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[ontolog-forum] Ontology design patterns, roles, top and foundational on

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Juan de Nadie <juandenavas@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 11:19:38 -0300
Message-id: <CAFZD8G6pgU7mi97JaO+aMnnNruXxtUjuZc0KH02t2CT6xqH=cQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I'm a novice in the practice of ontology engineering, and recently I found some challenges in my projects. I think that this forum could help me to answer some questions that have raised recently.

1-There are some book (or other media) that deal with the subject of ontology design patterns, in a compreensive way?

2-What is the status of the modeling of roles (for instance: teacher, student, engineer, as roles of Person) in the state of the art in the ontology engineering?

3-In some of my incursions in the field I have encountered some so-called top ontologies, and foundations ontologies. But, I'm not sure about the competence of this kinds of ontologies.
--Top ontologies and foundational ontologies are the same type of ontology with different names?
--There is some reference that discusses and/or compares different top/foundational ontologies? I know tha some of this ontologies are: DOLCE, SUMO, GFO, UFO, etc. I used the UFO in some recent projects. There are others?
--In my brief practice in the field, seems to me that using some of this top/foundational ontologies, we commit with some ontological notions that have implications in the design of domain ontologies. For instance, in UFO, there is a clear design pattern to model Roles. I am correct about this? The others top/foundational ontologies embody the same implications in the design of domain ontologies?

Best regards.

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