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Re: [ontology-summit] Hackathon started!

To: "Ontology Summit 2014 discussion" <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: mbennett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:23:58 +0100
Message-id: <57c4bf3368e5870350ee7a8e37186e51.squirrel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Good morning Anatoly,    (01)

Here is the status report from Hackathon #2 (Ontology Design Patterns and
Semantic Abstractions in Ontology Integration). I posted this to the
roster page but forgot to also email it until now:    (02)

STATUS as at 5pm EDT / 10pm CET 29 March    (03)

We have finished for the day and will re-convene tomorrow 30 March at 8am
EDT / 1pm CET    (04)

We selected an area of risk to work in, which is the risks of getting from
A to B via various means of transport. Team members have identified, built
or adapted ontologies for the different dimensions of the problem
(trajectory modeling, transport, events which may occur along the way,
impacts, core risk concepts and event ontology). Some ontologies were
created from scratch from sample data sets, while others were adapted or
re-used. We have imported most of the ontologies into our working set of
integrated ontologies in the Visual Ontology Modeler tool, and we have
made a start in identifying common concepts and differences between
concepts in the different ontologies.    (05)

Tomorrow we will create an integrating ontology which imports the
ontologies that were created today and unifies them to describe the
different dimensions of the problem area. The end result should be an
ontology that could be used in an application for travel risk management,
along with a simple specification of the app.    (06)

We will use the same dial-in details as before.    (07)

Best regards,    (08)

Mike Bennett    (09)

> Europe is finishing now. In Moscow already 21:00 MSK and both Moscow teams
> have a break till tomorrow.
> You can see some of the Reference Data for Anime and Manga intermediary
> results in https://github.com/ailev/anird/tree/master/hack_proj (RDF files
> there are valid ISO 15926, it is not classical "pure RDF"). Sure, there
> will
> be more work tomorrow.
> Performance testing of triple stores on native API project have now
> computers running test cases for estimated 12-15 hours. Therefore it also
> will be sequel session tomorrow, today's result was in deploying of
> testing
> infrastructure and starting of test cases running to get results tomorrow.
> Best wishes to USA-based teams, they currently at a peak of their work
> activity!
> Hope all the teams post their short progress reports when they will finish
> their work today.
> Project roster page is here:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Hackathon
> Best regards,
> Anatoly
> From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anatoly
> Levenchuk
> Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 12:57 PM
> To: 'Ontology Summit 2014 discussion'
> Subject: [ontology-summit] Hackathon started!
> Half an hour ago our Hackathon started at 12:00 MSK. Team "Reference Data
> with 3 participants from Moscow in person, and others from
> Saint-Petersburg,
> Nizhny Novgorod, Minsk, Zurich and somewhere from Germany, team lead
> Victor
> Agroskin. Now they are discussing 4 ontology patterns for anime staff
> positions (credits). First data samples in RDF (ISO 15926 version) you can
> find here:  <http://yadi.sk/d/Ce4anwKWLQWVB>
> http://yadi.sk/d/Ce4anwKWLQWVB
> Most of all discussions in this team are in Russian but they will answer
> all
> you questions in English.
> Find this project at
> <http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Hackathon_Refere
> nceDataForAnimeAndManga>
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Hackathon_Referen
> ceDataForAnimeAndManga (instructions on dial-in to Mikogo.com are there).
> Best regards,
> Anatoly
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>    (010)

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