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Re: [ontolog-forum] Proceedings of the Upper Ontology Summit - 2006.03.1

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Upper Ontology Summit Organizing Committee <uos-org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Upper Ontology Summit convention <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 08:38:18 -0800
Message-id: <af8f58ac0603160838o1401a047j58f8384c9e1c7000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I am happy to report that we had a REALLY successful Upper
Ontology Summit event yesterday (2006.03.15).    (01)

As usual, the proceedings (speakers' slide and all) are available on
the respective session pages on our wiki. See:    (02)

(a)  for the he Upper Ontology Summit (3/16/06 pm meeting proper): 
   (KG5)    (03)

(b) for the Upper Ontology Application Dialog (3/15/06 am):
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit/UosApplicationDialogMeeting_2006_03_15    (04)

Apart from the fact that we were able to pool together most of the top
public Upper Ontology experts from around the world to this summit,
the highlight of the event has been the release of a Joint Communique
by the custodians of all key public formal upper ontologies, which I
will enumerate below:    (05)

Upper Ontology Summit
Joint Communiqué
March 15, 2006    (06)

[1] The theory and technology of knowledge representation, reasoning
and conceptual modeling have advanced to a stage where meanings of
terms can be formally specified in computer systems with great detail
and precision.    (07)

[2] With the success and expansion of the internet, the potential for
achieving semantic interoperability across interconnected applications
has become widely recognized, and the number of teams and individuals
creating knowledge classifications of varying degrees of logical
formality has dramatically increased. As this technology develops
further, it will enable deployment of computer applications with
increasing ability to make reliable knowledge-based decisions that
currently require human effort. Programs with such enhanced capacity
will increase the speed, efficiency, and sophistication of automated
information analysis and exploitation.    (08)

[3] Much recent emphasis has been focused on creating common syntactic
formalisms for representing knowledge, but syntactic formalisms alone
do not provide an effective way for describing what counts most:
semantic content.    (09)

[4] The complementary technology for effectively representing the
semantic content of complex widely used concepts is also available,
but agreement on standardized conceptual building blocks has not yet
been reached.    (010)

[5] The need for such agreement is increasing rapidly as many isolated
projects of varying complexity have been initiated to capture
knowledge in computer-interpretable formalisms. Without the means for
specifying intended meaning by means of well-understood conceptual
building blocks clearly related and contrasted with each other, the
great potential for sharing knowledge usable for computer reasoning
will not be realized.    (011)

[6] Several candidate upper ontologies are available, reflecting
decades of research and development.    (012)

[7] Each upper ontology has an existing community of users, but each
community only has access to a fraction of the total resources
available.    (013)

[8] To promote interoperability and the exploitation of these upper
ontologies, we intend to find a principled means of articulating the
relationships (including differences) among them. As a result, this
initiative will significantly enhance the value of the knowledge in
each of the communities whose knowledge bases are linked to these
interrelated upper ontologies.    (014)

[9] These upper ontologies are available and should be rigorously and
independently evaluated. They must also be easy to use and assess by
developers of domain ontologies and applications.    (015)

[10] For the forseeable future, we anticipate there will be multiple
upper ontologies. We will articulate the commonalities and the reasons
for the major differences in the upper ontologies.    (016)

Hereby unanimously supported by the following upper ontology custodians:
  John Bateman - Spatial Cognition, Robotics and Natural Language
  Aldo Gangemi - DOLCE - Description & Situation extensions
  Michael Gruninger - PSL / ISO 18629
  Nicola Guarino - DOLCE
  Doug Lenat - OpenCyc
  Adam Pease - SUMO
  Barry Smith - BFO
 Matthew West - ISO 15926
//    (017)

)    (018)

Congratulations to all who participated to make the Upper Ontology
Summit, the technical contributions and the collaborative spirit of
the UO community happen!    (019)

... I'm sure there will be more exciting news to follow. Stay tuned!    (020)

Regards.  =ppy
--    (021)

On 2/22/06, Peter P. Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote [updated]:
> On March 15, 2006 Ontolog and NIST  are
> organizing an "Upper Ontology Summit" ("UOS"). This UOS will be a
> full-day workshop / panel discussion event to be held at the US
> National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in
> Gaithersburg, MD, hosted by Dr. Steven Ray of NIST.  The workshop
> will focus on developing a method and the resources to relate
> existing upper ontologies to each other, and to share the
> information on this very important effort with the public.
> We are especially pleased that we are finally able to bring
> together all the key public top-level ontology creators /
> custodians (including OpenCyc, SUMO, DOLCE, DOLCE-D&S, BFO,
> ISO15926 & PSL) to the same workshop to consider how to
> interrelate those ontologies in such a way as to provide a freely
> available common ontology that has sufficient detail to precisely
> specify meanings of terms and concepts in domain ontologies and
> which is compatible with each of the starting upper ontologies.
> *Panelists/Speakers*:
> Dr. John Bateman - Spatial Cognition
> Dr. Patrick Cassidy (SICoP / ONTAC, Mitre, UOS-org-comm)
> Dr. Aldo Gangemi - DOLCE-D&S (Description & Situation extensions)
> Dr. Michael Gruninger - PSL / ISO 18629
> Dr. Nicola Guarino - DOLCE
> Dr. Douglas Lenat - OpenCyc
> Dr. Leo Obrst (Ontolog, Mitre, UOS-org-comm)
> Mr. Adam Pease - SUMO
> Dr. Steven Ray (Meeting Chair, NIST, UOS-org-comm)
> Dr. Barry Smith - BFO (remote, from Europe),
> Dr. Matthew West - ISO 15926-2
> More details (developing) on this Upper Ontology Summit event is
> available at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit
> *Date/Venue details*:
> Date:  Wednesday, March 15, 2006
> 9 am ~ 12 noon EST - "Upper Ontology Application Dialog"
> Session Chair: Dr. Dagobert Soergel from University of Maryland.
> In addition to the panelists, organizers, and key participants,
> early adopters, potential users and potential funders of ontology
> development will be invited to discuss mutual concerns.
> 1 pm ~ 5 pm EST - The "Upper Ontology Summit" Panel Session
> Session Chair: Dr. Steven Ray, NIST
> The purpose of this panel is to bring together those who
> recognize the value of open upper ontologies, and in particular,
> the custodians (developers or maintainers) of the public versions
> of existing upper ontologies to find a way to interrelate those
> ontologies in such a way as to provide a freely available common
> ontology that has sufficient detail to precisely specify meanings
> of terms and concepts in domain ontologies and which is
> compatible with each of the starting upper ontologies. Key
> drivers and benefits of such endeavor will be explored in detail.
> This session is open to the public.
> The sessions are accessible both on-site at NIST (Gaithersburg,
> Maryland, USA) as well as through remote dial in.
> More details regarding on-site attendance is available at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit/MeetingLogistics
> Dial-in information will be posted closer to the time of the
> event. (Please be on the look out for further announcements.)
> The entire Upper Ontology Summit session will be recorded and
> made available as open content under the prevailing Ontolog IPR
> policy (see:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32).
> I look forward to having you at this open session. Please pass
> this announcement along to those who might be interested to
> participate and contribute to the discussion. All are welcomed.
> *Registration*: [IMPORTANT DATES, please note!]
> On-site attendees *must register with NIST* on/before Monday,
> March 6, 2006 to enter their facilities. Online registration is
> available at: https://rproxy.nist.gov/CRS/conf_ext.cfm?conf_id=1536
> (No on-site registration will be accepted. See also:
> Note also that the special hotel rates for rooms blocked off for
> this event will only apply if you make your reservation on/before
> this Friday, Feb. 24, 2006. See details at:
> Remote attendees should e-mail me at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline
> on/before Saturday, March 11, 2006.
> For and on behalf of the UOS
>   Organizing Committee,
> Peter P. Yim
> Ontolog Forum, co-convener
> Members of the UOS Organizing Committee:
>   Patrick Cassidy (SICoP/ONTAC, Mitre)
>   Leo Obrst (Ontolog, Mitre)
>   Steven Ray (NIST)
>   Dagobert Soergel (SICoP/COSMO, UMD)
>   Peter Yim (Ontolog, CIM3)
> P.S. This "Upper Ontology Summit" is being organized as part of
> the NIST's "Interoperability Week" event. Members of the
> community are invited and encouraged to participate in other
> meetings that are being held at the NIST the same week. Please
> refer to details at:
> http://www.mel.nist.gov/div826/msid/sima/interopweek/meetings.htm
> P.P.S. Reference Links:
>   Ontolog - http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidB
>   NIST - http://nist.gov
>   NIST Interoperability Week -
> http://www.mel.nist.gov/div826/msid/sima/interopweek/index.htm
> --
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