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[uos-convene] Beginnings of a draft Upper Level Ontology

To: Upper Ontology Summit convention <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Smith, Barry" <phismith@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 19:45:27 -0500
Message-id: <>
Here is a proposal with regard to a highest common factor ULO.

Most General Term for Everything Which Exists: Entity

An ontology is a representation of types of entities; all types have instances.

Top-level Dichotomy

continuant (an entity which endures as one and the same through time
while undergoing changes, e.g. organisms, plans, color-qualities)

occurrent (an entity which unfold through time in successive phases,
what are also often called 'processes')

Second-Level Dichotomy

dependent entity (an entity which has one or more bearers or carriers on which
it depends, all occurrent entities are dependent, since they are all processes or changes in one or more
bearer or participant)

independent entity (entities which do not require bearers; objects, things).

Dependent Continuant Entity can then be divided into:


Many dependent continuant entities are realizable in processes of corresponding sorts; for example functions in functionings, programs and plans in executions, etc.

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