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Re: [uos-convene] Endorsements

To: Upper Ontology Summit convention <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 20:39:52 -0800
Message-id: <4403D418.9040403@xxxxxxxx>
Mike,    (01)

Thanks for the message.    (02)

What I had in mind, in my earlier message ref 'co-sponsors' (see: 
was merely to get everyone here to allow us to list their 
organizations as one of the Upper Ontology Summit's co-sponsors.
... allowing us to state something like:    (03)

  "This Upper Ontology Summit is co-sponsored by:    (04)

     * The Boeing Company
     * The European Centre for Ontological Research (ECOR)
     * International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
     * The (US) National Center for Ontological Research (NCOR)
     * The Shell Group
     * Stanford University
     * ... etc."    (05)

Your asked a good question ... what are we endorsing? ... I guess 
we're still working on that. See the work-in-progress mission 
statement at: 
Which you can see now, is where organizing committee has got it 
to, as of the end of our conference call on 2/23. We'll probably 
be able to tie that down by our next call (3/2 late afternoon.)    (06)

Your message actually brings up another very interesting 
possibility (maybe that was your intention in the first place.) 
We could actually solicit endorsement statements from our 
co-sponsors, like the one you cited below. Even a small 
collection of them will be extremely useful, from a PR 
standpoint, especially when they come from major organizations 
that people have come to trust and respect.    (07)

Let's continue to pursue this.    (08)

Thanks & regards.  =ppy
--    (09)

Uschold, Michael F wrote Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:00:05 -0800:
> Organizations are being asked to endorse an UO effort.
> This needs to be precise, if I can possibly get Boeing to sign off.
> Here is proposed text that might be workable: 
> "We believe that efforts to standardize upper ontologies is valuable."
> If we want to say much more, we should have a concise statement of our
> objective(s) that define the effort that organizations are endorsing.
> Mike
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