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Re: [ontolog-forum] Radio 4 on "Ordinary Language Philosophy"

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 11:20:52 -0500
Message-id: <527D0F64.3000601@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Neil,    (01)

Thanks for the pointer.  That panel discussion helps clarify some
issues we've been discussing in Ontolog Forum:    (02)

> Podcast on http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03ggc19
> Ordinary Language Philosophy, Duration: 43 minutes    (03)

The series also has many panel discussions on science, philosophy,
and related topics.  The session on empiricism is relevant to current
work on ontology in both philosophy and AI:    (04)

    Empiricism, starting with John Locke    (05)

But a branch of philosophy, which I believe subsumes and goes beyond
both of the above, is pragmatism -- especially Peirce's version.
I recently came across an unusually good and short intro:    (06)

    de Waal, Cornelis (2013) _Peirce: A Guide for the Perplexed_,
    London: Bloomsbury.    (07)

This book is a rare synthesis:  a clear, readable intro that
includes 6 pages of notes to show the sources for each claim.
(Table of contents below).    (08)

The paperback costs $18.17 at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. (But I
recommend http://bn.com to help preserve alternative suppliers.)    (09)

___________________________________________________________________    (010)

CONTENTS    (011)

1 Life and work, page 1    (012)

2 Mathematics and philosophy, 15    (013)

3 Phenomenology and the categories, 33    (014)

4 The normative science of logic, 47    (015)

5 Semiotics, or the doctrine of signs, 73    (016)

6 Philosophy of science, 93    (017)

7 Pragmatism, 109    (018)

8 Truth and reality, 125    (019)

9 Mind, God, and cosmos, 141    (020)

Notes, 165    (021)

Bibliography, 171    (022)

Index, 175    (023)

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