I haven't kept up with the classification standards or approaches
either. Naijun Zhou @ UMD may be able to reach out to some of his
colleagues there to find appropriate representatives. (01)
James (02)
On 11/19/2010 2:11 PM, gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Getting some key players for land use would be great and they may have some
>use cases to contribute too.
> I think that James is knowledgable in this area too.
> Gary
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Moeller, John J (IS)"<JOHN.MOELLER@xxxxxxx>
> Sender: socop-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 09:39:35
> To: Spatial Ontology CoP (SOCoP)<socop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: "Spatial Ontology CoP (SOCoP)"<socop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [socop-forum] EXTERNAL: Draft SOCoP Meeting Minutes from
> Wednesday SOCoP Meeting (Nov. 17 2010 )
> Gary - I have been somewhat removed from the land cover/earth cover
>discussions for a number of years, but it is a good topic. When I was
>involved there were several competing classification systems and standards
>which were essentially competing.
> We even had Secretary Bruce Babbitt weigh in when he was Sec of the Interior
>and still did not get it resolved. A breakout session will be good and I
>suggest that we try to get some of the key players to it. A caution is that
>in my view, there are long standing turf issues and a 45 minute Breakout will
>be difficult if proponents of different schemes participate but maybe the
>focus can be kept to fostering semantic interoperability of what's there not
>of changing any of the current classification systems.
> There is an FGDC endorsed National Vegetation Classification Standard and
>also a Wetlands Classification Standard.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: socop-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:socop-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gary Berg-Cross
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 9:37 AM
> To: Socop Forum
> Subject: EXTERNAL:[socop-forum] Draft SOCoP Meeting Minutes from Wednesday
>SOCoP Meeting (Nov. 17 2010 )
> SOCoP Meeting Minutes from Wednesday SOCoP Meeting Nov. 17 2010 from
> 11:00 - 12:00 EDT
> Attendees/Participants Gary Berg-Cross (Knowledge Strategies), John
> Moeller (Northrop Grumman) Dave Kolas (BBN Tech), Nancy Wiegand (U of
> Wisconsin), and Krzysztof Janowicz (Penn State)
> Following introductions the group discussed:
> 1. Update on the NSF Cyberinfrastructure Grant
> Nancy Wiegand again noted a slow start on yet getting the UW grant
> administration process working. and didn’t have firm guidance beyond
> that yet, but would talk to the grants office.
> Gary noted some very preliminary work to update the Wiki. A summary
> page has been added for the Interop Project (SOCoP/InteropProject)
> along with some supporting material introducing ontologies in general
> and geospatial ontologies in particular. Gary navigated the group
> through some of the new content and reviewed some pages. The group
> thought this a useful development. There was a discussion on placing
> ontological information on these pages in comparison to the OOR. Gary
> argued that these pages are non-technical and intended to facilitate
> development of educational material needed as part of the grant. (Gary
> will coordinate with James on this effort since James has an
> educational role on the Project.) They can only illustrate small
> portions on ontologies in relatively informal ways. But they can take
> pieces or real ontologies, stored in the OOR.
> Nancy had additional questions about how the current and future OOR.
> The current “sandbox” location is http://oor-01.cim3.net/. It was down
> during the meeting so we could not look at the current contents. Gary
> discussed the handful that he had loaded including Sweet, which had
> not yet been “parsed” on the site and thus could not yet be viewed.
> Gary thought, however, that the content would be useful for InterOp.
> Nancy’s question was whether we were going to have a new OOR or use
> the current one? The group was unsure, although a separate instance
> would be useful. The group thought it useful to check with Josh and
> Mike on this.
> John thought that if we want to ask people to start putting things up
> on the wiki we should think about it and develop a process. One idea
> is to take the OGC services metadata format and have people fill out a
> basic form about their data so we can use this to develop a related
> ontology. One issue here is that metadata on data would probably be
> as relevant for such ontologies as the service metadata.
> Nancy noted one problem with using the Ontolog Wiki. It is not easy
> to print full content of a long “page”. File print just prints the
> first page. Gary will ask Peter for guidance on this.
> 2. SOCoP workshop at USGS facilities
> The rest of the meeting was spent updating on plans for the free Dec.
> 3 SOCoP workshop at USGS facilities (note, the day's schedule is on
> the SOCoP-ONTOLOG wiki -
> http://www.socop.org/ and people can register at
> http://socop-workshop.eventbrite.com/).
> Gary summarized logistics and planning including registration status,
> room availability, phone access and recording.
> All seem to be in good order. We actually have 4 rooms available for
> afternoon session, twice what we probably need. He is planning a site
> visit next Tuesday to meet with the AV staff and go over details and
> arrange for final testing of things the day before the meeting.
> The group reviewed the agenda on the Wiki and John will check with Jon
> Clark (NGA) about a title. Currently the Standards has Laura, Josh,
> Luis scheduled for a total of 30 minutes. John will check with them
> to see if they are still planning on presenting and can accommodate
> the tight time available. Gary will send a reminder to presenters the
> week of the 20th to submit any title revisions, summary statements or
> abstracts and slides if they are available.
> Nancy may come to the workshop and would stay at the nearby Sheraton
> Reston Hotel at 11810 Sunrise Valley Drive, VA (703) 620-9000
> Gary summarized some of the topics that were mentioned for the
> afternoon breakout sessions. These are still under development (and
> may not be finalized till they are discussed at the morning session)
> but topic ideas include:
> • vocabulary and Vocamp ideas,
> • use cases (especially for geo-sciences but possibly Land Use),
> • Best Practices for harmonizing ontologies
> • follow up to morning session topics,
> • planning for new demonstrations,
> • standards
> Ola Ahlqvist’s proposed a topic that could serve as part of the
> roundtable discussion on the more general topic of harmonizing
> ontologies. His proposed discussion is below.
> Land cover data are continuously developed at local to global
> scales to serve as input for a variety of purposes. The
> semantics of land cover classes have pose a long standing challenge
> for the re-use and re-purposing of existing and
> planned data sets. This round table will discuss the current best
> practices in developing ontology harmonization and
> translation mechanisms and future prospects for alternative land
> cover ontology representations.
> A major issue for the breakouts is how many can we fit into the tight
> 90 minute (1:15- 2:45) timeframe. Do we have time for 2 parallel
> sessions each for 45 minutes? Gary thought that this was desirable,
> since there are more than 2 topics that people might be interested in
> and if a first session is compelling than a sub-group might stay with
> this topic after 45’ and let others go off to a new discussion. Gary
> again noted that people who do not have to leave by 3 could stay
> around and a Happy Hour might be arranged for informal discussion.
> We do need to identify people to chair the sessions. Gary suggested
> that we have some natural candidates for the existing topics. If
> Nancy comes she could chair the Use Case discussion. We have the
> presenters for the Standards presentation and Dave/Todd could chair
> the Demo discussion. Ola could chair the harmonizing ontologies topic.
> Todd (Josh?) could guide the vocabulary discussion etc.
> The group discussed planning and activities for remaining two weeks
> till the workshop.
> John had develop a “Guide” for chairs last year and will update that
> (if necessary) and make it available to the proposed chairs who can
> indicate if they are interested in being chairs. As mentioned before a
> reminder for authors and revised agenda will be sent out to help
> advertize the event.
> Gary will meet with the local USGS people and do a site review next
> Tuesday to check on the facilities and logistics and firm up details
> on things like Todd's demo.
> 3. Demo Update
> Todd and Gary were in contact on the Demo and not much was new or
> pressing at the moment .Todd is "cranking away" on some data for demo
> and constructing a video.
> Since there’s quite a bit to the underlying mechanics (URI derefs,
> SPARQL, local caches, etc.), he may end up producing two short
> videos: one for Marbles and one for SamePlaceAs. Hopefully this will
> explain demo
> There being no other Items/New Business the group discussed plans for
> a Dec. meeting. It was agreed that there was enough to discuss about
> the Interop grant activities and plans for 2011 to hold a Wed Dec .
> 15th 2010 meeting.
> (03)
James W. Wilson, PhD
Assistant Professor of Geographic Science
Department of Integrated Science and Technology
James Madison University
801 Carrier Dr. MSC 4302
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
540-568-2757 (p) wilsonjw@xxxxxxx
540-568-8741 (f) http://www.gs.jmu.edu (04)
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