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Re: [oor-forum] Fwd: our next OOR meeting - Tue 2014.07.15

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Tim Reddehase <tredd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 08:50:25 -0700
Message-id: <CAGdcwD1HWrVcneborgQjiRwBHCLuXycYK8703SsXPp7+jLiX=A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thank you, Till and Tim ... appreciate the prompt response. =ppy
--    (01)

On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 8:34 AM, Till Mossakowski
<mossakow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I will be there.
> We can focus on strategy discussion, and Tim can present his work one
> meeting later.
> Best, Till
> Am 24.06.2014 17:05, schrieb Peter Yim:
>> Thank you, Todd and Dalia. Others on the team ... we are still looking
>> to hear from you! =ppy
>> All,
>> One last chance for feedback ... (let's try to tie this down today)
>>> Shall we confirm our next OOR-team meeting for:
>>> Tue 2014.07.15 -- 1.5-Hr confcall
>>> starting 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT / 4:00pm CEST / 3:00pm BST /  14:00 UTC
>>> ... please voice your objections (within 3 days) if you are joining
>>> the meeting but can't make it on 7/15 (if so, please suggest two
>>> alternatives.)
>> RSVP too (especially, Nancy Wiegand, Gary Berg-Cross and Mike Dean,
>> since we are moving the Jul-8 date in view of your input), if you
>> intend to join this team meeting, since we are meeting again for a
>> really long time (our last OOR meeting was on Tue 2013.12.10) there
>> will be a lot of strategizing and planning issues to take care of.
>> Agenda suggestions too, please
>> ... in particular, TillMossakowski and Tim Reddehase - ref.
>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/oor-forum/2014-06/msg00000.html#nid04 -
>> can we wait on the API session (make that the next) so we can focus on
>> OOR team strategy and planning at this meeting?
>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>> --
>> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Varanka, Dalia <dvaranka@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I would attend on the 15th
>> On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Todd Schneider <tjschneider@xxxxxxxxx> 
>>> Peter,
>>> 15 July 2014 [currently] sounds good to me.
>>> Todd
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
>>> Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 6:49 PM
>>> Subject: [oor-forum] Fwd: our next OOR meeting - Tue 2014.07.15
>>> To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Adam
>>> Pease <apease@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Pouchard, Line Catherine"
>>> <linepouchard@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Given the feedback, looks like Jul-8 isn't such a good idea after all.
>>> How about the Tuesday after that, i.e. Jul-15?
>>> Shall we confirm our next OOR-team meeting for:
>>> Tue 2014.07.15 -- 1.5-Hr confcall
>>> starting 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT / 4:00pm CEST / 3:00pm BST /  14:00 UTC
>>> ... please voice your objections (within 3 days) if you are joining
>>> the meeting but can't make it on 7/15 (if so, please suggest two
>>> alternatives.)
>>> On a separate note,
>>> Welcoming News! - the SIGMA-KEE (which hosts SUMO, MILO, etc.) by
>>> AdamPease (Articulate Software - see: http://ontologyportal.org/ )
>>> has agreed to participate as a node in the OOR.NET network.
>>> On the other hand, since the ORNL-DAAC repository (previously operated
>>> by LinePouchard)  is now closed to outside access, I guess that will
>>> have to come out of the OOR.NET network, unfortunately.
>>> Besides the regular OOR folks, I hope AdamPease and LinePouchard can
>>> join us at this upcoming OOR team meeting as well. Please indicate
>>> your availability.
>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>> --
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Mike Dean <mdean@xxxxxxx>
>>> Date: Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:55 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [oor-forum] our next OOR meeting - Tue 2014.07.01
>>> To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Cc: Tim Reddehase <tredd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> July 8 is now likely to be bad for me also.
>>>         Mike
>>> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I will be at the NSF EarthCube ALl Hands meeting.
>>>> Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
>>>> gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx
>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?GaryBergCross
>>>> NSF INTEROP Project
>>>> http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0955816
>>>> SOCoP Executive Secretary
>>>> Independent Consultant
>>>> Potomac, MD
>>>> 240-426-0770
>>> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Nancy Wiegand <wiegand@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I will be out of town (at the ESIP meeting) at this time.
>>>>      Nancy Wiegand
>>> On Jun 11, 2014, at 1:14 PM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for the responses, Ken, Michael & Till. ...
>>>> Let's confirm here that our OOR meeting will be on:
>>>> Tue 2014.07.08 -- 1.5-Hr confcall
>>>> starting 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT / 4:00pm CEST / 3:00pm BST /  14:00 UTC
>>>> I have mixed feeling about the agenda. Here are my thoughts ...
>>>> (a) since we usually devote the first week of the month meeting time
>>>> for a OOR team conference call to tackle strategy, planning and admin
>>>> type details, and since we have had a hiatus for a good seven months
>>>> already, we probably have some regrouping to do, plus ...
>>>>> Among others, we probably need to review some of the shifts and
>>>>> transitions we want to make in view of recent infrastructure support
>>>>> changes (resulting from PeterYim's retirement.) ...
>>>> (b) (while no one has voiced that so far) on occasions, we typically
>>>> have people who can only spend the first hour at the meeting,
>>>> therefore we want to make sure all items on the agenda gets properly
>>>> covered. ... I suggest anyone who will be at the call, but will have
>>>> to leave early (or join late) to let us know now, too, to help us plan
>>>> the agenda in an informed manner.
>>>> (c) as such, we (Till and TimReddehase in particular) can consider (i)
>>>> doing both team-planning, and Ontohub-API at the same meeting, or (ii)
>>>> cover team-planning only on Jul-8, and do Ontohub-API, say, the
>>>> following week ... the latter may work out better, especially if
>>>> TimReddehase can wait.
>>>> ALL: Further thoughts? ... please.
>>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>>> --
>>>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Till Mossakowski
>>>> <mossakow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> I am available at both dates.
>>>>> For the agenda,  I suggest that Tim Reddehase, a masters student of mine
>>>>> and member of the Ontohub team, presents his work on the APIs for
>>>>> Ontohub. We would like to have feedback on this work, since Tim will
>>>>> start implementing soon.
>>>>> Best, Till
>>>>> Am 11.06.2014 05:03, schrieb Michael Gruninger:
>>>>>> Unfortunately, I am not available 7/1 (big holiday in Canada)
>>>>>> but 7/8 should be ok.
>>>>>> - michael
>>>>> Am 11.06.2014 04:44, schrieb kenb:
>>>>>> I am available either 7/1 or 7/8.
>>>>>> -- Ken
>>>>>> On Mon, 2 Jun 2014, Peter Yim wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear ALL,
>>>>>>> Now that the OntologySummit2014 is successfully completed, and we have
>>>>>>> had some break time, it is appropriate to schedule for our next OOR
>>>>>>> meeting.
>>>>>>> Since we have been doing regular monthly OOR-team meetings on the
>>>>>>> first Tuesdays of each month (before we took the hiatus so everyone
>>>>>>> can focus on the OntologySummit) , may I suggest we plan on meeting
>>>>>>> on: Tue 2014.07.01 - 1.5-Hr confcall starting 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT
>>>>>>> / 4:00pm CEST / 3:00pm BST /  14:00 UTC
>>>>>>> Please revert to this thread if Tue 2014.07.01 turns out to be a bad
>>>>>>> day for you, in which case we should consider doing it at the same
>>>>>>> time the following week, i.e. Tue 2014.07.08.
>>>>>>> Among others, we probably need to review some of the shifts and
>>>>>>> transitions we want to make in view of recent infrastructure support
>>>>>>> changes (resulting from PeterYim's retirement.) Please suggest other
>>>>>>> agenda items that you want to see covered too.
>>>>>>> Please acknowledge this message, and provide your input, especially to
>>>>>>> the two items above (meeting time availability and agenda
>>>>>>> suggestions.) We do want to tie down the time, and start announcing
>>>>>>> the resumption of OOR calls to the community fairly soon.
>>>>>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>>>>>> --
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