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Re: [ontolog-forum] Realist Ontology in Mainstream Media

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2013 07:19:03 -0500
Message-id: <51139BB7.3040705@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 2/6/13 11:59 PM, Ali SH wrote:
Hi Kingsley, 

You make some sweeping claims here...

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, and the tragedy of Siri is that lightweight semantics applied to unstructured data runs rings around it, as demonstrated by Google.

Look, if the Siri folks (many who actually know better) had implemented this solution with a little more selflessness they would be running rings around Google today. You wouldn't have Google making a mockery of Siri on its own home turf.
Might you please qualify this? It seems to me that Siri (at least the pre-Apple version), was actually doing a lot of what the Semantic Web still aspires...

No it doesn't. The Semantic Web isn't about silo applications. It's all about the Web and the addition of entity relationship semantics to the mesh of content constitutes the Web. If Siri was even marginally close to the essence of the Semantic Web vision it would have loose coupling to data sources.

Loose coupling to semantically rich data sources data sources on the Web is how Siri would have protected itself from what's happening right now i.e., Google runs rings around it, playfully.

That they didn't expose their own methods via open standards, is a business decision, but i don't think that's their "downfall" (if we can even call it that). It is true that Apple to a large extent lobotomized Siri, but I can't make head or tails of your claims.

Siri is like a human being today that doesn't have the ability to access new knowledge from subject matter experts. It just knows what it knows and its sources are mysteriously limited.

In what ways is Google making a "mockery" of Siri?

There are many videos demonstrating that [1][2][3].
Is it doing so using SW standards?


Do they expose their own core data in an open way (in this context)?


Google has a virtuous cycle the works well for its goals. It isn't pure, but it is superior to Apples' approach.

Is there a single SemWeb or LOD project that comes close to even a fraction of Siri's functionality? C.f:

Compare like with like. Maybe you mean: is there a similar smart agent that leverages the LOD cloud that one could compare with Siri. My basic answer: IBM Watson [4].

If Apple and Google make their virtual assistants really work, that could be replaced by a much more centralized approach. Want something? Ask Siri or turn to Google Now and they’ll do the work of dealing with all those Web pages and apps for you.

It’s already possible to see how that could make things easier for people, and also remove the need for them to install or really be aware of apps as they are today. Many people with iPhones make use of Wolfram Alpha without ever installing it, for example, because it is drawn on by Siri. Likewise, you can find and book a restaurant with Siri without having installed Yelp or any of its competitors. Google Now helps a person track sports scores, and deal with flight boarding passes without their turning directly to ESPN or United’s own mobile services.

None of these are close to what's possible. IBM Watson is the first example (not perfect either) of what's possible when an agent is loosely bound to knowledgebases.

Note, I am being quite kind to Siri :-)


1. http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/11/siri-versus-google-voice-search-fight/
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDsOtdRtG0Q
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=grmixtB9dZM#t=144s
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFR3lOm_xhE -- Watson .


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Kingsley Idehen	      
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