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[ontolog-forum] Change to Ontolog Board of Trustees Terms of Reference

To: "'[ontolog-forum] '" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Matthew West" <dr.matthew.west@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:29:41 -0000
Message-id: <001801d0148e$1efa3510$5cee9f30$@gmail.com>

Dear All,

You may recall that in my recent report of our Board of Trustees meeting that we wished to change the terms of reference for the Board of Trustees to enable the use of Robert’s Rules of Order.


The Terms of Reference provide the following provisions for being changed or added to.


§   1. These Terms of Reference can be changed at any time by the current Board of Trustees. 

§   2. Proposed changes should be publicized to the general membership of the Ontolog Community of Practice, along with an avenue for feedback and discussion, prior to decision by the Board.    


So in this email I am publicizing the proposed change to the Ontolog Community of Practice and requesting any comments or discussion of this before we take the decision at our next meeting.


The proposal is to add the following to the Meetings section of the Terms of Reference:

“9. Whilst meetings of the Board of Trustees will normally be conducted on an informal basis, any member of the Board of Trustees may require that the meeting conducts designated business under Robert’s Rules of Order.”


Please direct any comments to this list.




Matthew West

Wandering Glider




+44 750 338 5279


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