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Re: [ontolog-forum] context, space-time, group hierarchy

To: "rhm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <rhm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Adam Pease <apease@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Brian Riley <brian.riley@xxxxxxxxx>, "Richard S. Latimer" <rslatimer@xxxxxxx>
From: "Barkmeyer, Edward J" <edward.barkmeyer@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 17:42:58 +0000
Message-id: <55d0d442cdc64aa7a4cfb231cb389cba@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>



It seems to me that:


> Every proposition has a context that defines the terms and assumptions of the proposition.


Could be written:

Every proposition is part of an ontology/theory that defines the terms in the proposition and the axioms that surround it.


> The context may be expressed as a list of propositions.
>         context name :: { defining proposition list };
>        at context name { proposition list };


may be written :

(IF (AND <defining proposition list> )

      (AND <proposition list> ))


which is only to say that the proposition list in context is just another proposition.

What you are proposing is then strictly a notational difference, presumably based on the possible languages in which {proposition-list} may be written.

Which leads to the real issue:  

The more serious problems with ‘context’ (as most of us understand it) are:

a) the knowledge engineer does not know exactly what the ‘context’ is, and

b) if s/he does, s/he may not have a notation in which it can be formally captured.






Edward J. Barkmeyer                     Email: edbark@xxxxxxxx

National Institute of Standards & Technology

Systems Integration Division

100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8263             Work:   +1 301-975-3528

Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8263             Mobile: +1 240-672-5800


"The opinions expressed above do not reflect consensus of NIST,

 and have not been reviewed by any Government authority."



From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Richard H. McCullough
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 11:49 AM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Cc: Adam Pease; Brian Riley; Richard S. Latimer
Subject: [ontolog-forum] context, space-time, group hierarchy


I hope that this brief note will clarify a few key ideas that I have discussed previously.

1. context
Every proposition has a context that defines the terms and assumptions of the proposition.
The context may be expressed as a list of propositions.
         context name :: { defining proposition list };
         at context name { proposition list };

2. space-time
Propositions may describe actions which cause changes over space-time.
Therefore context must include space, time component.

3. group hierarchy
Some propositions describe a group hierarchy, and it is useful to separate the
hierarchy propositions from the other propositions.

There are two interesting types of groups in use today
            Rand concept
I mistakenly believed that Rand concepts were appropriate for RDF, OWL, CycL.
I need to revise all my knowledge bases to use Class instead.

Briefly stated, we may say that
           Class is group of individuals with 0 or more members
           Rand concept is group of individuals with 2 or more members,
                                                                               similar characteristics
Ayn Rand required 2 or more members to distinguish between abstract groups
and concrete individuals.  Class does not make this distinction.
Dick McCullough
Context Knowledge Systems
mKE and the mKR language
mKR/mKE tutorial

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