[Apologies for cross-posting] (01)
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the
following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to
WaSABi 2014.
The submission deadline has been extended to March 21st, 2014. (02)
for the 2nd Workshop on (03)
(WaSABi 2014) (04)
May 26th, 2014 - Anissaras/Hersonissou, Crete, Greece
*** Paper submission deadline: March 14th, 2014 ***
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (05)
In recent years Semantic Web based systems, applications and tools have
shown significant improvement. Their increased deployment indicates a
steady maturing of semantic technologies and demonstrates their value in
solving current and emerging problems. Though the number of enterprises
working on and with these technologies is dwarfed by the number who have
not yet adopted semantic technologies. Possible reasons for this include
lack of well known enterprise use cases and market dynamics in academia
on the one hand, and lack of easy to use standard architectures,
frameworks, and system design patterns on the other hand. (06)
The goal for the Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best
Practice is to foster adoption of Semantic Web technologies by helping
to further bridge the gap between industry and academia. Topics for
presentation and discussion at the workshop include technical and
usage-oriented issues. The workshop aims to cover all matters that help
in shortening development and deployment time for an academic or a
practitioner wishing to work with semantic technologies. (07)
Authors are invited to consider the following (non exhaustive) list of topics: (08)
* The current state of Semantic Web technology usage in enterprise
* Known enterprise challenges and matching Semantic Web technology solutions
* Business workflows and processes integrating Semantic Web technologies
* System development methodologies as applied to Semantic Web technologies
* Semantic Web toolkits or frameworks for enterprise applications
* Lessons learned and good practices identified from Semantic Web
implementation projects
* Architectures and design patterns for Semantic Web in enterprise systems
* Semantic Big Data solutions addressing Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Veracity
* Linked Data integration and change management
* Comparative or benchmarking studies of tools, methods, and algorithms in
enterprise environments (09)
Papers that focus on uptake surveys, case studies, and new approaches,
architectures, or tools demonstrating best practices in Semantic Web
technologies are particularly encouraged. (010)
Submission criteria are as follows: (011)
* Papers must adhere to the LNCS format guidelines
* Papers are limited to eight pages (including figures, tables and appendices).
* Papers are submitted in PDF format via EasyChair
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wasabi2014). (012)
Accepted authors are given a presentation time slot of 15 minutes, with 5
minutes Q&A. (013)
All accepted papers will be included in the WaSABi 2014 proceedings, to be
published online via CEUR-WS. (014)
All deadlines are unless otherwise stated 23:59 Hawaii time. (015)
• Submission - March 21, 2014 (extended)
• Notification - April 7, 2014
• Camera ready version - April 18, 2014
• Workshop - May 26, 2014 (half day, morning session) (016)
• Marco Neumann, KONA LLC
• Sam Coppens, iMinds – Multimedia Lab – Ghent University
• Karl Hammar, Jönköping University, Linköping University
• Magnus Knuth, Hasso Plattner Institute - University of Potsdam
• Dominique Ritze, University of Mannheim
• Miel Vander Sande, iMinds – Multimedia Lab – Ghent University (017)
For enquiries, please contact the organizers at wasabi2014@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (018)
- Ghislain Atemezing - Eurecom, France
- Sören Auer - University of Bonn, Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany
- Konstantin Baierer - Ex Libris, Germany
- Dan Brickley - Google, UK
- Eva Blomqvist - Linköping University, Sweden
- Andreas Blumauer - Semantic Web Company, Austria
- Frithjof Dau - SAP Research, Germany
- Johan De Smedt - Tenforce, Belgium
- Kai Eckert - University of Mannheim, Germany
- Henrik Eriksson - Linköping University, Sweden
- Daniel Garijo - Technical University of Madrid, Spain
- Peter Haase - Fluid Operations, Germany
- Corey A. Harper - New York University Libraries, USA
- Michael Hausenblas - MapR Technologies, Ireland
- Peter Mika - Yahoo! Research, Spain
- Charles McCathie Nevile - Yandex, Russia
- Heiko Paulheim - University of Mannheim, Germany
- Kurt Sandkuhl - University of Rostock, Germany
- Vladimir Tarasov - Jönköping University, Sweden
- Sebastian Tramp - AKSW – University of Leipzig, Germany
- Ruben Verborgh - iMinds – Ghent University, Belgium
- Jörg Waitelonis - Yovisto.com, Germany (019)
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