Call for Chapters.
Book on: "Engineering and Management of IT-based Service Systems: an
Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems Approach" (01)
Book series: "Intelligent Systems Reference Library"
Springer-Verlag, London Ltd
http://www.springer.com/series/8578 (02)
A service economy has been recognized as the dominant paradigm in present
times (Chesbrough and Spohrer 2006). Such a service-oriented worldview
demands new engineering and management scientific (both fundamental and
applied) knowledge to cope with the planning, design, building, operation
and evaluation (including the disposal of non adequate) IT-based service
systems (IfM and IBM 2008). Such challenges emerge from the paradigm
shift from a product-based manufacturing economy to this new
service-oriented one (Dermikan et al. 2011). In turn, Intelligent
Decision-Making Support Systems (i-DMSS) are specialized IT-based systems
that support some or several phases of the individual, team,
organizational or inter-organizational decision making process by
deploying some or several intelligent mechanisms (Forgionne et al. 2002;
Phillips-Wren et al. 2009). In particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
has been recognized as a significant enhancement tool for DMSS (Goul et
al. 1992; Eom, 1998) since several decades. However, the utilization of
i-DMSS for engineering and management of IT-based service systems is still
scarce. We believe that fostering its research and utilization is relevant
and needed for advancing the progress of IT-service systems. Consequently,
in this book will pursue to following academic aims: (i) generate a
compendium of quality theoretical and applied contributions in Intelligent
Decision-Making Support Systems (i-DMSS) for engineering and management
IT-based service systems (ITSS); (ii) diffuse scarce knowledge about
foundations, architectures and effective and efficient methods and
strategies for successfully planning, designing, building, operating, and
evaluating i-DMSS for ITSS, and (iii) create an awareness of, and a bridge
between ITSS and i-DMSS academicians and practitioners in the current
complex and dynamic engineering and management ITSS organizational (Mora
et al. 2011).
(References available upon request). (03)
High quality fundamental or applied research-oriented chapters are welcome
on the following key topics: (05)
Section I. Foundations on IT-based Service Systems (06)
Topics: fundamental concepts, models/architectures, frameworks/schemes or
theories for planning, designing, building, operating or evaluating
IT-based service systems using i-DMSS. (07)
Section II. Cases on Engineering and Management of IT-based Service
Systems supported by
i-DMSS (08)
Topics: cases of innovative real or potential (proof of concept) i-DMSS
applications for supporting the planning, designing, building, operating
or evaluating of IT-based service systems in the main service domains such
as: financial, legal, healthcare, logistics, educational, and military.
AI-based technologies as such: logic rule-based systems, ontology-based
systems, machine learning techniques, multi-agent systems techniques,
neural networks systems, fuzzy logic systems, cased-based reasoning
systems, genetic algorithms techniques, data mining algorithms,
intelligent agents, user intelligent interfaces among others are welcome. (09)
Section III. Trends and Challenges on Engineering and Management of
IT-based Service Systems supported by i-DMSS (010)
Topics: emergent AI-based technologies, integrations of these
technologies, and the implications, challenges and trends for supporting
the individual, team, organizational or inter-organizational
decision-making processes applied to IT-based service systems, from a
technical and organizational perspective. (011)
June 30, 2012 � submission deadline of a 3-page chapter proposal including
title, authors and their affiliations, and a 500-word abstract (chapter
goal, problem statement, main related work, research method, and expected
contributions), and a list of main references. (013)
July 31, 2012 � notification deadline of accepted chapter proposals for
its full elaboration. (014)
September 31, 2012 � submission deadline of first version of full chapters. (015)
November 15, 2013 � notification deadline of editorial results
(definitively accepted chapter, conditioned chapter, or definitively
rejected chapter). (016)
February 28, 2013 � submission deadline of second improved version of
conditioned chapters. (017)
March 31, 2013 � notification deadline of definitive editorial decision on
conditioned chapters. (018)
April 15, 2013 � submission deadline of camera-ready versions of accepted
chapters. (019)
November to December 2013 � estimated publishing period. (020)
Interested authors, please send your 3-page chapter proposal before or on
June 30, 2012, to Dr. Manuel Mora at mmora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with copy to
dr.manuel.mora.uaa@xxxxxxxxxx Each chapter proposal will be evaluated by
book guest co-editors with support of senior experts in the specific
themes. Tentative accepted proposals will be asked to be fully elaborated
for their first academic evaluation. It will be realized in a blind-mode
by at least two external reviewers. Conditioned chapters will have an
additional opportunity for being improved and evaluated. In the second
evaluation, a definitive editorial decision among: accepted or rejected
will be reported. All of the accepted chapters must be submitted
according to the Editorial publishing format rules timely. Instructions
for authors can be downloaded at:
http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/T1-book.zip?SGWID=0-0-45-392600-0 (021)
Manuel Mora, EngD, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Jorge Marx G�mez, PhD, Oldenburg University, Germany
Leonardo Garrido, PhD, Tecnol�gico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, M�xico
Francisco Cervantes-P�rez, PhD, CCADET, UNAM, M�xico
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