Given his responses on the public-lod list, I think he's blowing smoke. (01)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontolog-forum-
>bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kingsley Idehen
>Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:19 PM
>To: public-lod@xxxxxx; [ontolog-forum]
>Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Triad Logic
>On 6/25/13 2:13 PM, Gregg Reynolds wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Just posted a article at that may be of
>> interest to members of the list. It's a fairly detailed formal
>> definition of what I'm calling a "Triad" calculus (or logic or
>> language) that I believe could be used to define RDF-like languages
>> very concisely, expressively, and formally. I think there's enough
>> there, there, so you can see what I'm getting at. It might be useful
>> in the Great LD Definition Debate of 2013.
>> There are two specific aspects of it for which I would appreciate any
>> pointers to related work. One is a concept, "strengthening", as
>> counterpart to the standard idea of extending a language (or
>> entailment regime): basically, instead of adding to the language, you
>> reclassify the symbol set. It seems to me that strengthening (as I
>> describe it in the blog) is pretty serviceable as one of the
>> fundamental differences between RDF languages and FOL. I don't recall
>> coming across anything similar, but my knowledge of the logic
>> literature is hardly encyclopedic. I expect somebody must have
>> written something about it (maybe calling it something else); pointers
>> welcome.
>> The other thing is sticking existential quantification in the
>> meta-language and using "rewrite" rules to get from (what are
>> effectively) triples with blank nodes to the equivalent formal
>> quantificational sentence. Seems to work well enough; if it does, I
>> suppose it's a technique that must have been used somewhere, so again,
>> pointers appreciated.
>> Also: is this the right place for this kind of post?
>I've copied in the ontology forum. I certainly know you'll feedback from
>there :-)
>> Cheers,
>> Gregg
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