=== Apologies for multiple postings ===
Call for Problem Proposals
2nd Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP2010)
November 8th, 2010
Shanghai International Convention Center, Shanghai, China
Have you been considering how to solve a particular ontology
engineering problem in a good way? And you didn't find any patterns
in the ODP portal that solve that particular problem? Are you going
to attend ISWC 2010? Then here is your answer: Submit your problem
as a proposal for the WOP 2010 workshop! If selected, the problem
will be discussed and potentially solved in the pattern writing
session at the workshop!
Problem proposals can be either general or related to some
specific domain, but the envisioned solution should correspond to
an ODP of one (or more) of the types listed at [1]. Submission
instructions are found at [2]. Deadline is Friday *October 1st*,
11:59pm Hawaii time.
The problem proposals will be rated by the WOP PC and ODP portal
committees, based on two main criteria:
- Relevance of the problem, and importance of a solution to the
general ontology engineering community or within some specific
- Feasibility to arrive at a draft solution within the time
frame of the workshop.
Please consider that if your proposal is selected, you will be
asked to briefly present the problem at the workshop, and act as
the "problem owner" during the pattern writing group work session.
Best regards,
WOP Pattern Chairs
Eva Blomqvist and Oscar Corcho
[1] http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/OPTypes
[2] http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2010/Submission#Ontology_Engineering_Problem_Submissions