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Re: [oor-forum] Joint OpenOntologyRepository-OntologySummit2008 Panel Di

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 23:40:30 -0800
Message-id: <47C9086E.8050609@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Proceedings: Joint OpenOntologyRepository - 
OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion Session - Thu 2008.02.28    (01)

We had one of the most wonderful discussion session on Thursday, 
28-Febuary-2008. The event was a Joint 
OpenOntologyRepository-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion, 
co-chaired by Dr. LeoObrst (Ontolog, MITRE) and Dr. FrankOlken 
(NSF) during which the participants surveyed some of the 
"Ontology Registry and Repository Technology & Infrastructure 
Landscape." On the panel were: Mr. Bruce Bargmeyer (XMDR, LBNL), 
Mr. Mike Dean (DAML, W3C, BBN), Professor Mark Musen (NCBO, 
Stanford-BMIR), Mr. Farrukh Najmi (OASIS ebXML RegRep, Wellfleet 
Software) and Mr. Peter Yim (Ontolog, CIM3).    (02)

The briefings from the speakers were followed by enthusiastic and 
thought provoking discussions. We would like to send a huge 
"thank you" to the co-chairs, the panelists and everyone who 
participated at the session.    (03)

Archives of this session is now accessible from its session page 
... where one will find the proceedings, all the slides, as well 
as the audio recording (mp3). The audio archive is available via 
telephone playback as well as podcast too.    (04)

The depth and breadth of the material covered, the knowledge and 
insights shared, and the collaborative attitude shown at this 
event really exemplified what an open community of practice is 
all about. What we learned from the session will be tremendously 
valuable to the OpenOntologyRepository and the OntologySummit2008 
initiatives.    (05)

Thanks again, everyone!    (06)

Regards.  =ppy    (07)

Peter Yim
Co-convener, ONTOLOG    (08)

P.S.  Upcoming in the next 2 weeks are two invited talks that may 
lead to new possibilities in open standard development effort:    (09)

* Thu 2008.03.06 - Ontolog invited Speakers Professor Asuman 
Dogac and Mr. Yalin Yarimagan (both from the Middle East 
Technical University in Turkey) will be presenting a talk on 
"Semantic Tools to Improve Electronic Business Document 
Interoperability" - see: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2008_03_06    (010)

* Thu 2008.03.13 - Mr. James Bryce, Director of Standards 
Development for OASIS will be our Ontolog Invited Speaker.    (011)

Please mark your calendars now to make sure you won't miss these 
talks. Announcements with more details to follow.  =ppy
--    (012)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Joint OpenOntologyRepository-OntologySummit2008 
Panel Discussion Session - Thu 2008.02.28
To: ontolog-invitation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (013)

Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2008_02_28    (014)

*REMINDER*    (015)

The subject panel discussion session on "Ontology Registry and 
Repository Technology & Infrastructure Landscape" is coming up 
tomorrow, i.e. Thursday, 28-February-2008, 2.0~2.5 hours, 
starting at 10:30am PST / 1:30pm EST / 18:30 UTC    (016)

(Ref. World Clock - 
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=2&day=28&year=2008&hour=10&min=30&sec=0&p1=224)    (017)

*RSVP* by e-mailing <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> off-line (... if you 
aren't already an Ontolog member, kindly include your name, 
affiliation and job title as well) if you are planning to attend 
and haven't already responded.)    (018)

As usual, this session is free and open; so feel free to pass 
this invitation along to others who may also be interested. We 
look forward to having you at the session. Please refer to agenda 
and call-in details on the session page, whose link appears at 
the top of this message.    (019)

Regards.  =ppy    (020)

Peter Yim
Co-convener, ONTOLOG
--    (021)

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
 > Re: 
 >    (022)

 >  ****************** Headlines ***********************
 > We take pleasure in inviting you to join us at this upcoming
 > joint "Open Ontology Repository" & "Ontology Summit 2008" Panel
 > Discussion Session:
 >   *Thu 28 Feb 2008* - "Ontology Registry and Repository
 > Technology & Infrastructure Landscape" with panelists: Mr.
 > Bruce Bargmeyer (XMDR, LBL),  Mr. Mike Dean (DAML, W3C),
 > Professor Mark Musen (Stanford-BMIR), Mr. Farrukh Najmi (OASIS
 > ebXML RegRep TC, Wellfleet Software) &  Mr. Peter Yim (CIM3,
 > Ontolog)
 >   *Register your attendance* by emailing <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
 > offline.    (023)

 >  ******************** Details ************************
 > You are cordially invited to join us at the upcoming Ontolog
 > (virtual) panel discussion session.    (024)

 > This online session, like all other Ontolog events, is open
 > and free of charge. Anyone who is interested, or (better still)
 > who may have something to contribute, is welcome. Please
 > refer to event details on the session page, to which the
 > hyperlink is given at the top of this message, where you will
 > find session agenda, conference call dial-in and other
 > pertinent information.
 >    (025)

 > Two parallel initiatives are ongoing in the community,
 > revolving around the theme of "Open Ontology Repository".
 > On the one hand, a working group under the auspices of the
 > Open Ontology Repository (OOR) Initiative, and on the other,
 > the discourse (and essentially a discussion group that
 > culminates in a two-day workshop) conducted as the main focus
 > for Ontology Summit 2008.    (026)

 > It is at the intersection of these two initiatives that this
 > panel discussion session is being held. The
 > OpenOntologyRepository team is taking the opportunity to have
 > some of its members who are bringing technology and
 > infrastructure to the table to present them side-by-side, and
 > to discuss how these can all fit nicely together. The
 > OntologySummit2008 folks, on the other hand would want to take
 > the opportunity to survey (at least a subset of) the technology
 > & infrastructure landscape to gain insight into the
 > state-of-art in Ontology Registry and Repository.    (027)

 > Besides hearing from the panelists, we are setting aside ample
 > time after their briefings, for some good Q&A and discussions
 > among all who be participating in this session.    (028)

 > Please refer to details at the respective project homepages of
 > the two initiatives at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository  > &
 >  http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2008
 >    (029)

 >  Please join us at the following panel discussion session and
 > refer to session details (including dial-in information, and
 > speakers' abstracts) at:
 >    (030)

 >   *Thu 28 Feb 2008* - "Ontology Registry and Repository
 > Technology & Infrastructure Landscape" to be co-chired by Dr.
 > Leo Obrst (OOR; Ontolog; MITRE) and Dr. Frank Olken
 > (OntologySummit2008; NSF). With Panelists:
 >   ** BruceBargmeyer - "the eXtended Metadata Registry Project
 >                        (XMDR)"
 >   ** MikeDean - "The DAML Ontology Library"
 >   ** MarkMusen - "NCBO's BioPortal"
 >   ** FarrukhNajmi - "ebXML RegRep as an OOR Server"
 >   ** PeterYim - "A Hardware and Network Infrastructure for Open
 >                  Ontology Community Support"
 >    (031)

 > Please refer also to the resources provided by the panelists
 > about their pertinent work. To allow for the best use of time
 > for in depth discussions, reading up on the provided materials
 > prior to your participation is highly appreciated. Those
 > resources can be found under:
 >    (032)

 > *RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline so
 > that we can prepare enough resources to support everyone.
 > (Kindly include your affiliation and job title if you aren't
 > already a member of the Ontolog community)
 >    (033)

 > The sessions will be recorded. Before participating, please
 > make sure you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref:
 > http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32).
 >    (034)

 > Regards.  =ppy    (035)

 > for and on behalf of the session Co-chairs,
 > Leo Obrst                           Frank Olken
 > (OOR; Ontolog; MITRE)               (OntologySummit2008; NSF)
 > --    (036)

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