Forwarding below, a response from Nicola Guarino ... (01)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicola Guarino <nicolguar@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: JAO in Scopus & ISI?
Date: 9 September 2011 10:38:11 CEST
To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Mark Musen <musen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> (02)
Dear Mohammad (and all),
the official name of the journal is "Applied Ontology", not "Journal
of Applied Ontology". Anyway, if you go to
and search for the term "Ontology" in the Master Journal List (to the
right in the page), then you get our journal listed. I didn't make a
similar search for Scopus, but we know for sure it is indexed there.
Let me take this clarification as an opportunity to encourage
everybody to submit to Applied Ontology!
Nicola (and Mark) (03)
-------------------------------------- (04)
On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 12:45 AM, MOHAMMAD NAZIR BIN AHMAD SHARIF
<mnazir@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I searched the JAO via Scopus and ISI, however I could not find any proof
> the journal has been indexed. Anyone could help me to confirm this?
> Thanks,
> Dr. Mohammad Nazir Ahmad
> Faculty of Computer Science & Information Systems
> Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
> Phone: +607 5532430 || Email 1: mnazir@xxxxxx || Email 2:
> drmnazir09@xxxxxxxxx
> Official site : || AOCO-SIG:
> ________________________________
> Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ~ Inspiring Creative and Innovative Minds
> ________________________________
> (05)
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