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Re: [ontology-summit] Invitation to participate in the Ontology Summit 2

To: Ontology Summit 2010 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 10:51:24 -0800
Message-id: <C790572C.AF19%dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>

Just a quick note.  The questionnaire is good and I just completed it.  In the IEEE we now refer to Artificial Intelligence as “Computational Intelligence”.  I suggest anyone checking the AI options consider CI to be equivalent if they are familiar with the term.


On 2/4/10 10:18 AM, "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:


We are finally ready with all 3 online questionnaires. Here comes our
'official' invitation to you ...

As part of the OntologySummit2010 series of activities, three online
questionnaires have been developed and launched to help collect
community/expert opinion and insight on the subject matter. Ontology
summit conveners and invited experts are invited to provide their
input through these online survey forms on/before the deadline of
Monday 15-Feb-2010.

The three questionnaires are designed to:

    * 1. conduct a survey on present ontology education/training
content and quality

    * 2. conduct a survey to elicit information about the knowledge
and skills ontologists need, or are expected to have, in a variety of
working contexts, and

    * 3. conduct a real-time delphi study* to eliecit expert opinion
and shared vision on the future of ontologists, their education and
the field of ontology.

If you are currently or potentially,

    * (a) an educator/trainer of ontologists, please respond to Survey-1

    * (b) an employer/manager of ontologists or ontology-related
professionals, please respond to Survey-2

    * (c) an ontologist or aspiring ontologist yourself, please
respond to Survey-2

    * (d) an ontology domain expert, someone who can influence the
future of this field or a visionary; and is someone who believes in
the potential impact of Ontology, please join our RTDelphi Study-3

... we need your input and insights. See the extended description of
each of the survey instruments below for more details, especially,
regarding whether a particular survey is for you. For those who assume
different roles [ ontologist: educator | employer | practitioner ] in
relation to the ontology domain in real life, you are welcome to make
multiple responses to survey-2 and study-3 more than once. However,
please make sure you respond in just one role at a time (and make sure
you have clearly indicated which role/perspective you are coming

The responses from these questionnaires will be used to produce
reports that will be presented at the OntologySummit2010_Symposium,
which will be held at NIST (Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA) on March 15th
and 16th, 2010.

... Please note that responses to our surveys and studies will be made
available as open content to our community and the public at-large
under the prevailing Ontolog open IPR policy

Note: by "ontology" here, we mean "Ontology for Information Science"
and not "Ontology" as the philosophical study that is a part of

As a final note ... please help forward this invitation to anyone you
know (other potentially interested & relevant parties) who could
contribute to making this study a success.

On behalf of the Ontology Summit 2010 organizing committee and the
developers of these studies, I thank you in advance of your
participation and contribution!

Thanks & regards.  =ppy

For and on behalf of the
OntologySummit2010 Organizing Committee

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:54 PM
Subject: Fwd: Invitation to participate - Survey on "Present Ontology
Education/Training Content & Quality"
To: "[ontolog-invitation]" <ontolog-invitation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


This is the first of 3 surveys that form a part of the research
conducted in the course of Ontology Summit 2010.

The three surveys will revolve around:

1. Present ontology[*] education/training content and quality.

2. Ontology education/training requirements and quality expectations, and

3. The future of ontologists

If you are currently or potentially,
  (a) an educator/trainer of ontologists,
  (b) an employer/manager of ontologists or ontology-related
professionals , or
  (c) an ontologist or aspiring ontologist yourself

... we need your input and insights.

   [*]  Note: by “ontology” here, we mean "Ontology for Information
Science" (and not "Ontology" as the philosophical study that is a part
of metaphysics.)

In this first study, we are looking to those who are currently
providing education and training in Ontology and ontology-related
disciplines. Your response will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & regards.  =ppy

For and on behalf of the
OntologySummit2010 Organizing Committee

P.S.  Do note that responses will be made available as open content to
our community and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR
(ref. http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32 ).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sanchez, Arturo <asanchez@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 12:21 PM
Subject: Invitation to participate
To: ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>, peter.yim@xxxxxxxxx

Dear Fellow Ontologist,

As you may know, the theme of this year's Ontology Summit
is "Creating the Ontologists of the Future". Detailed
information about it can be found at


In preparation for the summit, we are collecting information
to establish the nature and extent of current educational
and training provision in Ontology throughout the world.
To this end, we invite you to participate in the survey
which you can access at


The survey will be available until 11'30 PM
on February 15, 2010 (US/EST).

We estimate that completing the survey should take between
10 minutes and half an hour of your time, depending on how
much information you are able to supply. Please feel free
to forward the link to anyone else who you think may be able
to supply information.

When the survey is complete, the results will be reported
at the final summit Symposium in March. They will also be
made available to the community on-line.

Yours sincerely

Dr. Antony Galton (School of Engineering, Computing,
and Mathematics. University of Exeter, UK):

Dr. Arturo Sánchez-Ruíz (School of Computing,
University of North Florida, USA):

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