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Re: [ontolog-forum] Re Foundation ontology, CYC, and Mapping

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 08:33:52 -0800
Message-id: <C7BD09F0.C30B%dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Thanks Matthew!

On 3/9/10 11:35 PM, "Matthew West" <dr.matthew.west@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Duane,

For the second of these (conflicts when the same concept is represented by different types), can you elaborate a couple of examples (no hurry).  I just want to make sure I have a good idea of this.
MW: Well I guess representing something that exists in space-time as a 3D or 4D individual would count.
Matthew West                            
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On 3/9/10 2:30 PM, "sean barker" <sean.barker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Apologies for slow response to a couple of requests for sources on semantic incompatibilities.
This is the table we generated internally, based partly on older database work

  Semantic Incompatibilities
  Naming  Conflicts  When objects  representing the same concept may contain dissimilar names: conflicts due  to either homonyms or synonyms.
  Type  Conflicts  When the same  concept is represented by different types.
  Key  Conflicts  When different  keys are assigned to the same concept in different schema.  
  Behavioural  Conflicts  When different  insertion/deletion policies are associated with the same class of objects  in different schemata. e.g. deleting an object may leave an “empty” object  rather than a “null reference”.
  Missing  Data  When different  attributes are defined for the same concept.
  Levels of  Abstraction  When  information about an entity is stored at dissimilar levels of detail. e.g.  ‘name’ versus ‘first_name’ and ‘last_name’.
  Identification of  Related Concepts  For example,  two entities belonging to two different databases may not be equivalent  but one entity may be a generalisation of the other  entity.
  Scaling  Conflicts  When the same  attribute of an entity is stored in dissimilar  units.

it is based on/taken from
[1]    Aykut Firat, Information Integration Using Contextual Knowledge and Ontology Merging. MIT (Sloan School of Management) Ph. D thesis, September 2003.
[1]    M. P. Reddy, B. E. Prasad, P. G. Reddy, Amar Gupta, A Methodology for Integration of Heterogeneous Databases, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 6, December 1994.
There are some other papers dating from the mid-nineties, but they have not survived my various office moves.

Sean Barker

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