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[ontologizing] Glossary Question WAS: Re: Draft Taxo-Thesaurus Facets

To: ontologizing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Rex Brooks <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 12:48:02 -0700
Message-id: <a06240828c2a1d6fa620d@[]>
Hi Folks,

I am reposting this to the ontologizing with a changed subject line to capture this minor exchange.

If anyone else has an interest in exploring how we might develop an evolving glossary that perhaps gives comments and examples for terms, as well as capturing definitions, and discussions about those terms, I would like to hear about it.


Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 08:54:14 -0700
To: paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx, "Rex Brooks" <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Rex Brooks <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Draft Taxo-Thesaurus Facets
Cc: "dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 "Bob Smith" <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Arsic, Antoinette" <aarsic@xxxxxxxxx>,
 ajchen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Doug Holmes" <dholmes@xxxxxxx>,
 "Dagobert Soergel" <dsoergel@xxxxxxx>, "Ken Baclawski" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 "Lisa Colvin" <lisadawncolvin@xxxxxxxxx>,
 "Patrick Heinig" <PEHeinig@xxxxxxxxx>, peter.yim@xxxxxxxx
X-Rcpt-To: <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
X-DPOP: Version number supressed
Hi Paola,

At this point I was just trying to clarify what you were looking for.

However, I also think it could be useful if we found a way to accommodate 2, without either creating a set of pages that will just occupy server space without being used or creating wasteful controversy. I think that a need exists, but how great a need, and whether it rises to the point where we should take it on as a task remains to be seen. I don't want to help start something that doesn't actually satisfy a need, though my experience shows that sometimes there is a significant delay between the time something gets started and the time when it is "discovered" and starts serving the needs it was intended to serve or unanticipated needs. There's seldom a way to be certain of outcomes, but we should at least discuss it.


At 8:13 PM +0700 6/22/07, paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
HI Rex

My immediate interest is: find an accepted definition when I need it, for example when writing an article on deadline and wanting to reference  existing knowledge which is not made completely explicit and usable yet. Some things are discussed in pages and pages of literature, but not better defined in a way that can be easily and quickly referenced, probably because its new stuffs -

This, in our days, implies many possible things
1, find an existing, accepted definition where evailable
2. find possible de facto definitions (people use the word in different ways even when the official definition is not available/totally accepted yet)

I think the tracking of language evolution is a personal fascination of mine, because it shows a lot of history of concept evolution too behind the words, therefore carries a lot of intrinsic meaning

tell us more of what you have in mind

On 6/22/07, Rex Brooks <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Paola,

I have a question about your interest in a glossary of ontology terms.

Are you most interested in finding a quick one or two entry authoritative definition, (1), or are you most interested in gathering comments and opinions with regard to a term's various definitions, (2)?

What struck me as I was thinking about this is the evolution of dictionaries, which have traditionally cited known usages, a la the development of legal findings by process of precedents. It occurs to me that there may be a refinement possible of the more obvious flaws of vanilla wiki procedures waved ad infinitum about Wikipedia as if some set of obvious errors discredits the whole process. I gathered that this was the direction of your interest, but we have differing perceptions of this.


At 11:48 AM +0700 6/22/07, paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Deb, Lisa

look forward to the proceedings of your exercise
I am interested in the method
could you please briefy describe your inventorying and indexing process, what technology
do you use, and what are we going to do with what we end up with

(I may reference this ina  paper if I may and if I understand exactly what we are doing)
Post me offlilist if you prefer, I will summarize the method and post it

On 6/22/07, dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:
Bob and Peter,

Just to let you know that I've started the Coast inventory of the Ontolog wiki.
You might see a lot of activity against the index tonight, Peter.  I'm letting
the inventory run.

This time around, I'm inventorying sections of the wiki to start with, rather
than from the top down as we did last time.  I'm first targeting the Speaker
Index as I expect this will surface all of the content from the presentations.
Next, I'll target the Meetings and Calls.   I'm hoping that this will get around
much of the superficial content we pulled up last time.   We can concatenate all
of the individual inventories in the end.  Or, rerun from the top down if this
approach doesn't produce good results.

I'm hoping this first inventory will finish by the time I come into work
tomorrow.  This is the slow part of the process.

Best regards,


Paola Di Maio *****
School of Information Technology
Mae Fah Luang University
Chiang Rai - Thailand

Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670


Paola Di Maio *****
School of Information Technology
Mae Fah Luang University
Chiang Rai - Thailand

Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670

Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670
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