Matthew West wrote: (01)
> Dear Ingvar, (02)
>> [IJ] I think the solution is to accept the existence of both properties
>> tropes (property instances). So: two sticks, one property, two property
>> instances, one length value of that property that are instantiated
>> twice.
> [MW] That of course would not do for a 4 Dimensionalist. There is no
> spatio-temporal extent separate from that which has the property that can
> be
> the trope. (03)
Dear Matthew, (04)
I agree with what John Sowa has already said, but let me just add one
sentence. Take two spatiotemporal points in a four-dimensional manifold,
ascribe to both exactly the same mass density, then you have (on my view)
two 4D-points, one property, and two property insstances. (05)
Ingvar J (06)
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