*** Apologies for multiple posts *** (01)
PhD Symposium at the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012
May 27-31, 2012 - Heraklion, Greece (02)
Deadline extension: January 21st (03)
Call for papers
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http://2012.eswc-conferences.org/phd-symposium (05)
Submission System
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http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eswc2012phdsymposium (07)
Important Dates
Paper submission: January 21st, 2012 (extended)
Notifications: February 24th, 2012
Camera ready: March 12th, 2012 (08)
Oscar Corcho, OEG - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
Valentina Presutti, STLab-ISTC - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy) (09)
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