Dear all: (01)
We just released a service update to the GoodRelations ontology for
e-commerce. The update is backwards-compatible to previous releases and
mainly adds additional properties that are important for the rental and
accommodation business. We also redesigned the complete language reference. (02)
Please find the latest resources from the following URIs: (03)
* (RDF/XML or HTML via content negotiation)
* (HTML) (04)
A change log is at (05)
* (06)
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================================== (07)
- New gr:owns property for indicating the products that you own, which
allows exposing ownership data, e.g. to feed for future recommender
systems. So companies and individuals can now express offers
(gr:offers), demand (gr:seeks), and ownership (gr:owns).
- Ordering relations for gr:QualitativeValues, which may be useful e.g.
for modeling garment sizes (XL>L>M>S) (gr:greater, gr:lesser,
gr:greaterOrEqual, gr:lesserOrEqual, gr:equal, and gr:nonEqual)
- gr:validFrom and gr:validThrough can now be applied to opening hours
and payment / delivery charge specifications. This allows for modeling
e.g. longer opening hours in the holiday season, or free shipping in a
certain period.
- New properties gr:eligibleDuration, gr:eligibleTransactionVolume,
gr:advanceBookingRequirement, gr:billingIncrement, gr:deliveryLeadTime,
gr:availabilityStarts, and gr:availabilityEnds for being more specific
about the offer or pricing.
* Examples:
o „Free shipping starting from 20 EURO“ (attached to a
o „Minimal order volume 10 Euro“ (attached to a gr:Offering)
o „Service fee for credit card payments below 10 Euro“ (attached to a
- New property gr:serialNumber
- Ordering relations between gr:DayOfWeek, useful for sorting them in
user interfaces and for including adjacent days (gr:hasPrevious and
- New properties gr:successorOf and gr:predecessorOf for linking newer
product models (gr:ProductOrServiceModel) to discontinued ones. (08)
Backward Compatibility Issues
The only minimal changes that may (but should not) affect existing data
or code are the following: (09)
1. We removed the rdfs:range statement for gr:legalName. It used to be
xsd:string, but that prevented someone from indicating the natural
language, since the language tag can only be attached to untyped RDF
literals. (010)
2. We changed the domain of gr:validFrom and gr:validThrough to the
union of gr:Offering, gr:OpeningHoursSpecification, and
gr:PriceSpecification instead of just gr:Offering and
gr:UnitPriceSpecification. This allows specifying the validity interval
of offers, opening hours, payment charge specifications, and delivery
charge specifications.
All existing data remains valid. It is possible that you have to relax
any domain validation heuristics that you apply. (011)
Special thanks go to Andreas Radinger for reviewing the specification
and handling the deployment, and to Andreas Stolz for writing the Python
script and templates for the language reference. Our script uses the
RDFlib library for parsing and handling RDF and the Jinja template
engine for generating the HTML document. (012)
The service update in particular and the current state of GoodRelations
in general would have been impossible without the valuable feedback and
suggestions from many individuals.
In alphabetical order, we would like to thank Daniel Bingel, Andreas
Harth, Kingsley Idehen, Jay Myers, Markus Linder, Peter Mika, Andreas
Radinger, Martin Schliefnig, Alex Stolz, Jamie Taylor, Giovanni
Tummarello, Jon Udell, and Andreas Wechselberger. (013)
Best (014)
Martin Hepp (015)
martin hepp
e-business& web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen (016)
e-mail: hepp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
phone: +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax: +49-(0)89-6004-4620
www: (group) (personal)
skype: mfhepp
twitter: mfhepp (017)
Check out GoodRelations for E-Commerce on the Web of Linked Data!
================================================================= (018)
Project page: (019)
Resources for developers: (020)
Overview -
How-to - (021)
Recipe for Yahoo SearchMonkey: (022)
Talk at the Semantic Technology Conference 2009:
"Semantic Web-based E-Commerce: The GoodRelations Ontology" (023)
Overview article on Semantic Universe: (024)
Tutorial materials:
ISWC 2009 Tutorial: The Web of Data for E-Commerce in Brief: A Hands-on
Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, RDFa, and Yahoo! SearchMonkey (025)
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