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[ontolog-forum] SOCoP online meeting on topics from the Vespucci Institu

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 10:39:39 -0400
Message-id: <CAMhe4f0ODxGZS=EicxFdRs=y7ofL7a5co3oOhPB6HOsuLbwiEQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
The recent Vespucci Institutes 2015  Programme this June at Bar Harbor, Maine, included several topics of likely interest to the Ontolog & SOCoP communities as well as people who participated in the annual Ontology Summit activities .  Week one was "Spatial Ontologies for e-Science"  and Week 2: 
"Advancing Geographic Information Science: The Past and Next Twenty Years."

Many of us were not be able to attend and Torsten Hanhmann  has graciously offered  give us an update on some of the topics discussed based on summary notes from the meeting.  An online WebEx meeting hosted by GMU is being scheduled for this to be held Wed July 8th from 11-noon (Eastern). 

Here is the webex information for the July SOCoP Webinar discussion by Torsten Hanhmann on topics from the  "Spatial Ontologies for e-Science" Vespucci session. (Seehttp://vespucci.org/images/vespucci/2015/WEEK1_program_2015v2.pdf for some topics covered)

The Meeting URL: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M56GN7D2AF3MLT9FNJNCRKN3YK-4O2&rnd=858394.8052

Meeting number: 196 254 155

Audio connection through phone: +1-415-655-0001

​If you have any questions email me.  We hope to have a related, follow on meeting in August for people who will miss this one. ​

Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.  
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Independent Consultant
Potomac, MD

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  • [ontolog-forum] SOCoP online meeting on topics from the Vespucci Institutes 2015 Progreamme Wed July 8th from 11-noon (Eastern), Gary Berg-Cross <=