25th OpenMath Workshop
Bath, UK
10 July 2013
co-located with CICM 2013
Submission deadline 7 June (01)
http://www.cicm-conference.org/2013/openmath/ (02)
OpenMath (http://www.openmath.org) is a language for exchanging
mathematical formulae across applications (such as computer algebra
systems). From 2010 its importance has increased in that OpenMath
Content Dictionaries were adopted as a foundation of the MathML 3 W3C
recommendation (http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML), the standard for
mathematical formulae on the Web. (04)
Topics we expect to see at the workshop include (05)
* Feature Requests (Standard Enhancement Proposals) and Discussions
for going beyond OpenMath 2;
* Further convergence of OpenMath and MathML 3;
* Reasoning with OpenMath;
* Software using or processing OpenMath;
* OpenMath on the Semantic Web;
* New OpenMath Content Dictionaries; (06)
Contributions can be either full research papers, Standard Enhancement
Proposals, or a description of new Content Dictionaries, particularly
ones that are suggested for formal adoption by the OpenMath Society. (07)
IMPORTANT DATES (all times are "anywhere on earth") (08)
* 7 June: Submission
* 20 June: Notification of acceptance or rejection
* 5 July: Final revised papers due
* 10 July: Workshop (09)
Submission is via EasyChair
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences?conf=om20131). Final papers
must conform to the EasyChair LaTeX style. Initial submissions in
this format are welcome but not mandatory – but they should be in PDF
and within the given limit of pages/words. (011)
Submission categories: (012)
* Full paper: 5–10 EasyChair pages
* Short paper: 1–4 EasyChair pages
* CD description: 1-6 EasyChair pages; a .zip or .tgz file of the
CDs must be attached, or a link to the CD provided.
* Standard Enhancement Proposal: 1-10 EasyChair pages (as
appropriate w.r.t. the background knowledge required); a .zip or
.tgz file of any related implementation (e.g. a Relax NG schema)
should be attached. (013)
If not in EasyChair format, 500 words count as one page. (014)
Electronic proceedings will be published with CEUR-WS.org. (016)
* Christoph Lange (University of Birmingham, UK)
* James Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
* Michael Kohlhase (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany) (018)
* Lars Hellström (Umeå Universitet, Sweden)
* Jan Willem Knopper (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands)
* Paul Libbrecht (Center for Educational Research in Mathematics
and Technology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg)
(to be completed) (020)
Comments/questions/enquiries: to be sent to
openmath-workshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (021)
Christoph Lange, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
http://cs.bham.ac.uk/~langec/, Skype duke4701 (022)
→ Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 8–12 July, Bath, UK.
Work-in-progress deadline 7 June; http://cicm-conference.org/2013/
→ OpenMath Workshop, 10 July, Bath, UK.
Submission deadline 7 June; http://cicm-conference.org/2013/openmath/ (023)
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