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[ontolog-forum] FW: 2nd CFP SWCS2013@ESWC2013 Semantic Web Collaborative

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Obrst, Leo J." <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 21:56:15 +0000
Message-id: <FDFBC56B2482EE48850DB651ADF7FEB01E8E0DB6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

FYI. Seems like Ontolog territory.


From: momo54@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:momo54@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pascal Molli
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 11:26 AM
To: semantic-web@xxxxxx; liste-egc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; asr-forum@xxxxxxxx; CSCW-SIG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; info-ic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dbworld@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: 2nd CFP SWCS2013@ESWC2013 Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces


2nd CfP: SWCS2013@ESWC2013 Workshop on Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces  (SWCS2013). 26th May 2013 in Montpellier, France in conjunction with ESWC2013 http://www.swcs2013.org

Important dates:

      Submission deadline: March 4, 2013

      Notifications: April 1, 2013

      Camera ready version: April 15, 2013

      Workshop: 26th May 2013

Goal and Motivations

Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces such as semantic wikis, semantic social networks, semantic forums, etc. are social semantic software with the mission to bring together human agents and software agents in order to foster knowledge-intensive collaboration, content creation and management, annotated multimedia collection management, social knowledge diffusion and formalizing, and more generally speaking ontology-oriented content management life-cycle.

The domain spans from multidisciplinary research to deployed commercial web applications and contributions from all this spectrum are encouraged. The aim of the SWCS 2013 workshop is to exchange ideas, to discuss pressing research questions arising from theoretical studies and practical usage of semantic web collaborative spaces.


Contributions to this workshop will address one or more of the following topics:

      Representing and reasoning on semantics in social web platforms:

      Reconciling formal semantics and social semantics

      Semantic social network analysis, community detection and community building

      Analyses of semantic wiki contributors and their contributions

      Combining, transforming, translating formal and informal knowledge

      Coping with disagreement, inconsistencies

      Semantics in social/human computing, and vice versa

      Change management, truth maintenance, versioning, and undoing semantic changes

      Connecting knowledge and social interaction rom asynchronous interactions to real-time/multi-synchronous interactions in SWCS

      Optimizing, distributing, scaling SWCS

      Managing and exploiting the emergence of models and their semantics

      Interacting with and within SWCS:

      Browsing, navigating, visualizing

      Editing linked open data, schemas, rules, etc.

      Ergonomics of SWCS, interaction design and usability studies

      Object-centered sociality, knowledge-centered sociality

      Overcoming entrance barriers and giving incentives for contributing

      Provenance, traceability, permissions, trust, licensing, access control, privacy,

      Making formal knowledge accessible, social knowledge evaluation

      Mobile and multimodal accesses to SWCS

      Return on experience and applications of semantic web collaborative spaces:

      Swcs platforms in e-science,  e-learning, e-health, e-governement,

      Enterprise workflows, document flows, business intelligence, technological watch

      Corporate knowledge management or personal information management

      Expert matching, team creation,

      Integration, interoperability and reuse of web collaborative spaces:

      Integrations and interoperability with other semantic applications and mashups

      Interlinking, distributing, federating SWCS

      Extending non-semantic social web platforms with semantics

      Exporting and reusing semantics gained from SWCS


Submissions and Proceedings

Best papers presented at the workshop will be included in the supplementary Springer LNCS proceedings of the conference

We invite the following different kinds of contributions:

      full research or application papers (15 pages) describing recent research outcomes, mature work, prototypes, applications, or methodologies; authors of accepted full papers will be able to present their work in a 15 minute talk at the workshop

      short position papers (5-10 pages) describing early work and new ideas that are not yet fully worked out; authors of short papers will be able to present their work in a 5-10 minute lightning talk at the workshop

      demo outlines (5 pages) describing the demonstration of a software prototype in the poster and demo session during the workshop

      poster descriptions (2 pages) outlining a poster to be presented in the poster and demo session during the workshop

All submissions must be written in English and must be formatted according to the LNCS format

Please submit your contributions electronically in PDF format at:



For any further informations, please contact organizers via





Pascal Molli
Full Professor, Nantes University 
Head of GDD teamLINA
UFR de Sciences et Techniques 
2, rue de la Houssinière 
BP 92208 
Tel : +33 251125810 


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  • [ontolog-forum] FW: 2nd CFP SWCS2013@ESWC2013 Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces, Obrst, Leo J. <=