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Re: [uos-convene] An Urgent Meeting to Finalize the UOS Agenda

To: Upper Ontology Summit convention <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Doug Lenat <doug@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 11:56:34 -0600
Message-id: <4411BDD2.3050006@xxxxxxx>
either time is fine for me    (01)

Peter P. Yim wrote:    (02)

> All,
>                      * URGENT *
> In view of what has transpired after everyone is directed to more 
> closely examine the agendas, I propose:
> We call an urgent conference call of all [uos-convene] members to 
> deliberate on and finalize our UOS meeting agendas.
> To start this off, let me propose two possibilities:
> (i)  conf call - Fri 2006.03.10 3:00~4:45pm EST (preferred)
> (ii) conf call - Fri 2006.03.10 4:00~5:45pm EST (alternative)
> Please respond immediately ... and indicate if you both (or either) 
> would work for you (and propose alternatives, if need be).
> Thanks & regards.  =ppy    (03)

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