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[ontology-based-standards] collaborating with the ISO 15926 working grou

To: Onno Paap <onno.paap@xxxxxxxxx>, ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx, Anatoly Levenchuk <ailev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Victor Agroskin <vic5784@xxxxxxxxx>, Matthew West <matthew.west@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: ontology-based-standards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 10:34:53 -0800
Message-id: <CAGdcwD2MmWhi7-OJD-aTR4+hYb0RznvH5Z66M+aH=Q8H=0EhNA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Further to the discussion towards the end of the 2nd session (Thu
2012.11.08)  of the OnytologyBasedStandards mini-series,
ref. (Thu 2012.11.08)
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_11_08#nid3HZM    (01)

Alex Shkotin suggested we engage the ISO 15926 folks, and Anatoly
Levenchuk (being a part of that community) has agreed to help us
follow-up on the matter. Anatoly has promptly sent a message to that
effect (thanks, Anatoly!), which I am forwarding below, so we can have
an open conversation on the matter here on this list.    (02)

To the ISO 15926 folks ... (on behalf of the initiative) may I take
the opportunity to invite you to join us in this collaboration to over
the Ontology-based Standards agenda forward. ... Besides a virtual
session featuring some of the latest developments in your Standards
work, what other forms of collaboration can be effective (as far as
this Initiative is concerned,) now that we have a growing list of
collaborators? ... I realize Anatoly has suggested some in his message
(below) already.    (03)

Thanks & regards. =ppy
--    (04)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anatoly Levenchuk <ailev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 12:20 PM
Subject: RE: [ontolog-invitation] Moving Forward with Ontology-based
Standards - mini-series session-2 - Thu 2012.11.08
To: Onno Paap <onno.paap@xxxxxxxxx>, ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Victor Agroskin <vic5784@xxxxxxxxx>, Peter Yim
<peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>, Matthew West
<matthew.west@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    (05)

Dear Onno and Ian,
Just now was ended 2nd online session of Ontology-based Standards
mini-series ( http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2012_11_08
). At the end of this session it was questions about work of ISO 15926
community. I guess that Onno and Ian can give to ontologists community
presentations on current work for formal ISO 15926 development (ISO
process) and methodology and maintenance efforts of JORD project of
PCA and FIATECH.    (06)

Especially it was requested for brief Part 8 (mapping to OWL) review.
Similar initiative (usage OWL like tools exchange format for OMG SBVR
ontology with attempt to preserve richness of SBVR) was mentioned in
today's session --
from slide 17.    (07)

But I think that people in ontology community can be interested in our
effort to move to high-level ontology representations (from Part 2
graphs to
templates, then to patterns and declaring mappings as a first class artifacts).    (08)

Special interest of general ontology community can be to concept of
WIP (work-in-progress with slow ISO standardization and quick
industry-level standardization).    (09)

I think that you can tell also about multiple tools that support ISO
15926 and examples of usage of it by industry, this is not "dead
language"!    (010)

Sorry, I already write too much to present :-) Sure, you can tell
about all that you consider important about ISO 15926 and ignore my
suggestions. May be Victor and Matthew can add something.    (011)

I guess that Peter Yim will arrange all logistics of this ISO and JORD
standardization efforts presentations to ontologists community.
Please, reply to him.    (012)

Best regards,
---    (013)

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