[Moved from IOAO list] (01)
Alan, (02)
I strongly agree. (03)
> Many of the questions we get are still of roughly the form -
> "Now I have an ontology, how do I use it with what I am already doing?"
> or "…what else I need to do?" (04)
To answer that, we need realistic examples. People keep talking about
"use cases", but their cases are more often a wish than a reality. (05)
Suggestion: We should gather a list of *successful* cases or,
more specifically, *deployed* systems that implement an ontology
that is in daily use for mission-critical applications. (06)
If we had such a list (with URLs for detailed documentation), we
could analyze them to determine the criteria that distinguish
practical applications of ontology from wishful thinking. (07)
John (08)
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