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[ontolog-forum] OntologySummit2013: Call for Proposals to Ontology Evalu

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:45:32 -0800
Message-id: <CAGdcwD0KkpR257F0Bndn1=6tE3+Dybit20Cj_hZV9Bdiv7Ay0A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear ALL,    (01)

You are cordially invited to participate in the following range of
activities featured as part of the program in this year's Ontology
Summit - "OntologySummit2013: Ontology Evaluation Across the Ontology
Lifecycle."    (02)

1. Three (3) Activities Featured:    (03)

1.1 "Hackathon" - where small, distributed and collaborating teams
will work intensely together over a weekend or two, to create some new
code, new API, or new ontology, that are relevant to this Ontology
Summit and/or this year's "Ontology Evaluation" theme.    (04)

1.2 "Ontology Clinic" - where small teams will ...    (05)

(A) send ontologies to be evaluated through "ontology evaluation
tool(s)," study the results, diagnose problems with the ontology, and
see how the ontology may be improved, or    (06)

(B) send gold standard ontologies through the "evaluation tool," study
the results, diagnose problems with the “tool,” and see how the "tool"
(the ontology too, possibly) may be improved.    (07)

1.3 "Application Clinic" - where small teams of ontologists and
ontology-evaluation-tool developers will work with a  user community
team (of subject matter experts and application developers) that has a
real ontology-driven application that needs to be designed,
implemented and deployed. This application clinic exercise will
attempt to help the users evaluate whether ontologies the users
already had in mind are fit for the intended purpose, and whether the
quality of those ontologies are satisfactory.    (08)

2. We encourage members of the community who want to participate to
form teams and send in their proposals for any of the above three
activities. Folks are welcome to discuss ideas on this
[ontology-summit] list, and solicit collaboration partners. Submitted
projects may be aligned, merged or tweaked (on mutual agreement) to
produce the best overall impact in terms of the mission of the
Ontology Summit. Successful projects will be invited to be presented
at the Ontology Summit Symposium (2 & 3-May-2013 at NIST,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.)    (09)

3. Project Proposal:    (010)

3.1 Project proposals need to be succinct (1 or 2 pages will do) and
should include the following information:    (011)

* a Title of proposed project (prefix it with "Hackathon,"  "Ontology
Clinic-A/B" or "Application Clinic")
* an Abstract describing the project work
* Collaborators involved names of individuals, affiliations, their
roles in the project, their tasks, etc.
* Objectives / Goals … especially as they relate to the Summit and the
"Ontology Evaluation" theme
* expected Deliverable(s)
* Remarks … (anything pertinent)
* Resource / References    (012)

* submission deadline is Thu 8-Mar-2013. Any question may be addressed
to the [ontology-summit] list, or offline, to Mike Dean
<mdean@xxxxxxx> and Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>.    (013)

4. Calendar and deadlines:    (014)

* Announcement of the call for proposals: Thu 2013.02.21 - ref.
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_02_21    (015)

* Deadline for proposal submission: Thu 2013.03.08 (you have ~3 weeks
to prepare proposal)    (016)

* Alignment of projects and teams: 2013.03.09~03.19 (10 days to tweak
proposals/projects)    (017)

* Announcement of selected projects: Thu 2013.03.21    (018)

* Hackathon-Clinics project plan debut: session-11 - Thu 2013.03.28    (019)

* Staging of projects: Fri 2013.03.22 to hackathon-clincis weekend
(see below; 1 week+)    (020)

* Hackathon-Clinics Weekends: (to be decided after all proposals are received)
** Candidate-1: Fri-Sat 2013.03.30~31
** Candidate-2: Fri-Sat 2013.04.06~07
** Candidate-3: Fri-Sat 2013.04.13~14    (021)

* preparation of writeup/presentation/demo - 2013.04.15~29 (2 weeks+)    (022)

* writeup/presentation/demo material due - 2013.04.30 (2 days before event)    (023)

* Presentation/Demo: Thu 2013.05.02 (Symposium Day-1)    (024)

* (possibly) Award Ceremony: Fri 2013.05.03 (Symposium Day-2)    (025)

5. Submissions, Questions, ... etc.    (026)

5.1 Proposals should be emailed Mike Dean <mdean@xxxxxxx> and Peter
Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> (on/before the 2013.03.08 submission
deadline.)    (027)

5.2 Any person or institution interested to pose "Challenge" projects
or sponsor "Prizes / Awards" for this  OntologySummit2013: Hackathon &
Clinics program are welcome write us too.    (028)

5.3 Please refer also to details presented at the Feb-21 virtual panel
session - see: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_02_21#nid3MTC    (029)

We thank the many individuals who have already provided suggestions,
ideas and the many candidate projects (ref. the "Acknowledgement"
slide on the Feb-21 presentation cited above.) We look forward to
seeing inspiring discussions here (on this thread,) and to your
proposals.    (030)

Thanks & regards. =ppy    (031)

for and on behalf of the,
the Hackathon-Clinics Activity co-champions
 Mike Dean & Peter Yim    (032)

and the
OntologySummit2013 Organizing Committee    (033)

--    (034)

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