modelers in identifying exceeding constraints (overconstraining) as well as missing ones (underconstraining) in the ontology´s formalization. Finally, I will report on an empirical study that used this simulation strategy to identify a number of recurrent Anti-Patterns in a pool of concrete ontologies in different domains. (3FM7)
Agenda: (3FMA)
EarthScienceOntolog - Panel Session-03 (3FMB)
- Session Format: this is a virtual session conducted over an augmented conference call (3FMC)
- 1. Opening (co-chair) [10 min.] ... [ slides ] (3FMD)
- 2. Panel briefings - SimonScheider, PrateekJain, BenAdams, GiancarloGuizzardi - [12~15 min. each] (3FME)
- 3. Q & A and open discussion [All: ~30 min.] -- please refer to process above (3FMF)
- 4. Wrap-up / Announcements - (co-chairs) [5 min.] (3FMG)
Proceedings: (3FMH)
Please refer to the above (3FMI)
IM Chat Transcript captured during the session: (3FMJ)
see raw transcript here. (3FMK)
(for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (3FML)
-- begin in-session chat-transcript -- (3FMM)
[09:50] PeterYim: Welcome to the (3G8J)
= EarthScienceOntolog: Panel Session-3 - Thu 2012-10-11 = (3G8K)
Mini-Series Theme: An Earth Science Ontology Dialog ("EarthScienceOntolog") (3G8L)
Session Topic: Heterogeneity-preserving Data Interoperability: Methods and Challenges (3G8M)
Session Co-chairs: Professor KrzysztofJanowicz and Professor PascalHitzler (3G8N)
Panelists: * Dr. SimonScheider - "What does it take to interoperate? Semantic interoperability revisited in terms of human digital communication" * Dr. PrateekJain - "Ontology matching and Data Interoperability using community generate data" * Mr. BenjaminAdams - "Semantic Similarity Measurement for Geo-Ontologies" * Professor GiancarloGuizzardi - "Formal Ontology, Ontological (Anti-)Patterns and Model Simulation" (3G8O)
Logistics: (3G8P)
* Refer to details on session page at: (3G8Q)
* (if you haven't already done so) please click on "settings" (top center) and morph from "anonymous" to your RealName (3G8R)
* Mute control: *7 to un-mute ... *6 to mute (3G8S)
* Can't find Skype Dial pad? ** for Windows Skype users: Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" ** for Linux Skype users: please stay with (or downgrade to) Skype version 2.x for now (as a Dial pad seems to be missing on Linux-based Skype v4.x for skype-calls.) (3G8T)
== Proceedings: == (3G8U)
[10:08] JavierGarcia: I can not see the slides in Skype (3G8V)
[10:08] JavierGarcia: I thought you were sharing the desktop (3G8W)
[10:08] PeterYim: session started ... (3G8X)
[10:08] JavierGarcia: Is there a way that you can provide me with a link for the slides??? (3G8Y)
[10:09] PeterYim: == KrzysztofJanowicz and PascalHitzler doing the session introduction ... (3G8Z)
[10:09] NicholasDelRio: Javier: 0-chair for current slides (3G90)
[10:09] JavierGarcia: thanks (3G91)
[10:10] PeterYim: @Javier - we are sharing slides if you can get into the vnc server (but those behind corporate firewalls will have to run the slides on their own desktop) (3G92)
[10:15] PeterYim: == SimonScheider presenting ... (3G93)
[10:29] GaryBergCross: @Simon Thanks! I note in passing that Theories of Mind (ToM) might be a useful intermediate concept to support Semantic Imitation. (3G94)
[11:01] SimonScheider: Thank you Gary for the hint;) (3G95)
[11:16] EdwinMorris: Encode and decode are relative to the human interface. So the challenge is during encode process to create a deeper level of meaning/labels/objects existing beyond just language base? This would make machine comprehension and decoding much disambiguated... (3G96)
[10:30] PeterYim: == PrateekJain presenting ... (3G97)
[10:46] PeterYim: == BenAdams presenting ... (3G98)
[11:07] PeterYim: == GiancarloGuizzardi presenting ... (3G99)
[11:32] GaryBergCross: Giancarlo is there a publication that lists the Ontologies Analyzed such as the Ontology from the Biodiversity Domain? (3G9A)
[11:32] GiancarloGuizzardi: @Gary: the current report was published in the following paper: (3G9B)
[11:33] GiancarloGuizzardi: SALES, T.P., BARCELOS, P.P.F., GUIZZARDI, G.: Identification of Semantic Anti-Patterns in Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling via Visual Simulation, 4th International Workshop on Ontology-Driven Information Systems (ODISE 2012), Graz, Austria, 2012 (together with the 7th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems FOIS 2012). (3G9C)
[11:29] PeterYim: == open Q&A and discussion ... (3G9D)
[11:22] PeterYim: ALL: it would be useful if you include a bit of context on your posts (think of some person reading your entry 3 months or 5 years from now, and help him/her make sense of your entry) (3G9E)
[11:13] GaryBergCross: These presentations are rich enough that it might take another session to understand the related ideas between them and the implications. So I hope the speakers & organizers will have a chance to do some of that relating and projecting. (3G9F)
[11:19] PeterYim: @Gary - good thinking ... since we have two more sessions coming up (after today's session) in this mini-series, it would be useful to identify specifics, the chairs of the two upcoming sessions (also online here) can incorporate some of that material into their upcoming sessions (3G9G)
[11:20] KrzysztofJanowicz: @Peter: Yes, good idea (3G9H)
[11:45] GaryBergCross: I'm wondering if Ben sees the similarity work he discussed as being able to address/support the ontology matching that Prateek discussed. (3G9I)
[ ..... ] ref. EdwinMorris's "almost 'tail wagging the dog'" comment ... on Simon's slide#7: the function of interpretation is based on understanding the semantic relationship of a one way system ... onous is on the producer of the information (to provide metadata, disambiguate), rather than spending effort in the middle ground trying to bridge the receiver and the producer of the information (3G9J)
[11:48] MarkSchildhauer: Relative to Edwin's question, I think some work by Guarino&Welty (OntoClean) and Barry Smith et al. (BFO) are attempting to come up with basic formalisms for developing ontologies for use in the semantic web. (3G9K)
[11:49] MikeBennett: Seems to me that a good place to start on Edwin's question is the Peircean semiotic triangle. Perhaps there is scope for some kind of feedback loop per Scheider which fine tunes the effectiveness of the signification part of the triangle? Just a wild thought. (3G9L)
[11:50] EdwinMorris: Thank you (3G9M)
[11:53] SimonScheider: Thank you Mike, I think this is definitely related (3G9N)
[11:50] PascalHitzler: Question for Prateek: Do you see a way to modify your approach so that it can generate multiple (different) alignments, each corresponding to a different perspective or context? (3G9O)
[11:54] PrateekJain: Yes! Something which is related to stuff which I have been doing here.. it involves using the instances which come together (3G9P)
[11:54] EdwinMorris: Voice dropped (3G9Q)
[11:55] ToddSchneider: Edwin, NCOIC has attempted to address the issue you raised. See In the context of systems development many times the need to represent the systems context is not recognized. But another aspect of the problem is that the use of a system may change over time. In which case the original context may no longer be valid. (3G9R)
[11:55] EdwinMorris: Todd thank you (3G9S)
[11:57] ToddSchneider: My VOIP has dropped out. Sorry. (3G9T)
[11:57] PascalHitzler: Todd you want to get back into the speakers queue? (3G9U)
[11:57] MarcioFaerman: Clusters are Simon's slide 9 (3G9V)
[11:59] EdwinMorris: Dynamic semantic ontology that is expandable and scalable then? I think that works... (3G9W)
[11:59] ToddSchneider: Edwin, another aspect of representing 'context' is the recognition that it has to be represented. Then the problems become how much is enough and what mechanism(s) to use. Of course it doesn't help that the notion of context is itself not well understood. (3G9X)
[12:00] EdwinMorris: Thank you-- (3G9Y)
[12:00] BenAdams: Thanks everyone (3G9Z)
[12:00] SimonScheider: thank you (3GA0)
[12:01] Scott Hills: Thanks very much to the co-chairs and speakers (3GA1)
[12:01] GaryBergCross: FYI Spatial Ontology Community of Practice ( ) is organizing a free, hands on workshop to be held at the USGS National facility Nov 29-30 in Reston VA. There is limited attendance organizing around 3 -4 Work Groups made up of domain experts, group facilitators and people with semantic/ontological experience. Among the topics of groups being formed is one of topographic mapping & hydrology concepts. This is a USGS effort to develop "ontologies useful in multifarious applications, such as environmental modeling and EarthCube. Another topic is a more abstract one on spatial regions as a type of containment schema that involve behavior associated with an inside, an outside, a contained entity, and possibly a boundary There is a potentially related group models the concept of Site as in EPA site or the geo-region of a bird nesting site or with a school site, a wetland regions, a place identified as a marsh or a catchment area. We may also have a group working on an expansion of a Semantic Trajectory ontology pattern to cover data for migrations and shipping. I am still recruiting a few people to serve as facilitators and modelers. If you are or know of some someone with CMAP and TTL syntax experience that would be a great addition to our groups. Several of us have participated in VoCamp's to develop simple ontologies with the most recent at Santa Barbara and Dayton having developed ontology patterns for Movement, Path, and Semantic Trajectory. Inquiries to Gary Berg-Cross (SOCoP Secretary) gbergcross [at] (3GA2)
[12:02] PascalHitzler: thanks everybody :) (3GA3)
[12:02] MarkSchildhauer: Dalia and I (MarkSchildhauer) are organizing the Nov. 1 overview of "state of earth science ontologies" so if you have any suggestions about who to invite to this, let us know (schild [at] (3GA4)
[12:02] PeterYim: great session ... thanks everyone! (3GA5)
[12:03] PeterYim: -- session ended 12:01pm PDT -- (3GA6)
[12:04] List of chat-room attendees: AidaGandara, AldenDima, AlexMirzaoff, AnneThessen, BenAdams, BillNadal, BobbinTeegarden, ClarePaul, Cyber-ShARE, DaliaVaranka, Daniela, DavidValentine, DeborahNichols, EdwinMorris, ElizabethFlorescu, ElizabethL, EvanWallace, FrankOlken, GaryBergCross, GenhanChen, GiancarloGuizzardi, JavierGarcia, JohnMcGrath, JohnSowa, KowWengOnn, KrzysztofJanowicz, MarcioFaerman, MarkSchildhauer, MaxGillmore, MikeBennett, NicholasDelRio, PascalHitzler, PatCassidy, PeterYim, PrateekJain, RobertDowns, SongGao, ScottHills, ScottPeckham, SimonQiangLiu, SimonScheider, TerryLongstreth, ToddSchneider, TomTinsley, XavierLopez, YingjieHu, vnc2, anonymous, (3GA7)
-- end of in-session chat-transcript -- (3FMN)
- Further Question & Remarks (3FMO)
- please post them to the [ Sem-cg ] listserv (3FMP)
- if you are not a member of the Ontolog community (meaning to say that you are not subscribed to the [ ontolog-forum ] discussion list) yet), we cordially invite you to join us. See our "Membership" details at: (3FMQ)
- this is distinct from [ ontolog-invitation ], our announcement list, where anyone who has participated in our activities or requested to be kept apprised, are automatically subscribed to. (3FMR)
- please email <> if you have any question. (3FMS)
Additional Resources: (3FMT)
- Homepage of this EarthScienceOntolog mini-series (3FMU)
- Archive of the mini-series Kick-off session: "Value Proposition" - ConferenceCall_2012_08_23 (3FMV)
- Archive of the mini-series session-2: "Ontology development and application across Earth Science Lifecycle" - ConferenceCall_2012_09_06 (3FMW)
- EarthCube Project Homepage - (3FMX)
- EarthCube "Semantics and Ontologies" workgroup - (3FMY)
- EarthCube "Semantics and Ontology Community Group (Sem-cg)" Mailing List - [Sem-cg]: msg-archives ; listinfo (3FMZ)
- Home page of the Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) - (3FN0)
- Home page of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA) - (3FN1)
- Take a look, also, at the rich body of knowledge that the Ontolog community has built out over the years, by going through the archives of noteworthy past Ontolog events. (3FN2)
For the record ... (3FN3)
How To Join (while the session is in progress) (3FN4)
- 1. Call in from a phone or from skype: (3FN5)
- 2. Open chat in a new browser window: (3FN6)
- 3. Download presentations for each speaker here: (3FN7)
- or, 3.1 (optionally, access our shared-screen vnc server, if you are not behind a corporate firewall) (3FN8)
Conference Call Details (3EWQ)
- Date: Thursday, 11-Oct-2012 (3EWR)
- Start Time: 10:00am PDT / 1:00pm EDT / 7:00pm CEST / 5:00 UTC (3EWS)
- ref: World Clock (3FKM)
- Expected Call Duration: ~2.0 hours (3FKN)
- Dial-in: (3FKO)
- Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... (long distance cost may apply) (3FKP)
- Skype: joinconference (i.e. make a skype call to the contact with skypeID="joinconference") ... (generally free-of-charge, when connecting from your computer) (3FKS)
- when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# (3FKT)
- Unfamiliar with how to do this on Skype? ... (3FKU)
- Add the contact "joinconference" to your skype contact list first. To participate in the teleconference, make a skype call to "joinconference", then open the dial pad (see platform-specific instructions below) and enter the Conference ID: 141184# when prompted. (3FKV)
- Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... (3FKW)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at: (3FKZ)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (3FL0)
- if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts. (3FL1)
- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides above (where applicable) and running them locally. The speaker(s) will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. (3FL2)
- In-session chat-room url: (3FL3)
- instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field from "anonymous" to your real name, like "JaneDoe"). (3FL4)
- You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen. (3FL5)
- thanks to the folks, one can now use a jabber/xmpp client (e.g. gtalk) to join this chatroom. Just add the room as a buddy - (in our case here) ... Handy for mobile devices! (3FL6)
- Discussions and Q & A: (3FL7)
- Nominally, when a presentation is in progress, the moderator will mute everyone, except for the speaker. (3FL8)
- To un-mute, press "*7" ... To mute, press "*6" (please mute your phone, especially if you are in a noisy surrounding, or if you are introducing noise, echoes, etc. into the conference line.) (3FL9)
- we will usually save all questions and discussions till after all presentations are through. You are encouraged to jot down questions onto the chat-area in the mean time (that way, they get documented; and you might even get some answers in the interim, through the chat.) (3FLA)
- During the Q&A / discussion segment (when everyone is muted), If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please raise your hand (virtually) by clicking on the "hand button" (lower right) on the chat session page. You may speak when acknowledged by the session moderator (again, press "*7" on your phone to un-mute). Test your voice and introduce yourself first before proceeding with your remarks, please. (Please remember to click on the "hand button" again (to lower your hand) and press "*6" on your phone to mute yourself after you are done speaking.) (3FLB)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (3FLC)
- RSVP to appreciated, ... or simply just by adding yourself to the "Expected Attendee" list below (if you are a member of the team.) (3FLD)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: (3FLE)
- Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (3FLF)
Attendees (3FLG)
- Attended (including all registrants): (3FLH)
- KrzysztofJanowicz (3FLK)
- PascalHitzler (3FLL)
- SimonScheider (3FY0)
- PrateekJain (3FY1)
- BenAdams (3FY2)
- GiancarloGuizzardi (3FY3)
- PeterYim (3FLM)
- AidaGandara (3G7N)
- AldenDima (3FXZ)
- AlexMirzaoff (3G7O)
- AnneThessen (3FZM)
- BillNadal (3G7P)
- BobbinTeegarden (3G7Q)
- BobSmith (3FXT)
- CatherineMacheret (3G72)
- ClarePaul (3G7R)
- DaliaVaranka (3G7S)
- Daniela (3G7T)
- DavidValentine (USCD/SDSC) (3G7U)
- DeanWilliams (3G67)
- DeborahNichols (3G6L)
- DouglasFils (3G6Q)
- EdwinMorris (3G6P)
- Elizabeth L (3G7V)
- ElizabethFlorescu (3G7W)
- EvanWallace (3G7X)
- FrankChum (3FXR)
- FrankOlken (3G7Y)
- GaryBergCross (3G7J)
- GenhanChen (3FXY)
- IlyaZaslavsky (3G7Z)
- JavierGarcia (3G80)
- JohnMcGrath (3G76)
- JohnSowa (3G7A)
- KowWengOnn (3G81)
- LeoObrst (3FN9)
- MarcioFaerman (3G70)
- MarkSchildhauer (3G82)
- MaxGillmore (3G83)
- MichaelBobak (3G84)
- MikeBennett (3G6K)
- NancyWiegand (3G6T)
- NicholasDelRio (3G85)
- PatCassidy (3G7I)
- RamonaWalls (3G6U)
- RobertDowns (3G7C)
- RuthDuerr (3FZH)
- SamahKareem (3G71)
- ScottHills (3FLN)
- ScottPeckham (3G86)
- SimonCox (3FXU)
- SimonQiangLiu (3G87)
- SongGao (3FZL)
- TerryLongstreth (3G88)
- ToddSchneider (3G89)
- TomTinsley (3G62)
- XavierLopez (3G8A)
- YingjieHu (3FXS)
- ... (3G6F)
- Regrets: (3FLQ)