This is a REMINDER ... (01)
.. talk to you all tomorrow! =ppy
-- (02)
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Folks,
> It's high time we sync-up again. Let's resume our Monday regular
> coordination meeting schedule, and get together for 1.0~1.5 Hr:
> on Monday 2009.11.16 starting at 11:00am EST / 8:00am PST / 5:00pm
> CET / 4:00pm GMT / 16:00 UTC
> * Dial-in No. (US) +1-218-844-8060; (UK) 0844-581-9148; (France)
> 0826-100-280;
> please call one of the numbers above if a local number is not
> available at your country
> * Conference ID: "4389979#"
> We can:
> * do a postmortem on the 2009.10.30 workshop
> * tie down an agenda for the upcoming open team virtual session
> slated for Thu 2009.11.19
> * review the drafts in progress
> * ... etc.
> I have just started a meeting workspace
> at:
> Please review and add any item you want to see discussed there (or via
> this mail thread.)
> We're expecting: HowardMason, SteveRay, FrankOlken, EdBarkmeyer,
> PatHayes, DavidLeal, DavidPrice, RobRaskin, ChipMasters,
> GuntherSchadow, HansPeter_de_Koning, JoelBender, PeterYim at this
> call. If you feel that some other individual needs to be at the call
> too, feel free to ask him/her to join us. ... RSVP (regrets or
> additions only!)
> Talk to you all then. =ppy
> --
> (03)
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