Dear Mauricio, (01)
Thank you for the suggestion. Yes indeed! (02)
We had a brief discussion of this during our organizing committee
meeting a couple of days ago, and the consensus was to extend that
closing dates for the two surveys and the RTDelphi study to Mon
22-Feb-2010. (03)
We were going to tell everyone about it later this week, when I send
out another message prompting those who haven't had a chance to
respond to help us, and help the community by sharing with us their
insight. ... You beat me to it, ... that's great! (04)
Thanks & regards. =ppy
-- (05)
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 8:12 AM, mba <mba@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Peter (Organizing Committee)
> I would like to suggest, if I could, to postpone the deadline of the surveys
> for one week, or some days, in order to get more results. We have a long
> holiday here, ranging from Feb 13 up to Feb 17.
> Thank you,
> MBA (06)
> On 4/2/2010 16:21, Peter Yim wrote:
> Please start here:
> Thanks. =ppy
> --
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Folks,
> We are finally ready with all 3 online questionnaires. Here comes our
> 'official' invitation to you ...
> As part of the OntologySummit2010 series of activities, three online
> questionnaires have been developed and launched to help collect
> community/expert opinion and insight on the subject matter. Ontology
> summit conveners and invited experts are invited to provide their
> input through these online survey forms on/before the deadline of
> Monday 15-Feb-2010.
> The three questionnaires are designed to:
> * 1. conduct a survey on present ontology education/training
> content and quality
> * 2. conduct a survey to elicit information about the knowledge
> and skills ontologists need, or are expected to have, in a variety of
> working contexts, and
> * 3. conduct a real-time delphi study* to eliecit expert opinion
> and shared vision on the future of ontologists, their education and
> the field of ontology.
> If you are currently or potentially,
> * (a) an educator/trainer of ontologists, please respond to Survey-1
> * (b) an employer/manager of ontologists or ontology-related
> professionals, please respond to Survey-2
> * (c) an ontologist or aspiring ontologist yourself, please
> respond to Survey-2
> * (d) an ontology domain expert, someone who can influence the
> future of this field or a visionary; and is someone who believes in
> the potential impact of Ontology, please join our RTDelphi Study-3
> ... we need your input and insights. See the extended description of
> each of the survey instruments below for more details, especially,
> regarding whether a particular survey is for you. For those who assume
> different roles [ ontologist: educator | employer | practitioner ] in
> relation to the ontology domain in real life, you are welcome to make
> multiple responses to survey-2 and study-3 more than once. However,
> please make sure you respond in just one role at a time (and make sure
> you have clearly indicated which role/perspective you are coming
> from.)
> The responses from these questionnaires will be used to produce
> reports that will be presented at the OntologySummit2010_Symposium,
> which will be held at NIST (Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA) on March 15th
> and 16th, 2010.
> ... Please note that responses to our surveys and studies will be made
> available as open content to our community and the public at-large
> under the prevailing Ontolog open IPR policy
> (
> Note: by "ontology" here, we mean "Ontology for Information Science"
> and not "Ontology" as the philosophical study that is a part of
> metaphysics.
> As a final note ... please help forward this invitation to anyone you
> know (other potentially interested & relevant parties) who could
> contribute to making this study a success.
> On behalf of the Ontology Summit 2010 organizing committee and the
> developers of these studies, I thank you in advance of your
> participation and contribution!
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> For and on behalf of the
> OntologySummit2010 Organizing Committee
> -- (07)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:54 PM
> Subject: Fwd: Invitation to participate - Survey on "Present Ontology
> Education/Training Content & Quality"
> To: "[ontolog-invitation]" <ontolog-invitation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Folks,
> This is the first of 3 surveys that form a part of the research
> conducted in the course of Ontology Summit 2010.
> The three surveys will revolve around:
> 1. Present ontology[*] education/training content and quality.
> 2. Ontology education/training requirements and quality expectations, and
> 3. The future of ontologists
> If you are currently or potentially,
> (a) an educator/trainer of ontologists,
> (b) an employer/manager of ontologists or ontology-related
> professionals , or
> (c) an ontologist or aspiring ontologist yourself
> ... we need your input and insights.
> [*] Note: by “ontology” here, we mean "Ontology for Information
> Science" (and not "Ontology" as the philosophical study that is a part
> of metaphysics.)
> In this first study, we are looking to those who are currently
> providing education and training in Ontology and ontology-related
> disciplines. Your response will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> For and on behalf of the
> OntologySummit2010 Organizing Committee
> P.S. Do note that responses will be made available as open content to
> our community and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR
> policy
> (ref. ).
> -- (08)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sanchez, Arturo <asanchez@xxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 12:21 PM
> Subject: Invitation to participate
> To: ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>, peter.yim@xxxxxxxxx
> Dear Fellow Ontologist,
> As you may know, the theme of this year's Ontology Summit
> is "Creating the Ontologists of the Future". Detailed
> information about it can be found at
> In preparation for the summit, we are collecting information
> to establish the nature and extent of current educational
> and training provision in Ontology throughout the world.
> To this end, we invite you to participate in the survey
> which you can access at
> The survey will be available until 11'30 PM
> on February 15, 2010 (US/EST).
> We estimate that completing the survey should take between
> 10 minutes and half an hour of your time, depending on how
> much information you are able to supply. Please feel free
> to forward the link to anyone else who you think may be able
> to supply information.
> When the survey is complete, the results will be reported
> at the final summit Symposium in March. They will also be
> made available to the community on-line.
> Yours sincerely
> Dr. Antony Galton (School of Engineering, Computing,
> and Mathematics. University of Exeter, UK):
> Dr. Arturo Sánchez-Ruíz (School of Computing,
> University of North Florida, USA):
> (09)
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