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Re: [ontolog-forum] Neo4J for Ontology

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 10:19:43 -0400
Message-id: <4F96B67F.4050604@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Ed, Len, and Duane,    (01)

I just wanted to clarify a few points:    (02)

> In the last 20 years, it seems to have become a requirement for somebody
> to "completely axiomatize" every computational modeling language, so as
> not to be left behind in the claims of "formal grounding".  Java is also
> formally grounded. So what?    (03)

> The "formal grounding" is not an objective in itself.    (04)

Yes.  Some academics use the word 'formal' as an honorific that casts
a halo of goodness on whatever it's associated with.    (05)

The basic requirement for any standard is that it must be sufficiently
precise that two or more independently developed implementations can be
tested for compliance.  Logic helps, but it's not magic.    (06)

> This is why there are attempts to combine SQL with no-SQL into
> so-called co-SQL.    (07)

Yes.  There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution for
anything.  The legacy systems aren't going away, and new things
will be invented that we can't even imagine today.    (08)

> ... the guy who tells you his new screwdriver will completely
> replace hammers is a nitwit. The IT industry as a whole seems
> to have a really hard time seeing technologies as incremental
> and complementary rather than revolutionary.    (09)

Yes.  The things I criticize the most are the ones that people claim
will make everything else obsolete.  They never do.  The ones with
the most hype are usually the first ones to become obsolete.    (010)

> What I like about GraphDB's is that they seem to be somewhat aligned
> with the type of queries used for languages like KIF or JSON
> expressions of it.    (011)

The most common kind of query with any DB or KB is to find some
specific fact or a few related facts.  It's important to make the
easy things easy.  But it's also important to have a smooth growth
path from the easy questions to the more complex questions.    (012)

There are two kinds of languages that can support the full range
of uses (declarative, interrogative, and imperative) in smooth,
implementation-independent ways:  natural languages and logics.    (013)

It's useful to provide systematic ways of mapping the implementation
independent languages (NLs and logic) to all systems, new and legacy.    (014)

John    (015)

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