I'm pleased to announce that Stanford Center for Biomedical
Informatics Research will hold another offering of the Protege-OWL
Short Course early next year. The course provides an introduction
to ontology development in OWL, both from a theoretical standpoint
and from a practical standpoint through hands-on use of the free,
open-source Protege platform. Instructors emphasize how to use OWL
ontologies, and other semantic technologies like SWRL, to build
semantic applications with examples from real-world use cases.
The course is especially geared toward beginner and intermediate
users of Protege-OWL, but everyone is welcome to register.
Dates & location: March 23-25, 2011, Stanford University
Course content: http://goo.gl/V65n2
Course schedule: http://goo.gl/moE4N
Online registration: http://goo.gl/aOjtq (early bird
discounts expire Feb. 23rd, 10% off for groups of 5 or more)
Please note: Seating is limited!
Questions? Please contact me directly (vendetti at stanford.edu).
I plan to post regular course updates on the Protege Facebook
and Twitter
Best Regards,
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