On Thu, May 23, 2013 00:34, jmcclure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: (01)
> I really appreciate the amount of your time and the depth of
> your responses to my questions - you've sharpened my understanding of a
> few things (and thanks for the name inspiration). I hope you benefitted
> also. (02)
So far, i have been confused by this syntax. (03)
> * Grover is a vocabulary of properties - of prepositions plus
> tenses of 'to-have' (04)
The above sentence the syntax you used was created prior to your email
including it. I did a few quick web searches but found nothing applicable
for "Grover model". (05)
Could you please provide a link to a document formally specifying
the vocabulary and syntax and explaining the semantics of its statements? (06)
> * explicitly built atop RDF's model ..... "a
> Resource instance HAS instances of Properties"
> * with
> "loosely-coupling predicates" to reduce the size of ontologies, their
> costs and scariness (07)
I have found what i've seen so far quite scary. (08)
> * A vocabulary intentionally trivial for anyone to
> self-master (09)
That may be for a person who reads a document defining the vocabulary
and syntax. Why you have provided so far is not intuitive enough to
understand, nor similar enough to any of the dozens of computer/data/
ontology languages that i have learned for me to be clear of its meaning. (010)
> * A vocabulary intentionally suitable for modelling
> document content
> * Grover is a vocabulary of categories - of
> adjectives & adverbs
> * that uses a highly useful naming scheme...
> type:topic-name ... (see ISO Topic Maps) (011)
How does [[Sister:Person:X]] correspond to this? (012)
> * that implements the syntax
> seen here eg past(Statement) must(Statement) etc (013)
Where is the missing argument in these statements? The first
statement is past relative to what time? The second statement
is required according to what authority? (014)
> John Sowa's right that
> "RDF and most versions of logic are not polymorphic"
> meaning that prepositions' semantic rules would,
> under Grover, depend on the types of
> subject & predicate nodes present in a triple. (015)
One could create a theory that can do this:
(type X TypeA)
(type Y TypeB))
<Statement>) (016)
> But I don't use a
> property's name/range/domain as validation criteria, (017)
Thus data entry error could not be caught by a type violation. (018)
> I see them as
> indexes to the formalisms, in other words, I presume the validity of
> relationships, looking up applicable formalisms as needed -- I think
> that's what's meant in part by an open-world model. (019)
Open-world does not mean "anything goes". It means that the knowledge
base is not omniscient. E.g., if the KB has information that Barak has a
daughter named Sasha, that doesn't mean that Barak has only one
daughter. (020)
> So, as
> 'polymorphic properties' seem Sowa's only technical concern, and as I
> expect little effort dealing with those, I see no impediment to bringing
> a Grover front-end to my semantic wikis. To the extent he & others
> believe that Grover is not a recommended practice, (021)
Who has recommended it? Is it an ISO standard? (022)
doug foxog (023)
> that ontologies need
> to be heavier than what I envision, suggests there's much for us all to
> learn in the future. For the present, I'll stop this thread.
> Thanks
> again - jmc
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