A late comment on the modeling of continuous measurement, e.g. of temperature. (01)
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Namens
> doug foxvog
> Verzonden: donderdag 6 september 2012 22:22
> Aan: [ontolog-forum]
> Onderwerp: Re: [ontolog-forum] Binary versus N-ary relations
> On Thu, September 6, 2012 11:38, Andries van Renssen wrote:
> ...
> > A property measurement example has two angles:
> It appears that you are referring to a measurement series. "A" (single)
> "measurement" sounds like an individual data point, to me. (02)
[AvR] I refer a to continuous measurement over a period in time. This is an
illustration of a property, such as a temperature T or
speed, that is a phenomenon that lasts continuously over a period of time. Such
a property can be quantified on a scale by relating
it e.g. to a mathematical function, such as T = f(a.t+b), for t1 < t < t2 (with
t=time) for a linear increasing temperature, or it
can be quantified at various moments in time by multiple relations with
discrete values on a scale. However, e.g. temperature is not
discrete in itself. The various relations between T and the discrete values do
not mean that there are several temperatures. It is
one temperature (over time) that has several quantification relations with
discrete numbers. (03)
> > The measurement process, in which various things are involved over time in
> > different roles
> > And the results of the measurements as follows:
> > Object A <has property> T
> > T <is classified as a> temperature
> >From the below, it appears that T is an instance of a
> time-vs-temperature-of-object graph.
> A more semantic name than "T" would be
> "TimeTemperatureGraphOfObjectA".
[AvR] No, T is the temperature itself. A graph might be a graphical
representation of that temperature, but my expressions do not
describe a graph. (04)
> > When the value of T varies over time we can create a sequence of relations
> > between T and numeric values on a scale, such as:
> > T <has a value lower than> 50 C on t1
> > T <has a value equal to> 50 C on t2
> > T <has a value equal to> 51 C on t3
> > Etc.
> > Without the need to respecify the object A and the classification of T.
> Since ObjectAsTimeTemperatureGraph is an object that has
> one functional property that relates it to Object A and another
> functional property that relates it to a specific temperature at
> some defined times (and to no temperature at other times).
> (05)
[AvR] No. It is since a temperature is not a discrete property that allows for
one value only, but it is a property that is
continuous over time and can be related with many numeric values at different
moments in time.
A temperature is in fact a property that is also continuous in the space of the
object that has the temperature and can be related
to various numeric values that are valid at various positions in space and time! (06)
> > With kind regards,
> >
> > Andries
> > ...
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