SOCoP Meeting Minutes from Wednesday SOCoP Meeting Nov. 17 2010 from
11:00 - 12:00 EDT (01)
Attendees/Participants Gary Berg-Cross (Knowledge Strategies), John
Moeller (Northrop Grumman) Dave Kolas (BBN Tech), Nancy Wiegand (U of
Wisconsin), and Krzysztof Janowicz (Penn State)
Following introductions the group discussed: (02)
1. Update on the NSF Cyberinfrastructure Grant (03)
Nancy Wiegand again noted a slow start on yet getting the UW grant
administration process working. and didn’t have firm guidance beyond
that yet, but would talk to the grants office. (04)
Gary noted some very preliminary work to update the Wiki. A summary
page has been added for the Interop Project (SOCoP/InteropProject)
along with some supporting material introducing ontologies in general
and geospatial ontologies in particular. Gary navigated the group
through some of the new content and reviewed some pages. The group
thought this a useful development. There was a discussion on placing
ontological information on these pages in comparison to the OOR. Gary
argued that these pages are non-technical and intended to facilitate
development of educational material needed as part of the grant. (Gary
will coordinate with James on this effort since James has an
educational role on the Project.) They can only illustrate small
portions on ontologies in relatively informal ways. But they can take
pieces or real ontologies, stored in the OOR. (05)
Nancy had additional questions about how the current and future OOR.
The current “sandbox” location is It was down
during the meeting so we could not look at the current contents. Gary
discussed the handful that he had loaded including Sweet, which had
not yet been “parsed” on the site and thus could not yet be viewed.
Gary thought, however, that the content would be useful for InterOp. (06)
Nancy’s question was whether we were going to have a new OOR or use
the current one? The group was unsure, although a separate instance
would be useful. The group thought it useful to check with Josh and
Mike on this. (07)
John thought that if we want to ask people to start putting things up
on the wiki we should think about it and develop a process. One idea
is to take the OGC services metadata format and have people fill out a
basic form about their data so we can use this to develop a related
ontology. One issue here is that metadata on data would probably be
as relevant for such ontologies as the service metadata. (08)
Nancy noted one problem with using the Ontolog Wiki. It is not easy
to print full content of a long “page”. File print just prints the
first page. Gary will ask Peter for guidance on this. (09)
2. SOCoP workshop at USGS facilities (010)
The rest of the meeting was spent updating on plans for the free Dec.
3 SOCoP workshop at USGS facilities (note, the day's schedule is on
the SOCoP-ONTOLOG wiki - and people can register at (011)
Gary summarized logistics and planning including registration status,
room availability, phone access and recording. (012)
All seem to be in good order. We actually have 4 rooms available for
afternoon session, twice what we probably need. He is planning a site
visit next Tuesday to meet with the AV staff and go over details and
arrange for final testing of things the day before the meeting. (013)
The group reviewed the agenda on the Wiki and John will check with Jon
Clark (NGA) about a title. Currently the Standards has Laura, Josh,
Luis scheduled for a total of 30 minutes. John will check with them
to see if they are still planning on presenting and can accommodate
the tight time available. Gary will send a reminder to presenters the
week of the 20th to submit any title revisions, summary statements or
abstracts and slides if they are available. (014)
Nancy may come to the workshop and would stay at the nearby Sheraton
Reston Hotel at 11810 Sunrise Valley Drive, VA (703) 620-9000 (015)
Gary summarized some of the topics that were mentioned for the
afternoon breakout sessions. These are still under development (and
may not be finalized till they are discussed at the morning session)
but topic ideas include:
• vocabulary and Vocamp ideas,
• use cases (especially for geo-sciences but possibly Land Use),
• Best Practices for harmonizing ontologies
• follow up to morning session topics,
• planning for new demonstrations,
• standards (016)
Ola Ahlqvist’s proposed a topic that could serve as part of the
roundtable discussion on the more general topic of harmonizing
ontologies. His proposed discussion is below. (017)
Land cover data are continuously developed at local to global
scales to serve as input for a variety of purposes. The
semantics of land cover classes have pose a long standing challenge
for the re-use and re-purposing of existing and
planned data sets. This round table will discuss the current best
practices in developing ontology harmonization and
translation mechanisms and future prospects for alternative land
cover ontology representations. (018)
A major issue for the breakouts is how many can we fit into the tight
90 minute (1:15- 2:45) timeframe. Do we have time for 2 parallel
sessions each for 45 minutes? Gary thought that this was desirable,
since there are more than 2 topics that people might be interested in
and if a first session is compelling than a sub-group might stay with
this topic after 45’ and let others go off to a new discussion. Gary
again noted that people who do not have to leave by 3 could stay
around and a Happy Hour might be arranged for informal discussion. (019)
We do need to identify people to chair the sessions. Gary suggested
that we have some natural candidates for the existing topics. If
Nancy comes she could chair the Use Case discussion. We have the
presenters for the Standards presentation and Dave/Todd could chair
the Demo discussion. Ola could chair the harmonizing ontologies topic.
Todd (Josh?) could guide the vocabulary discussion etc. (020)
The group discussed planning and activities for remaining two weeks
till the workshop.
John had develop a “Guide” for chairs last year and will update that
(if necessary) and make it available to the proposed chairs who can
indicate if they are interested in being chairs. As mentioned before a
reminder for authors and revised agenda will be sent out to help
advertize the event. (021)
Gary will meet with the local USGS people and do a site review next
Tuesday to check on the facilities and logistics and firm up details
on things like Todd's demo. (022)
3. Demo Update (023)
Todd and Gary were in contact on the Demo and not much was new or
pressing at the moment .Todd is "cranking away" on some data for demo
and constructing a video. (024)
Since there’s quite a bit to the underlying mechanics (URI derefs,
SPARQL, local caches, etc.), he may end up producing two short
videos: one for Marbles and one for SamePlaceAs. Hopefully this will
explain demo (025)
There being no other Items/New Business the group discussed plans for
a Dec. meeting. It was agreed that there was enough to discuss about
the Interop grant activities and plans for 2011 to hold a Wed Dec .
15th 2010 meeting. (026)
Gary Berg-Cross,Ph.D.
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Knowledge Strategies
Semantic Technology
Potomac, MD
240-426-0770 (027)
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