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Re: [oor-forum] Fwd: our next OOR meeting - Tue 2014.07.15

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Adam Pease <apease@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Pouchard, Line Catherine" <linepouchard@xxxxxxxxx>
From: Todd Schneider <tjschneider@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 20:11:36 -0400
Message-id: <53A37C38.5010509@xxxxxxxxx>

15 July 2014 [currently] sounds good to me.


On 6/19/14 7:49 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
Given the feedback, looks like Jul-8 isn't such a good idea after all.
How about the Tuesday after that, i.e. Jul-15?

Shall we confirm our next OOR-team meeting for:

Tue 2014.07.15 -- 1.5-Hr confcall
starting 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT / 4:00pm CEST / 3:00pm BST /  14:00 UTC

... please voice your objections (within 3 days) if you are joining
the meeting but can't make it on 7/15 (if so, please suggest two

On a separate note,

Welcoming News! - the SIGMA-KEE (which hosts SUMO, MILO, etc.) by
AdamPease (Articulate Software - see: http://ontologyportal.org/ )
has agreed to participate as a node in the OOR.NET network.

On the other hand, since the ORNL-DAAC repository (previously operated
by LinePouchard)  is now closed to outside access, I guess that will
have to come out of the OOR.NET network, unfortunately.

Besides the regular OOR folks, I hope AdamPease and LinePouchard can
join us at this upcoming OOR team meeting as well. Please indicate
your availability.

Thanks & regards. =ppy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Dean <mdean@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [oor-forum] our next OOR meeting - Tue 2014.07.01
To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Tim Reddehase <tredd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

July 8 is now likely to be bad for me also.


On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I will be at the NSF EarthCube ALl Hands meeting.

Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Independent Consultant
Potomac, MD

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Nancy Wiegand <wiegand@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I will be out of town (at the ESIP meeting) at this time.
     Nancy Wiegand

On Jun 11, 2014, at 1:14 PM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you for the responses, Ken, Michael & Till. ...

Let's confirm here that our OOR meeting will be on:

Tue 2014.07.08 -- 1.5-Hr confcall
starting 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT / 4:00pm CEST / 3:00pm BST /  14:00 UTC

I have mixed feeling about the agenda. Here are my thoughts ...

(a) since we usually devote the first week of the month meeting time
for a OOR team conference call to tackle strategy, planning and admin
type details, and since we have had a hiatus for a good seven months
already, we probably have some regrouping to do, plus ...

Among others, we probably need to review some of the shifts and
transitions we want to make in view of recent infrastructure support
changes (resulting from PeterYim's retirement.) ...
(b) (while no one has voiced that so far) on occasions, we typically
have people who can only spend the first hour at the meeting,
therefore we want to make sure all items on the agenda gets properly
covered. ... I suggest anyone who will be at the call, but will have
to leave early (or join late) to let us know now, too, to help us plan
the agenda in an informed manner.

(c) as such, we (Till and TimReddehase in particular) can consider (i)
doing both team-planning, and Ontohub-API at the same meeting, or (ii)
cover team-planning only on Jul-8, and do Ontohub-API, say, the
following week ... the latter may work out better, especially if
TimReddehase can wait.

ALL: Further thoughts? ... please.

Thanks & regards. =ppy

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Till Mossakowski
<mossakow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am available at both dates.

For the agenda,  I suggest that Tim Reddehase, a masters student of mine
and member of the Ontohub team, presents his work on the APIs for
Ontohub. We would like to have feedback on this work, since Tim will
start implementing soon.

Best, Till

Am 11.06.2014 05:03, schrieb Michael Gruninger:
Unfortunately, I am not available 7/1 (big holiday in Canada)
but 7/8 should be ok.

- michael

Am 11.06.2014 04:44, schrieb kenb:
I am available either 7/1 or 7/8.

-- Ken

On Mon, 2 Jun 2014, Peter Yim wrote:

Dear ALL,

Now that the OntologySummit2014 is successfully completed, and we have
had some break time, it is appropriate to schedule for our next OOR

Since we have been doing regular monthly OOR-team meetings on the
first Tuesdays of each month (before we took the hiatus so everyone
can focus on the OntologySummit) , may I suggest we plan on meeting
on: Tue 2014.07.01 - 1.5-Hr confcall starting 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT
/ 4:00pm CEST / 3:00pm BST /  14:00 UTC

Please revert to this thread if Tue 2014.07.01 turns out to be a bad
day for you, in which case we should consider doing it at the same
time the following week, i.e. Tue 2014.07.08.

Among others, we probably need to review some of the shifts and
transitions we want to make in view of recent infrastructure support
changes (resulting from PeterYim's retirement.) Please suggest other
agenda items that you want to see covered too.

Please acknowledge this message, and provide your input, especially to
the two items above (meeting time availability and agenda
suggestions.) We do want to tie down the time, and start announcing
the resumption of OOR calls to the community fairly soon.

Thanks & regards. =ppy

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