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Re: [oor-forum] Posting to OOR Use Cases wiki page - adding links to XMD

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Farrukh Najmi <farrukh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 11:13:26 -0400
Message-id: <48908516.1080503@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi John,    (01)

This is more a case of poor technology than lack of openness ;-)
Each of the password protected URLs are also available as direct access
under a different URL with pattern:    (02)

http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/<documentid>    (03)

where <documentid> is the number in the password protected URL:    (04)

Here is an example of the first link:    (05)

<http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/5580>    (06)

BTW these use cases where the basis for the "ebXML RegRep Profile for 
OWL-Lite" spec which is available here:    (07)

<http://docs.oasis-open.org/regrep/v3.0/profiles/owl/>    (08)

Please note that above spec will likely be revised late this year or 
early next year for RegRep 4. Improvements I expect will have:    (09)

-Support for multiple inheritence in representing ontologies as ebRIM 
-Support for direct storage of OWL-S using specialized OWL Repository plugin
-Support for SPARQL queries utilizing OWL Lite ontologies    (010)

We will look for input and guidance from the Ontolog community in the 
development of that spec and I will share relevant announcements to this
list when they happen. Please let me know if you have any questions. 
Thank you.    (011)

John F. Sowa wrote:
> JG> I can get to the page
>  > That is a very intriguing list now.
> I agree it's intriguing.  See the titles copied below.
> JG> But when I click on any of the individual use cases in that
>  > list, they are password protected.
> OASIS claims to "drive the development, convergence, and adoption
> of open standards for the global information society."
> So why don't they open up their working documents?
> John Sowa
> __________________________________________________________________
> 1     eBusiness Industry Dictionary: nouns
> 2     eBusiness Industry Dictionary: BP catalogue
> 3     Collaborative ontology development
> 4     Classify content using Ontology class
> 5     Associate 2 RegistryObjects using an Ontology Class
> 6     Discover content using semantic queries
> 7     Extend information model with user-defined classes
> 8     Ontology search supporting ontology development
> 9     Associate 2 Semantic Objects using a Lattice Class
> Industry Scenario
> 1     Auto Industry: TREAD ACT Compliance
> 2     Banking Industry: Image-based Check Cashing
> 3     Air Transport: Defects Tracking and Maintenance
> _________________________________________________________________
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> Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OOR/ 
> Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository 
>       (012)

Farrukh Najmi    (013)

Web: http://www.wellfleetsoftware.com    (014)

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