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[uos-convene] The need for axiomatic ontologies

To: Upper Ontology Summit convention <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Nicola Guarino <guarino@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 20:50:41 -0500
Message-id: <4E86F3C8-A316-4AFA-A60C-72B388BD46C3@xxxxxxxxxx>

I would like to post the following piece, taken from a project proposal that unfortunately failed (I'll tell you the reasons why...), which lists some reasons for having axiomatic ontologies. I believe that, while answering Pat's concerns, we have to keep three things distinct enough:

1.  Reasons for having axiomatic ontologies
2.  Reasons for having upper-level ontologies
3.  Reasons for having (a small set of) common upper-level ontologies

Note that points 1-3 above are ordered in terms of priority (or importance, if you prefer).

I don't think Mill's piece is SO bad, he clearly has a vague idea of upper-level ontologies, a vaguer idea of axiomatic ontologies, and is definitely against common UO. Explaining him the role of axiomatic ontologies is probably more important than convincing him on the utility of a common ontology....



The need for axiomatic ontologies 
In most practical applications, ontologies appear as taxonomic structures of primitive and composite terms 
together with associated definitions. These are the so-called lightweight ontologies, used to represent very 
simple semantic relationships among the terms used by a specific community in order to facilitate partial 
access to the relevant information content. In this case, the intended meaning of primitive terms is assumed 
to be fairly well known in advance by all members of the community. Hence, the role of ontologies is that of 
supporting terminological services (inferences based on simple taxonomic relationships among terms) rather 
than explaining or fixing the intended meanings. Gradually, however, it is becoming clear that this purely 
terminological focus is too superficial; that the terms are not, in fact, so well-understood, and that the 
codification of knowledge on their basis leads to characteristic families of errors when it comes to the point 
where the codifications need to be processed by a computer. 
On the other hand, the need to establish precise agreements as to the meanings of terms becomes crucial as 
soon as a community of users evolves, and even more so when we need to cross the cultural and linguistic 
boundaries between different communities. In this case, in order to overcome terminological and conceptual 
ambiguities we need to express explicit logical constraints (i.e., axioms) underlying the use of terms. In this 
way, we can rely on model-theoretic semantics to help provide quality-assurance in relation to a proposed 
account of the formal structure of a domain to be represented, in ways which are independent e.g. of the 
intuitive meanings of the terms adopted. 
Finally, a further advantage of an axiomatic approach is that its intrinsically modular structure allows us to 
isolate those axioms responsible for incompatibilities among different ontologies, explaining therefore the 
reasons for non-interoperability. Recognising these reasons in advance may often be of the utmost 
importance. Lightweight ontologies, in contrast, may lead to simplistic data integrations where general 
semantic disagreements are just hidden. 
Building and reasoning with axiomatic ontologies is unfortunately extremely hard, both conceptually and 
computationally. However, this job only needs to be undertaken once, i.e. at the time of choosing the most 
appropriate ontology one commits to (development time). What is important in this phase is making clear to 
humans (besides computers) the intended meaning of terms. This is why a highly expressive language (e.g., 
FOL) will be desirable, independently of the computational constraints bound to the way the chosen 
ontology will perform at run-time once implemented in an application. Ontology-dedicated languages such 
as OWL may be the best choice for this latter case. In conclusion, the use of axiomatic ontologies to make 
explicit hidden ontological assumptions may drastically affect the trust in a computer service, but not the 
computational performance of the service itself. Thus, for example, a product procurement process involving 
multiple agents with distributed lightweight ontologies may be carried out in an efficient way by using 
simple terminological services, but the risk of semantic mismatch can be minimized only if the agents rely on 
explicit, axiomatic ontologies, ensuring mutual compatibility of the respective models in such a way as to 
check the extent of real agreement.


Nicola Guarino

Co-Editor in Chief, Applied Ontology (IOS Press)

Head, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), ISTC-CNR

Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies

National Research Council 

Via Solteri, 38                       

I-38100 Trento

phone:     +39 0461 828486

secretary: +39 0461 436641

fax:       +39 0461 435344

email:     guarino@xxxxxxxxxx

web site:  http://www.loa-cnr.it

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