On 2/9/2015 5:36 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> Here's a description of the aforementioned articles by way of nanotation
> embedded in this reply. Note the use of curly braces {} as an
> alternative shorthand for the ## Nanotation Start ## and ## Nanotation
> End ## markers I've used in the past. Net effect, reply becomes another
> data source integrated into the Linked Open Data Cloud: (01)
That's a rather large amount of typing. Do you have automated tools
to generate those annotations? (02)
As a general principle, I don't trust people to produce structured
data of any kind -- unless they're well trained and have a very
strong motivation. (03)
But even then, I don't trust them to produce error-free data,
and I don't believe that any two people can consistently produce
consistent markups of the same documents -- not even well-paid
professionals. (04)
John (05)
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