I saved the Tweets before they disappear so you can get some of the essence of ODISSEE.
ralphtq Ralph Hodgson
Other things of the non-semantic kind discovered at #ODISSEE - Frame Fractals Art - http://www.fractalsinmotion.com/
5 hours ago
sesuncedu Simon Spero
The paper I mentioned - Vickery, Brian (1997). "Ontologies" in Journal of Information Science, 23 (4) 1997, pp. 277-286 #ODISSEE
20 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
@stephanet They aren't up yet, but have been promised. I'll tweet the link if I get it and Lowell hasn't done so himself. #ODISSEE
20 hours ago
stephanef stephanef
Where can we have access to the slides of #ODISSEE ?
20 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Now: wrap-up discussion for #ODISSEE. I think most folks have hit overload, but there are many loose threads hanging... to be cont'd?
20 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Now up: Germaine Forbes, Beth Huffer on the JPDO Net-Enabled Test Environment. Another talk about actual ongoing work. Hurrah!#ODISSEE
21 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
During the talk most based on a real-world, ongoing, mature effort, the eager advocate for One Ontology left, rather than listened.#ODISSEE
21 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Serious sprint by Alan Belasco to get through it all! Upside: shows how relatively far ahead USAF Enterprise #Ontology work is.#ODISSEE
21 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
So much packed into this presentation. I wonder whether the substance is clear to folks not familiar with USAF #ontology efforts?#ODISSEE
21 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Now up: Lt Col Shawn O'Day and Dr. Alan Belasco, talking about USAF information delivery process in which #ontology is a key part.#ODISSEE
22 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Dr Maybury's talk has lots of good ideas, insights. But some distance between this vision and ground view of AF #ontologyefforts! #ODISSEE
23 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Maybury: challenges of AF data interop/integration - need automation (scale, etc.), real-time, cross-org... #ontology required. #ODISSEE
23 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
RT to #ODISSEE Post-lunch restart with Keynote by Dr. Mark Maybury, Chief Scientist, USAF. Topic: "Metadata Matters:#Ontology and Autonomy"
23 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Dr. Maybury giving a quick reprise of DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy and role of Metadata in it (not quite to #ontology yet...) #ODISSEE
23 hours ago
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
LTC Mandrick has too many good points, examples to tweet! Hoping that his presentation is provided for later reference. #ODISSEE#ontology
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
LTC Mandrick on scoping #ontology: depends on customer needs. Yes, & we can respect that *&* support extending & integrating later#ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
LTC Mandrick: seeing OO of the OODA loop, terrain models, as#ontology creation. Ah, the memories (of ontologizing IPB, etc.)!#ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Next up: LTC Bill Mandrick talks about "A Repeatable Process for#Ontology Creation" Interested to see what he's got! #ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Good: UCore-SL extensions that Navy R&D needed & made. Add how needs arose, get real contribution toward #ontology best practices. #ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Where to get UCore-SL without a CAC: https://ucore.gov (provided by current speaker, Christopher Kirkos) #ODISSEE #ontology
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Next up: an ongoing efforts session: UCore-SL in Navy R&D#ODISSEE #ontology
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Comment I meant to get to but didn't: shared #ontology != shared vocabulary. Many DoD frustrations come from focus on latter.#ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Now on to Lowell Vizenor, talking about UCore SL. #ODISSEE#ontology
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Beth Huffer: the value of shared #ontology in a complex integration project is in mediation/integration, not imposition on data. +1#ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
I wish more of #ODISSEE were actual discussion of actual, ongoing projects. So far, the other talks have not been very useful in context.
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Next up: Jim Schoening, talking about Standard Upper #Ontology#ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
A last critique: An #ontology, like a scientific model, often must be realist *and* take a particular view in order to be usable. #ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
This shows in #domain naivete, and in slippage from examples of badly done mapping to conclusions about all mapping. #ODISSEE#ontology
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
There's a tendency among those who have worked in a few domains & use cases to view the rest of the world as only equally complex. #ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
For example, Barry says that we need only one weather #ontology. But why insist that weather is a sufficiently unified domain?#ODISSEE
13 Apr
sesuncedu Simon Spero
@ajvizedom Garry Merrill pay's attention to the man behind the curtain http://bit.ly/gHjnp1 #ontology #ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Barry Smith said earlier, "One #Ontology per Domain." Later he noted that the question arises: "But what is a Domain?" No answer...#ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
... But between Barry Smith's critical observations & his prescribed single-#ontology solution are many unsupported leaps. #ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Barry Smith is correct that there much bad #ontology, atrocious mapping, and untrained ontology developers creating OWL silos...#ODISSEE
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
#ODISSEE Day 2. Barry Smith arguing his One #Ontologyparadigm: semantic interoperability requires 1 upper ontology & 1 ontology per domain.
13 Apr
sesuncedu Simon Spero
#ODISSEE Barry Smith jumping back and forth between controlled vocabularies and ontologies without signalling
13 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Current spkr: history, last 10 yrs of sem tech, in which he seems to claim first for many things actually done <= 10 yrs earlier!#ODISSEE
12 Apr
ethiopic Daniel Yacob
"Some things have to be believed to be seen" @ralphtq at#ODISSEE
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
GEOSS use case: cross-community & cross-domain semantic mediation of earth observation data - my kind of fun & hard!#ODISSEE #ontology
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
SPARQL used to get at implicit knowledge, given OWL limitations. Clever, but loading KR into query lang still a worry. #ODISSEE#ontology
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
GeoSPARQL defined in RDF/OWL/SPARQL -- another case of partial content KR in SPARQL, though more self-aware than avg.#ODISSEE #ontology
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
... and wouldn't ya know, HIGHFLEET talk halted by computer failure. Skipped ahead to BBN GeoSPARQL talk. #ODISSEE#ontology
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Now up: Bill Anderson of HIGHFLEET, talking about access control, provenance. Started out great re: what metadata is and isn't.#ODISSEE
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Still, so many critical efforts lacking staff familiar with lesson learned. Some good stuff, too, but some *headdesk*. #ODISSEE#ontology
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
These were interesting. Definite progress from old decontextualized KR , or alignment as top-first mapping, views. #ODISSEE #ontology
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
First presentations this morning related to JPDO and DoD DCMO projects, challenges, current approaches in Enterprise Semantic Svcs. #ODISSEE
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
We need these events. Cyclic pain, but more connections between semantic newcomers and old hands, lessons learned! #ODISSEE#linkeddata
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
Happy that #ODISSEE and similar events are happening - bringing together folks working Big Semantic Environments & Implementations...
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
For the puzzled: #ODISSEE = http://bit.ly/fVPV5n
12 Apr
ajvizedom AJ Vizedom
At #ODISSEE. A needed workshop, but also a reminder: road to anywhere littered with reinvented square wheels.
12 Apr
markababcock mark a babcock
12 Apr
Older Tweet results for #ODISSEE are unavailable.
From: Amanda Vizedom [mailto:amanda.vizedom@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 12:14 PM
To: Ontology Summit 2011 discussion
Cc: Peter Yim; Brand Niemann
Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] [ontolog-invitation] Ontology Summit 2011: Communique draft review session - Thu 2011.04.07
It's nowhere near a report, as Brand put it, but live-tweets from the workshop, by me and a few others, can be found under the #ODISSEE hashtag twitter stream. Lowell Vizenor and Beth Huffer have promised to make sure the presentations are made available.
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 09:55, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, indeed!
BarrySmith (who championed ODISSEE) was the original proponent of this
year's OntologySummit2011 theme.
Several of those who were there at ODISSEE will be at the
OntologySummit2011 Symposium next week -- LeoObrst co-chairs the
Symposium (with RamSriram of NIST), and both DennisWisnosky,
GeorgeThomas and BillAndersen (who were speakers at ODISSEE, LeoObrst
too, actually) are among the invited panelists for the Tue 2011.04.19
symposium (day-2) program.
I am really looking forward to it. See you then.
Thanks & regards. =ppy
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 5:07 AM, Brand Niemann <bniemann@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter and All, I think [the] Summit would benefit from hearing a report from
> this meeting that represents an activity that has obviously "made the case
> for ontology" - see http://ncor.buffalo.edu/ODISSEE/
> Brand
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ontolog-invitation-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:ontolog-invitation-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter Yim
> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 5:43 PM
> To: [ontolog-invitation]
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-invitation] Ontology Summit 2011: Communique draft
> review session - Thu 2011.04.07
> Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_04_14
> = *REMINDER* =
> Coming up this Thursday (tomorrow), April-14, starting 9:30am PDT / 12:30pm
> EDT / 6:30pm CEST / 5:30pm BST / 16:30 UTC, is the Ontology Summit 2011
> pre-symposium preparation and review session.
> This is the last virtual session prior to our Ontology Summit 2011 Symposium
> (face-to-face workshop) slated for next Monday & Tuesday 18 & 19-April-2011,
> at the NIST Campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.[1]
> During this session our symposium co-chairs will be discussing with the
> developing Symposium program, agenda, process and logistics with everyone,
> and will answer question anyone may have. The Communique Lead editors will
> also be presenting a second draft of the OntologySummit2011_Communique - our
> community-driven, collaboratively authored statement - which we will
> finalize, adopt and release during the Symposium. Do note that we would be
> doing some tweaking of the Communique during this session and through the
> [ontology-summit] discussion list, and so we can go into the symposium with
> a near-final draft of that document. Please be cognizant of the process we
> are using [2] to get us there.
> Please join us at tomorrow's session if you can, especially if you are
> planning to be at the symposium (either on-site or remotely), or to make
> your contribution to the Communique draft. See the developing details on the
> session page at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_04_14 ...
> RSVP now (if you haven't already) by adding your name to the wiki or email
> me <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> (off-line, please) to register your attendance for
> tomorrow.
> As you might already know, the on-site registration has already closed.
> Registration for remote participation is still open; therefore, register now
> if you haven't already. Please refer our registration page for both on-site
> and remote participation details.[3]
> [1] OntologySummit2011_Symposium and program -
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2011_Symposium
> [2] Communique input process (from here onward and during the
> symposium) -
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/2011-04/msg00092.html
> [3] OntologySummit2011_Symposium registration details -
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2011/WorkshopRegistrat
> ion
> Regards. =ppy
> ********************* Details ************************
> This is our 6th Ontology Summit, a joint initiative by NIST, Ontolog, NCOR,
> NCBO, IAOA & NCO_NITRD along with the support of our co-sponsors. The theme
> adopted for this Ontology Summit is: "Making the Case for Ontology." These
> virtual sessions are part of the proceedings of the Summit, where
> contributions, both by the panelists and the participants, are pooled with
> the online discussion, analyzed, synthesized, and compiled into a body of
> knowledge, that will, hopefully, be useful to the community at large.
> These sessions, like all other Ontolog virtual events, are open and free of
> charge. Anyone who is interested, or (better still) who may have something
> to contribute, is welcome. Please refer to event details on the session
> pages, to which the hyperlink is given above, where you will find session
> agenda, conference call dial-in, slides and other pertinent information.
> Feel free to pass this invitation along to colleagues who may also find
> these sessions to be of interest.
> *RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline (or add
> yourself directly to the session page if you are already an Ontolog or
> Ontology Summit community member) so that we can prepare enough resources to
> support everyone. [Please state clearly the date of the session you are
> registering for in your email.] ... All respondents will be subscribed (if
> they aren't already so) to the [ontology-summit] mailing list so they are
> participate in the virtual discourse.
> These sessions will be recorded and made available in a publicly accessible
> archive. Therefore, before participating, please make sure you are cognizant
> of our IPR policy ( ref:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32 ).
> Regards. =ppy
> Peter Yim
> Co-convener, Ontolog
> For and on behalf of the
> Members of the
> OntologySummit2011 Organizing Committee
> p.s. full proceedings (including agenda, slides, in-session chat transcript,
> audio recordings, etc.) for the Ontology Summit 2011 Launch Event (Jan-20)
> and all the 9 virtual sessions are already on our archives. You can find
> links to them at the Ontology Summit 2011 homepage
> at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2011
> ... if you missed the chance coming to these sessions in real time, you can
> always participate asynchronously by accessing the archives.
> --
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