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Re: [ontolog-forum] Computer science ontology vs. philosophical ontology

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:49:00 -0500
Message-id: <5276706C.60403@xxxxxxxxxxx>
The aimless wandering of this thread shows why philosophical analysis
is necessary to organize ontologies and terminologies of any kind.
What you call it is irrelevant.    (01)

I endorse Simon's suggestion to look at Pat Hayes' article on the
ontology of liquids.  The URL points to a version from 1978, which
was later published in a collection of AI papers.  But it could
also have been published in a collection of philosophy papers:    (02)

    Ontology for liquids    (03)

This is a working paper for the Fondatione Dalle Molle. They were
using the word 'ontology' in the '70s. See 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalle_Molle_Institute_for_Semantic_and_Cognitive_Studies    (04)

William made some points about the ambiguity of prepositions:
> if we take prepositions, like 'in' to be meaningful in themselves,
> when they are notoriously context dependent we get something, we
> just CAN'T create a meaningful ontology around.  Even in closely
> related languages like German, the in cognate occupies an
> overlapping space, not the same space, and has lots of uses    (05)

Those issues appear in any representation of space and time.
For examples in French and English, see slides 47 to 52 of    (06)

    The goal of language understanding    (07)

Slide 46 summarizes the basic issues, which are illustrated in
the remainder.  For a related, but much shorter set of slides,    (08)

    Vague, incomplete, uncertain, and dynamically changing information    (09)

Pat wrote about contexts in an article for an AAAI symposium, but
it could also be considered philosophy:    (010)

    Context mereology    (011)

This paper starts with McCarthy's "ist" operator (is-true-in) and
organizes contexts in a partial order or "nest".  Following is an
article in which I discuss related issues and develop "nested graph
models" to represent them.  It was presented at a conference called
Φlog (philosophical logic):    (012)

    Laws, facts, and contexts    (013)

Both Pat's article and mine get into a lot of technical details.
A more introductory survey for an AAAI symposium is    (014)

    Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of contexts    (015)

Bottom line:  The issues are the same, but the emphasis changes
with the author, the audience, and the name of the conference.    (016)

John    (017)

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