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[ontolog-forum] Reminder: "Architecture Information Exchange Tools: Incr

To: et <et@xxxxxxxxx>
From: "Lucier, Ernie" <Lucier@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 10:21:17 -0400
Message-id: <A2F917C098F1E843A148CD917233123206ECCD0AC1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Reminder: “Architecture Information Exchange Tools: Increasing the Rate of Change” 3/29/11


Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time: 8:30 to 4:45

Where: LMIT 3rd Floor Conference Room; 5290 Shawnee Rd, Alexandria, VA – see map attached and at the end of the agenda

Workshop agenda: draft attached and updates are posted to www.nitrd.gov/et

              DCO and Teleconferencing – see end of agenda

RSVP: et@xxxxxxxxx; etsubcommittee@xxxxxxxxx




You and your colleagues are invited to attend the no fee Tuesday, March 29, 2011 workshop organized by the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee, Architecture & Infrastructure Committee for the Federal CIO Council, from 0830 – 1645.


The workshop theme is “Information Sharing and Security in a Cloud Environment.” Participants will have an opportunity to discuss any emerging technologies they feel are relevant to the mission of the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee charter is available at http://www.ET.gov).


Workshop sponsors include the National Coordination Office of the Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development and the Architecture & Infrastructure Directorate Office of the Secretary of Defense.


RSVP to et@xxxxxxxxx; etsubcommittee@xxxxxxxxx. You are welcome to join remotely. Workshop attendees will be provided a DCO and teleconferencing number NLT 27 March.


Please call or e-mail Brittany Roush (Brittany.roush@xxxxxxxx) if you have any comments or questions regarding the workshop. Please call or e-mail Ernie Lucier (703 292-8723 lucier@xxxxxxxxx) to modify this e-mail list.


Best Regards,

Brittany and Ernie


Brittany Roush

Office of Secretary of Defense

Architecture and Infrastructure

Rotational Engineer




Ernest Lucier

Coordinator, SDP and FASTER

QinetiQ North America

In support of the

National Coordination Office for

Networking and Information Technology Research and Development

4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite II-405

Arlington, VA 22230

703 292-8723





Attachment: Agenda March 29 Emerging Technologies Workshop.doc
Description: Agenda March 29 Emerging Technologies Workshop.doc

Attachment: Directions - LMIT Map-ShawneeRd.ppt
Description: Directions - LMIT Map-ShawneeRd.ppt

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  • [ontolog-forum] Reminder: "Architecture Information Exchange Tools: Increasing the Rate of Change" 3/29/11, Lucier, Ernie <=