---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, May 7, 2008 at 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] escalating IPR issues
To: "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ontology Summit 2008 <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (01)
John, (02)
Thank you very much for the suggestions. We should bring that up for
discussion as OOR starts adopting its own IPR policies. (03)
For the time being, while the Open Ontology Repository Initiative
(hereinafter "OOR") is operating in the Ontolog collaborative work
environment (CWE), it should abide, and is abiding, by the Ontolog
IPR Policy, which as I mentioned in my earlier response to PatCassidy
(ref. http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/2008-05/msg00045.html#nid03
) is still very sound and does protect all of our work, and
facilitates and encourages sharing and reuse of ideas. ... And, that
policy actually protects us from unsubstantiated threats and claims
like what Paola DiMaio is launching on the community or individual
members of the community (unless someone really did plagiarize!) (04)
Some thoughts: ... the need for more specific IPR Policy for OOR is
because OOR is an working group with a specific agenda toward
implementation (unlike Ontolog, a CoP, or the OntologySummit2008,
which focuses on the intellectual discourse around a specific topic).
While it suffices to only stipulate that "any open source license or
free software license" as a criteria for at Ontolog, we need to be
specific in the case of OOR (because not all open source software
licenses are compatible with one another.) Ontolog's content license,
on the other hand, is already quite adequate, although a facelift to
bring it to a Creative Commons License may be help, as I mentioned
earlier, (ref.
) ... and we could certainly take that into consideration when OOR
starts adopting its own IPR policies too. (05)
Thanks & regards. =ppy
-- (06)
On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 5:55 PM, John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: (07)
> I suggest we simplify all the issues by adopting a very
> simple policy along the following lines:
> Any author who submits any comment or note to any
> forum or wiki sponsored by the OOR agrees to the
> following conditions:
> 1. The original author retains the copyright to his
> or her original work.
> 2. But any author who submits his or her work as
> a comment or email note grants a nonexclusive
> license to the OOR for use or reuse in all
> further discussion on any OOR forum or wiki.
> 3. The OOR may authorize any further copying,
> redistribution, or compilation of any or all
> notes and comments submitted under this policy
> either with or without citation of the original
> authors.
> With this policy, citing the original author is
> optional. It's polite to do so, but if it's hard
> to trace the chain of quotations, there is no
> obligation to do so.
> A policy along the above lines automatically
> eliminates all the problems. Anybody who objects
> has a simple way to protect his or her ideas:
> read the messages without saying anything.
> John Sowa
> (08)
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